
that it is - I've been meaning to tell you, I got that garlic chili sauce - the one with the rooster on it (have seen it in a few chinese restaurants) - holy cow is that sucker hot! lol the hot and sour soup at most chinese restaurants I eat at anymore is just sour anymore but this sauce - wow! lol
:D Yup, That is HOT sauce, man. Not the wussy kind ;)

but if you like spicy stuff though you really gotta try my mom's home-recipe sambal belachan. It is da bomb! Can just eat it straight with rice! :eek:
Trip Prep

Ok, I think I will be too busy tomorrow to log. So might as well post it now. Besides it is too late to eat anything else.

DAY 45 (Fri) 12/22
Supp (out of multi vit!)
B: oatmeal raisin apple cinamon almond brw sugar blackberry
S: string cheez + 6 wheat crackers
S#2: wwb pb peach sandwich ~ was hungry, lunch got pushed back. finished the whole wich ;p
L: Subway 6" oven roasted chicken breast, wwb, vegies, olive, jalapeno, pepper, vinegar.
S: 1 string cheese + 6 wheat crackers low sodium + 3 more crackers - after workout while cooking :)
D: Tilapia Fish Fillet usual sauted w/ olive oil, blk pepper, garlic, italian herb + brocolli sauted w/ olive oil, garlic + 2 tamago sushi + 2 pcs of chicken karaage.
S: +/- 15 wheat crackers (low sodium) w/ chipotle salsa (bottled)

Workout: SI6 48min.
No gym until I come back from Vegas.
Thanks! Hope you guys having a good weekend! I am trying too at least ^^;
We got to vegas safely the drive wasn't so bad. Got here at 3am and checked in to the hotel.

The thing that concerns me about holiday and trips are not over eating in one seat. But the inconsistency of meal times. I went on for a long time on the road before had a 'decent' food that I can call meal. Today almost the same thing. I woke up, tried to do SI6, but still kinda tired so I didn't give 100% into the workout. snackin a buncha wheat crackers, forgot the vitamin, and waiting for a long time at the chinese restaurant. Was stuffed until 6pm. Wasn't even feeling hungry, but I heated up the yam and ate some. Now waiting for dinner set-up at the Caesar's penthouse.
DAY 46 (Sat) 12/23
Supp (no multi vit)
B: oatmeal raisin almond apple cinamon brw sgr
S1: tamago wwb sandwich w/ abc, dijon
S2:1 cheese stick + 5 wheat crackers
S3: 1 cheese stick + 4-5 crackers
S4: Chicken karaage w/ brocolli (a bit) + a bit of white rice
S5 (on the road snacking): 1 tamago wwb sandwich w/ abc + wheat crackers (10-15) + handful of spicy flour coated peanuts + some sips of hot chocolate non fat milk
D: subway club 6" no ham, wheat bread, vegie, jalapeno, pepper & vinegar ~ the only 'real' meal i hv for the day, thank goodness for 24 hr subway... and this was 12 midnight! hard to snack when you are driving too :(
S6: a tsp of pickled sweet bean + a bite of sweet potato, raisin, apple.

Morning managed to squeeze in 30 min of workouts, a mix of routine to get the heart rate going and abit of sweat.
Snoozed after the subway club until 2.5 hr later we arrived.
Hi guys!!!!! I am back! :D

Trip was allright. Vegas was fun, food was yummy! But I was all stressed out - family yara yara ... . So all in all i rather stay at home and keep my routine :/

I hope you guys had a better xmas than me :)

Looking forward to do nothing on New Year :D Kick-back and relaxing at home is my plan for now.
DAY 47 (Sun) 12/24
woke up at 10ish
S: a bite of sweet potato raisin apple
Morning workout: SI6 taking it ez, cut short to 30 min. By pass arms and crunches.
S: handful of wheat crackers
L: Beef Chow ho fan with gravy (baa~d food but taste good ^^)
S: sweet yam raisin almond apple brw sugar + a glass of warm apple cider
D: 2 california roll, 1 slc turkey breast, cranberry & tangerine sauce, some stuffings, chinese vegies, beef + snow peas,fried fish w/ sweet/sour sauce, fried crab claw/shrimp + a glass of riestling (very good one too!) + warm tapioca desert + blackberries ~~ honestly I can't remember if I ate anything else. It just seem a lot of varieties and I was sampling almost every single dish. Was full but not stuffed. Sitting in the balcony for about 1 hr after that in the cold freezing my a** and toes might help burn a bit calories :p

DAY 48 (Mon) 12/25

Nothing special really :/

S: some wheat crackers
B: American breakfast of: Spinach/mushroom omelet w/ swiss cheese, 2 wwb toast w/ butter spread (thinly), half of roasted tomato + 2 cups of coffee w/ milk and sugar + 2 tsp chicken noodle soup.
L/D (4ishpm): 1 slc turkey, gravy, stuffings, 2 tbs onion rice, 1 tbs mashed potato, brocolli salad (raisin, brocolli, almonds, celery, in some mayo dressing), green bean & almond sauted in garlic butter, a piece of sweetened yam, cranberry jelly + 1 small cream puff + 2 glass of apple cider + a sip of eggnog (taste like spiced cake dough)

I came out of it really full! borderline stuffed, more so than the night before. The food is much yummier than last night :p I kept on picking on the pecans off the stuffings on the table and the toasted almond slivers leftover from the green bean dish. Filling up on the apple cider too. So tasty and warm and spicy (w/ rum!).

S: 1 string cheese + wheat crackers ~~ I thought won't be able to stuff anything else into my tummy. Well, I did it anyway, and immediately stuffed again! :/

Once I get back, I really need to go back to routine and working on the cardio! No SI6 today, I just don't feel in the mood physically and mentally. I will reserve it when I can get back on track again.

DAY 49 (Tue) 12/26
** Driving back to SF **
S: some wheat crackers, half banana, water + a small piece of dried-sugared-toasted sourdough
B/L (2pm): PF Chang's Chicken fried rice and Chang's spareribs + 1.5 steamed shrimp dumpling + some stuffings
S: tall mocha non fat milk no whip cream + 3 small (bite size) custard puffs + 1/2 pear
D: 1 string cheese + wheat crackers + a bite of beef soft taco + 1/3 pie of mexican pizza (taco bell) ~~ I think the oil they use in frying the shell doesn't agree with me. Felt ill so regurgitate the yucky stuff and felt better.

*whew* home sweet home at last... shower and crash into bed

I am back on the wagon :D
*I even spell-out B!*

Breakfast: Oatmeal + Raisin + Almond + Apple + Brown Sugar + Cinnamon.

DAY 50 (Wed) 12/27
B: oatmeal raisin apple cinnamon brw sgr
** Feel so good to go back on my regular breakfast! :D **
L (3pm): turkey breast sandwich on wwb w/ dijon & abc + leftover stuffings (1 cup)
S: 2 wheat crackers + string cheez
S: 5 wheat crackers
D: seared tri tip steak (olive oil, pepper, garlic, salt, rosemary, sherry) + brocolli & carrots sauted in olive oil & garlic
S: a glass of milk(1/2), coffee (1/2), 1 tsp sugar, splash of baileys

Exercise (Afternoon) SI6 47 min + 10 min stretching (SL)
Evening Gym: Cardio TM 15% incline, 2.8 - 3 mph, 30 min, 153 cal,1.4 miles
DAY 51 (Thu) 12/28
B: oatmeal raisin apple cinnamon blackberry brw sgr
S: 4 wheat crackers
L: katsudon (pork cutlet w/ egg and onion, soy sauce, rice - mostly finished the meat w/ little rice)
S: 4 wheat crackers
S after workout: 1/2 fruit tart w/ fresh blueberries + 1/2 strawberry danish + a bit of almond croissant w/ some coffee.
D: veggie stew w/ chicken breast.
S: 1.5 tangerine
Working it out!


Afternoon workout:
30+ min of a buncha different things: squats, step back lunges, dead lifts, stretches, upper body using 2 lbs, side kick, hamstring curls, basically constant moving and groovin to the music :D
May be I will get that Dance to loose pound DVD just for fun hm...

Evening Workout:
** I decided to scramble my routine a bit. Just to confuse my body :p Starting with cardio to warm up, then weights, then back to cardio. Wrap up with SI routine. **

Cardio: Elliptical 11 min, 121 cal, @10 intensity, 1.44 miles
abductor & adductor machine @50 lbs: 2x10 each
deadlift w/ 9lbs each hand 1x10
step back lunges 1x 5pulses each + 1x10 reps on each leg
latpull @30lbs 1x10
leg pulls/lower abs crunch 10 + 8
hamstring curl 1x10 @35lbs + 1x10 @30lbs
side kick 1x8 each leg
Back to Cardio: TM 22min @15% incline 2.7 - 3 mph, 1 mile, 162 cal
HOME: SI6 48 min

Gotta say I really do liking the high incline fast walking TM routine. It is easy on my knees and I can actually feel the muscles working - hamstring, butt, abs. The slower pace allows me to concentrate on my muscles as suppose to just running and breathing (and not falling flat on my face). By the end of it I still sweat and feel worked out! Next time I will try walking backward ;)
I guess so :D

Im really taking it ez today. Even eat up and resting my muscles. Probably do a bit stretching before bed. I feel a bit tight and stiff. Curling in the sofa the whole afternoon watching TV not helping either. Need to streeeeee~tch. :eek:

Did you get my email, slim? ;)