
I did it. 45 min of BIU plus Cardio another 45min :D Felt really good :D

DAY 92 (Thu) 2/8
Sup: vit fo cla
B: 3 ew 1 ey
L: oatmeal(30) blueberries(45) brw sugar(1tbs) almond(10) 2%milk(100ml)
S: ffcc + blackberries + blueberries + almonds + 1 tsp granola
S: 10g whey + spicy flour coated peanuts + 1 pcs chocolate
D: flank beef + green bean
S: pop corn w/ butter + purple yam + a cup of green tea
Total 1441 calories
Fat - 35.6% (50 grams) + fat from peanuts
Protein - 30.1% (95 grams)
Carbohydrates - 34.3% (108 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 353 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 311 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 16 grams
Workout Evening: BIU 45min + elliptical 45 min (469cal 5.5miles @10intensity)
I did it. 45 min of BIU plus Cardio another 45min :D Felt really good :D

DAY 92 (Thu) 2/8
Sup: vit fo cla
B: 3 ew 1 ey
L: oatmeal(30) blueberries(45) brw sugar(1tbs) almond(10) 2%milk(100ml)
S: ffcc + blackberries + blueberries + almonds + 1 tsp granola
S: 10g whey + spicy flour coated peanuts + 1 pcs chocolate
D: flank beef + green bean
S: pop corn w/ butter + purple yam + a cup of green tea
Total 1441 calories
Fat - 35.6% (50 grams) + fat from peanuts
Protein - 30.1% (95 grams)
Carbohydrates - 34.3% (108 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 353 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 311 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 16 grams
Workout Evening: BIU 45min + elliptical 45 min (469cal 5.5miles @10intensity)

Woohoo!! You go woman!!
Thanks, she :D

Now, does anyone think it's worth it to get a balance ball at home? Is it hard to inflate/deflate? I am concern about storage issue. That thing is big and takes space.
It's very well worth it to get one - the one I have was a bit of a pain to inflate but once it's there, it should be easy to maintain.
Nah, they're easy to get and inflate. You can get a mini air pump for a couple least, you can here in Canada.

As for taking up space..try replacing your computer chair with the ball. Just be sure to keep it well inflated..or it will burst and drop you on your ass in embarrassing fashion. True story. :p
Is it bad to inflate-deflate the ball too often? I guess if I have to leave it a round and a bout, I should shop for a cool color that can add to the decor to my living room.
DAY 93 (Fri) 2/9
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 2 ew + 1 slc wwb + 50g ffcc + oatmeal almond milk brw-sugar cinnamon blueberries
S: 1 string cheez
L: subway club salad + 50g ffcc + 1 ew + 4 wheat crackers + 10g almonds
Sup: fo
S: 90 ffcc + 50g blueberries + 5g whey + 10g almonds
Workout S: gatorade 4oz
S: corn chips
D: cheese fondue (9oz) + garlic olive toasted bread (3slc) + 1 cup grapes + celery + baby carrots (1/4 cup) + wheat water crackers (12pc) + roast beef (3slc) + white turkey (3slc) + brown sugar ham (2 slc) + red wine preserve + 8oz sparkling zinfandel
Total calorie approx 2000+
Workout Evening: elliptical 33 min (360cal 4.3miles @10intensity)

DAY 94 (Sat) 2/10
Morning Workout: RIU 45min + stretching
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 1/2 whole grain honey wheat english muffin + 2 slc roast beef + 2 slc turkey + 1 slc brw sgr ham + 2 ew + 2 cheese cubes
S: 5 grapes + celery + 1 caramel candy (60cal)
L: nasi bungkus (1/2 portion: rendang, ayam goreng, gudeg, rice, tofu, egg) + es tape
S: 4oz milk coco
D: 1/2 whole grain honey wheat em + 2 slc roast beef + 2 slc ham + 2 ew + 1 string cheese

DAY 95 (Sun) 2/11
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 1 english muffin whole grain honey wheat + 2 ew + 1 string cheese + 2 slc roast beef + 2 slc ham + 1/4 cup Special K cereal w/ 2%milk
L: half portion tonkatsu ramen + kimchi + 3 gyoza + 2 ca roll
S: couple bites of cream bun + coffee w/ ff milk + 1.5 oatmeal raisin nut cookies
Evening workout: BIU 60min + stretch 5min
D: 8oz of banana, pear, strawberry yogurt, 2%milk smoothie w/ choco caramel whey
Sup: fo vit cla
Tough Month

Wow, February is going to be a tough month for me, :eek: more so than holiday season! A lot of traveling, or social meals. I found myself having 1800-2000 cal/day more often than the usual 1400s. Fondue night, movie night, cheese night. I thought with hubby gone I would be able to eat 'clean' ... heh... far from it. :rolleyes:

Not that the eating was bad. I was really good from Breakfast until Lunch. The dinner is the tricky part. I managed to save calories for the dinner, but the cff ratio was totally whacked. :p In response to the eatings, I tried my best to keep up with the exercise. Even that is hard. Between trying to accomodate someone else's time table while I couldn't really change mine. Several times I had to cut short my exercise :(
I could have put in at least 30 min more into this week. Regardless, I am back on track. ;) Started taking whey powder to balance my otherwise missing protein intake. I didn't count my calories for the past several days. Didn't really see the point to measure the cff ratio for those days.
Today I am on my 7th day straight. I don't really feel it though. My guess it is because there are days this week that I didn't have my fill of intense workout. LOL now I sound like an exercise addict ^_^;; :eek:

I am pleased with myself for not loosing my focus and determination, although I admit to slack a bit on discipline - a bite of pastry here, some cookies there, a piece of chocolate liquor and the likes.<br> Tonight, regardless it was 8pm by the time we got home from walking in the mall, I changed to comfy clothes and immediately rolled out the exercise matt and popped in the SI6 DVD. 60 minutes later, dripping with sweat, feeling really good mentally and physically. Since I was still full from my day excursion, a smoothie of banana, strawberry yogurt, pear, milk, & whey protein sealed the dinner deal.

I really can't wait for tomorrow to come. I am anxious to do another round of intense workout, and try out my morning oatmeal mixed with choco caramel whey (figured it can replace the brown sugar). :rolleyes: hm....
I'd not worry too much - you're back on track now. Besides, one of the reasons you exercise is to enjoy those little vacations from it now and again.
I'd not worry too much - you're back on track now. Besides, one of the reasons you exercise is to enjoy those little vacations from it now and again.

I guess you're right. That was my motto too "Live to Eat, Exercise to Eat"

Just hard on my soul to feel my jeans starts tightening again and looking at my legs and thinking "is that a new lump?" or "$h!t my booties out of shape again?...." :( I know, I know, no point in dwelling in negative thoughts. That is why I'm smacking my head and make myself go to the gym tonight. Oh, I will do my maintenance teeth-whitening tonight too. That will prevent me from munching away or eat a lot of stuff :D Yay for planning!
I should read ur diary more are a motivator! :D But I do have a question, and I apologize if this has already been covered: what is BIU and RIU and what is the difference?
I should read ur diary more are a motivator! :D But I do have a question, and I apologize if this has already been covered: what is BIU and RIU and what is the difference?

Oh, that is just my abbreviation for Slim In 6 (SI6) :p , it has 3 phases: Start It Up (SIU), Ramp It Up (RIU) and Burn It Up (BIU).

They all a combo of cardio and resistance training, using body weight or resistance band. Each phase got harder and the pace got faster. So RIU only 45 min, and BIU 60 min. Rarely I have spare energy to do cardio after BIU. I like to do RIU still because I can go to gym afterward to just burn fat on cardio machine, or if I don;t have enough time for BIU. You shd give it a try :)
I've heard of it and I have always wanted to try it, but isn't it only available on tv?

(BTW: u've got mail)

SI6? Nah, I got mine from eBay :) And you can go to their website They offer 30-days money back guarantee too.
I also just got Turbo Jam and going to try them out. Variation rules my world or I'd die of boredom I say :D (dork ... :p )

omgomgomg I saw the email! ;) I glanced the first few lines and stop to tell you how excited I am (ima read it at my leisure later tonight ^_^) I think youre so cool to be able to write a story like that. :D THANKS! :D
Yuppers, back to routine :D

DAY 96 (Mon) 2/12
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 2 ew 1 ey, oatmeal almond cinnamon whey blueberry peach 2% milk + 1 tsp brown sugar (the whey not sweet enuf. Can only use a little bit like 5-10g for 30g of oatmeal otherwise it affect the texture of the oatmeal)
S: celery + 1 tbs pb
L: 1 slc wwb, 2 slc turkey, 2 slc roast beef, 2 slc ham, 1 string cheese + 110g ffcc, 26g blueberry, 70g grapes, almond, cinnamon, celery
Sup: fo vit cla l6
S: grapes, 6 wheat crackers, 2 tbs spinach artichoke dip
Workout: Cardio: TM 15min Aspen Trail 1.3miles 115cal; BIKE 20min 5.7miles 150cal
D: steamed crab + carrot & celery + egg drop soup w/ chicken broth + 1 shiumai
Sup: fo + 4oz soy milk
Total: 1200-1300 calories
Fat - 31.1% (45 grams)
Protein - 32.5% (106 grams)
Carbohydrates - 36.4% (118 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 2,358 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 390 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 20 grams
Nice numbers. :)

I think you should try to get some fat free swiss or something like that in with your crackers and grapes next time, though.

I totally agree on the whey. The longer I take whey with *anything*, the more it disgusts me, haha. If you put too much in your oatmeal it tastes like chalk. It might be weird, but what I do is put mixed berries and sweetener in my oatmeal, and eat it with some steak and veggies after strength training. :D
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Nice numbers. :)

I think you should try to get some fat free swiss or something like that in with your crackers and grapes next time, though.

I totally agree on the whey. The longer I take whey with *anything*, the more it disgusts me, haha. If you put too much in your oatmeal it tastes like chalk. It might be weird, but what I do is put mixed berries and sweetener in my oatmeal, and eat it with some steak and veggies after strength training. :D

I have FFCC with my grapes and crackers or 2% string cheese typically. But I am a sucker for dips :(

Whey is new to me. It's weird stuff.... :confused: I had to throw away a batch of my oatmeal breakfast because I put too much of it and it tasted like (you said) chalk! :mad:
Are you saying you eet oatmeal after workout? is that evening or morning still? As much as I luuuuuv oatmeal (w/ fruits almonds & brown sugar mmmmm...) I try to have it in the morning only. Evening is my time to make up for missing protein.

BTW newfound fav item for Breakfast: Thomas' English Muffin Hearty Grain Honey Wheat :D (toasted with ffcc or 2% cheese & ew & slices of turkey/roastbeef/ham) strength training is usually done before 7:30 am. I also find that, after an intense workout, it's much easier to eat things I wouldn't normally want to, because I'm very hungry.

I try to taper any starchy carbs I eat. Meaning, I eat them mostly at the start of the day, almost always in the meal or two after strength training, and seldom/not at all in the evening. Vegetables, I eat 5 of 6 meals a day. I don't add any nuts to my oatmeal, though, as I'm paranoid about slowing down nutrient uptake in my PW meals. I get all my nuts at the end of the day now, in the protein bars I make.

Lately, I've been eating some mixed wholegrain bread in the morning to mix it up a bit (and 'cause I love egg sandwiches with a bit of miracle whip), but it feels like cheating, so I may go back to just the veggies and fruit.
But I am a sucker for dips :(

Try these :) raita (I make naan to go with it), and hummus