DAY 139 (Wed) 3/28
Sup: fo vit
B: 4ew 1ey + 1/2 em + 3 slc deli ham + 1 tsp light mir whip
L: Indonesian food: mie tek tek (stir fry noodle), chicken satay, lontong capgome (rice with curry and vegi and beef rendang), es tape (sweet stuff), nasi uduk -- approximate calories 600
S: 1 cocoavia bar (80)
Sup: fo cla vit
S: chocolates at Charles Chocolates
D: a bite of bakmie Janty + 1 banana + ffcc + granola
Workout: 40min Turbo Sculpt + 20min floor legwork callisthenic + stretching
DAY 140 (Thu) 3/29
Sup: fo vit
B: 3ew 1ey + 2 slc deli ham
L: 1 cup pineapple seafood lomein
S: Chocolates (1 hazelnut choco, 3 almond choco, 1 espresso, half matza choco)
Sup: fo cla vit
S: 1 med banana + 1 cheese wedge + small ube
Workout Gym: 35min bike 8miles
S: 1 pcs martabak (that's sugar chocolate and peanuts plus butter and flour, oh and eggs

D: tilapia filet w/ bell peppers tomato sauce
S: chocolates (2 pcs) + cookies 4-5 (sugar lemon, chocolates)
DAY 141 (Fri) 3/30
I forgot to log what I ate today and forgot most of what I ate .... Traveling to LA tonight. Went to bed at 3am. Only got 2 hr sleep, helping with the wedding prep.
S: 2 tea chocolates
Night: 3 oz beef steak seasoned + 2 cheese pastries (small size) + half Doritos munchies + 1 bar fruits & nuts + 100 cal bag oreo thins + 1 chocolate cookie
DAY 142 (Sat) 3/31
Note: Ayen's wedding day. Woke up at 5am, and didn't stop until late at night (11 pm or so). All I know and recall was that I ate a lot of sweets and pastries. I kept moving non stop and totaly needed the energy or rush, or high from the sugars. I (hopefully) burn all of the stuff I ate.
Morning: pastries (1 small cheese, 1 croissant, 1 slice of mango moose cake w/ chocolate, 1 granola bar, half 100cal oreo thins)
Lunch: ginger beef salad (mostly ate the beef, with some romaine lettuce), 2 slices sourdough bread w/ sundried tomato spread + lobster bisque
S: 1 kashi bar + 1 cocoavia
D: Chinese banquet (cold cuts, soy sauce chicken, crab, bok choy, soup, fried shrimp ball, a bit of the fried rice, celery w/ scallops, sweet red bean soup, 1 more dish that i forgot already) + wedding cakes
DAY 143 (Sun) 4/1
Note: I can only recall some of the food I ate today. I did eat a lot as I did yesterday. But todayI slept a lot. I was so tired, echausted and just trying to catch up with zzz. I came home at 4pm, ate a little, went nap until 10p, woke up to eat a little, went to zz by 12 until morning 8am.
B: omelet (ham, bell pepepr, tomato, cheese, mushroom, bacon, sausage) + a cup of oatmeal w/ brown sugar, raisin, cranberry, peach + sip of coffee w/ milk + a bite of french toast
S: 2 slc mango moose cake w/ cheese pastry + coffee + half sate babi manis + 1 putu mayang w/ kinca
L: 2 sweet satay + 4 putu mayang w/ kinca + spicy cassava chips
Night: 1 sweet satay + 1 roll kue dadar + spicy cassava + toasted french bread buttered & sugared + ...
DAY 144 (Mon) 4/2
Woke up and felt refreshed!
B: 2ew 1 ey
S: half kue bolu + half 100cal oreo thins
L: 1 sate manis + 1 beef ball & some indomie + 2ew omelet + spicy cassava + rempeyek
S: 4 oz yogurt (40cal)
Workout Gym: bike 30 min
S: 1 cheese wedge + toasted french bread buttered & sugared
D: rice vermicelli w/ shrimp, crab imitation, pineapple, mix vegie + 1 sate manis
S: spicy cassava + half kue dadar
DAY 145 (Tue) 4/3
Crappy way to start the day. Low water pressure since last night. Can't call it a shower. Only splashing water to clean yourself at best :/
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 2ew 1ey + small pc toasted french bread buttered & sugared
S: half kue bolu coklat + 1 cup coffee w/ 1% milk, 4 packs brw sugar
L: 1 slc wheat bread + 1 ew + 3 slc deli ham + 1 cheese wedge + 2 tbs oatmeal mix w/ ew, raisin, blackberry, peach
(turned out too gooey, nuked it too long when reheat. not edible really :/ )
S: 1 choco covered almond + 1 cheese wedge + 1/2 cup coffee 2 packs sugar 1% milk
Pre & post Workout S: half sate manis + 1 pastel + half can chocolate milk + spicy cassava
Workout Gym: Cardio TM 35min 2.48miles Steady 4.3mph @ 3%
Workout Home: TJ 20min workout
Note: crappy mood. No water!!! grr... I have to go to my sister's house to take a shower later...