
DAY 97 (Tue) 2/13
B: 1/2 em honeywheat + 2 ew + 4slc turkey + 2 slc roastbeef + 2 cheese cubes + 4oz soy milk + 5g whey + small banana
Sup: fo cla vit
Workout Morning: Cardio Elliptical: 30min 328 cal 3.88miles @10 intensity
S: ffcc + grapes + almond + celery + small banana
L: beef flank w/ olive oil, sherry, zucchini in onion-mushroom sauce (w/ soy sauce, 2%milk, butter, sherry, blk pepper)
Sup: fo cla vit
S: String cheese + 4 wheat crackers
Workout Evening: Turbo Jam Learn&Burn 20min, Turbo Sculpt 40min
D: egg white omelet + ham + ffcc + celery + corn chips + a bite of bacang
Fat - 33.1% (49 grams)

Total: 1200-1300 calories
Fat - 34.6% (49 grams)
Protein - 29.9% (95 grams)
Carbohydrates - 35.5% (112 grams)
Daily Sodium Intake - 2,023 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 278 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 12 grams
Hubby bought me a box of Cocoa Bella chocolate (mm so good ^_^ Gotta savor it, may be a piece a week? ;) )

Only count calories up to before lunch, and approximate the rest. I figured I ate about 1800-2000 calories. At least I still managed to get a 60 min workout :D

DAY 98 (Wed) 2/14
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 1/2 em honey wheat + 2 ew + 3 slc smoked ham deli + 1 cheese cube + 1 string cheese
S: strawberry whole grain muffin top (240cal) + 4oz cinnamon dolce latte w/ nf milk + 1/6 cinnamon mini loaf red fat
---- calories about 600 at this point ---
L: salad + some split pea soup, some black bean chili + a bit of sourdough bread + chicken pesto tomato almond crepe + 4oz fruit juice
Workout evening:BIU 60min
S: 50g ffcc + 10 grapes + celery + 5g almond + 1 tsp whey powder
D: 1/2 cup mushroom soup + bread crust w/butter + 2 bites of pork rib + fries + mahi-mahi stuffed w/ crab + jasmine ginger rice + green bean + 8oz riestling
S: 1 pc chocolate + tea
DAY 99 (Thu) 2/15
**no workout (other than busting my back cleaning the whole house). Traveling to LV tonight **
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 1/2 em honey wheat + 3 slc ham + 1 ew + 3 soft boiled egg (3ew 1ey)
S: ffcc + almond grapes celery whey
L: omelet w/ ham masago ffcc + 1 pork ribs + 1 tbs rice + 1/2 cup black bean chili
S: mango + ff vanilla yogurt w/ granola almond raisin
Sup: fo cla vit
D: crab enchiladas + tortilla chips + beef quesadila
S: sweet potato w/ almond raisin brw sugar cinnamon ginger + pop corn + chinese rice cake fried w/ egg + tea
DAY 100 (Fri) 2/16
Sup: cla fo vit
Workout Morning: 10min SI6 warmup + 20min Turbo Burn + 40min Turbo Sculpt (w/ 5lbs weights)
S: 1 cheese cookies
L: Steam vegie (chai sim) + omelet (2ew + 1 ey) + fried rice noodle
S: asian pear + cheese cookies + pineapple cheese pastry + sesame cookie
D: shabu-shabu (beef, vegies, tofu, taro, fishball, udon) + plum wine
S: pineapple cookie + sesame cookie
This is hard. So many goodies, little cakes ond tiny cokies around. And they all so good! :eek: Oh well, loading up on fat & carb there.

Yesterday managed to sneak in an exercise in the morning 60+min. That should help create some deficit even if it's going to be less that usual. Shabu2 was awesome as always. I did eat the udon and taro, so there was carb in my dinner.

This morning my arms and shoulder are completely sore. Using the 5lbs dumbells during TJ was a kicker. Its challenging and I can totally feel it.

This morning, woke up at 10:30, had 2 soft boiled egg (2ew 1 ey) - gosh I miss my wwb and honey wheat em ... :( And waiting a bit then going to do BIU.

Tonight is the Chinese New Year's Feast. I think I'm good to start my workout now.

Haven't got a chance to lurk others' Diaries. Hope everyone doing well and enjoying the long weekend. ;)
Quiet Saturday (before the party hits ;) ) which is good because I had time to peacefully completed BIU. Skipped the arms set because my arms still sore from yesterday. Focusing on cardio and accelerated heart rate. My effort to get sis into exercising together failed. :p
SI6? Nah, I got mine from eBay :) And you can go to their website They offer 30-days money back guarantee too.
I also just got Turbo Jam and going to try them out. Variation rules my world or I'd die of boredom I say :D (dork ... :p )

omgomgomg I saw the email! ;) I glanced the first few lines and stop to tell you how excited I am (ima read it at my leisure later tonight ^_^) I think youre so cool to be able to write a story like that. :D THANKS! :D

Awww...thanks. :p I'm feeling really...crappy about my talent right now. I'm re-writing some scenes and I posted it on another board, and have got nothing but bad comments back. :( I thought it was good, but I guess not up to standard. :( Trying not to get discouraged, but it's hard.

I will go and check that website out. I should revisit my Tae Bo dvds. Maybe that woudl help in my funk. I like the elliptical bc of the workout I get, but everyday, I dread getting on it.
K, have u posted any pics? I'd be interested in seeing the process you have made so far....btw...I just might do Tae Bo tonight...;)
Awww...thanks. :p I'm feeling really...crappy about my talent right now. I'm re-writing some scenes and I posted it on another board, and have got nothing but bad comments back. :( I thought it was good, but I guess not up to standard. :( Trying not to get discouraged, but it's hard.

I will go and check that website out. I should revisit my Tae Bo dvds. Maybe that woudl help in my funk. I like the elliptical bc of the workout I get, but everyday, I dread getting on it.

U rewrote Ch 1? I just replied to your email :)

I think those workout DVDs are great to liven things up. Going to gym and just workout straight cardio - strength etc, gets old and kinda dry. TJ (turbo jam) is a bit tricky. The movement needs to be learned, but it sure it fun tho :D In fact, tonight after the guests left (that would be around 12am) I decided to pop in the TJ DVD and got in a 1hr workout :p I guess the after dinner coffee (even with baileys) made me a bit hyper hahaha :D
K, have u posted any pics? I'd be interested in seeing the process you have made so far....btw...I just might do Tae Bo tonight...;)

Well, other than the ones I posted a month ago, I haven't taken any new pics. I think I might regress a bit :p with all the good food I ate the past week... So, I would wait another month or so before taking another progress pic. I doubt the difference will be visually evident. Unless I make progress on my thighs and bum, I feel I already hit my goal for upper body.

I was thinking about Tae Bo, but since a friend gave me a free copy of TJ, I will save it for next time I got bored :D Let me know how you feel after TB. :)
Passed 100-day mark!! :D :D

DAY 101 (Sat) 2/17
Sup: fo cla vit
B: 2ew 1ey
Morning Workout: BIU (minus arms) + stretch 60min
S: 1 small banana + 1 steamed banana (reg size) + 1 cheese cookie
L: half crocket bun (fried bun w/ ragut + vegi filling) + a varieties of snacks and goodies that I can't remember anymore, might include some fruites, more cheese cookies etc.
** We were cooking a lot of stuff tonight for the family dinner. 8 type of dishes and the preparation started since 3pm. A lot of cutting, washing, dicing, all kinds of cookings. Dinner finally came around 7pm.**
D: shark-fin chicken soup + fried chicken w/ flat-eared-mushroom & dried lily + scallops w/ egg & lettuce + brocolli & sitake mushroom + pork feet w/ sweet sauce + oyster w/ vegetable + angel-hair algae w/ abalone + deep fried fish & tofu w/ black bean sauce + wine
S: coffee w/ baileys + mango cake + some: cashew nuts, pop corn, etc etc (I forgot what I put into my mouth @.@)
** All in all I feel good about tonight's dinner. I ate everything (you have to at least taste every dish) but not too much. I left the table feel moderately full, just right, with rooms for dessert and snacks. Even after the dessert etc, I still wasn't stuffed. We chatted a lot, laughed a lot, played mahjong, and after the guests all left, still feeling hyper, decided to go for another round of exercise.
Workout Night (12am): TJ Learn (16min) + Burn (20min) + TJ 20 min workout.
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U rewrote Ch 1? I just replied to your email :)

I think those workout DVDs are great to liven things up. Going to gym and just workout straight cardio - strength etc, gets old and kinda dry. TJ (turbo jam) is a bit tricky. The movement needs to be learned, but it sure it fun tho :D In fact, tonight after the guests left (that would be around 12am) I decided to pop in the TJ DVD and got in a 1hr workout :p I guess the after dinner coffee (even with baileys) made me a bit hyper hahaha :D

No, I didn't re-write Ch 1, but some other parts. *sigh*

Hmmm...TJ...I may have to try that. But man...TB...kicked my @$$...or more accurately, my arms. I don't have resistance bands, so I used 3lb weights. And wow. I should have done it a long time ago! :p My arms STILL hurt! LOL
Hi, sorry I haven't had time to post, but just wanted to say you are doing great. I want my abs to look like yours (not sure that is possible anymore lol). Keep up the great work!
Hi~! I'm Back! :D

Lemme recount my mini vacation... hm.... went to las vegas for 5 days, over long weekend, for chinese new year with family. awesome time, awesome food. sufice to say :p Actually did pretty good even during the feast, until monday... Just hanging out at home in PJ the whole day, grey and drizzly outside, playing mahjong (won $80 :p *score*), watching DVDs, and snacking the whole day non stop. :eek: (forget logging the food I ate. It's useless coz I lost track what I put into my mouth :p :p
At least I managed to be good and did exercise everyday until that day. ;)

Well, for those who celebrate the new year, Gong Xi Fat Chai! :D
Chinese New Year Feast

This is a feast for eyes as well as tummy :D

The night before the New Year: There are 8 dishes (8 = lucky number). Each dish has different meaning.

The day of New Year, we have another traditional breakfast. 8 ingredients vegetarian dish (ginko, sitake mushroom, eared mushroom, angel hair seaweed, lily, bean thread noodle, dates, dried tofu).
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