
DAY 35 (Tue) 12/12
B: 1/2 yam raisin almonds brw sugar
S: 1/2 wwb pb peach sandwich
S#2: finished the sandwich... so hungry and had to take late lunch
Note: half a yam ain't do it for b-fast. Not as filling as oatmeal.
L: Subway Club 6" (wheat bread, roast bf, turkey, ham, all the vegies, no mustard no mayo)
S: 5 almonds
D: 1 KFC leg original rcp + 1/2 of the biscuits + 1 bowl of vegie stew ala grandma (carrot, green beans, kidney beans, potato, bits of ham, bits of shallots, nutmeg pepper salt)
S: 1/2 pear

Cardio: elliptical 25 min, @9 intensity
Slim6 25min
Deadlifts 10reg + 5pulse @ 14lbs,
Kickback 10
your workouts are very appealing :]
DAY 36 (Wed) 12/13
B: oatmeal raisin almond brw sugar
S: 7 almonds + a handfull of popcorn, a bite of some fruit strudles
L: vegie stew + small slice of mushroom tomato pizza (didn't finish the crust) + a bite of yam/raisin/almond/brw sugar
S: 1/2 wwb pb peach sandwich (wasn't hungry just thought I need something before workout)
D: bowl of vegie stew + fish filet sauted in garlic,italian herb, pepper, olive oil + italian squash sauted in olive oil, garlic + banana smoothie (home made)
S: handful of corn chips

Cardio: Elliptical 25 min 262cal 3miles @9intensity
Slim6 25min
Hamstring stretch (deadlifts no weight)

Right knee feels almost 100% Still trying to be careful and do static lunges with chair for balance.
Side note: I remember the days when I ran on TM for 30 min without breaking a sweat, well, a trickle maybe. Now, I sweat rivers and waterfalls! I have to wear 3 layers to the gym to feel comfortable and not feeling cold/drowning in my sweat: a cotton cami+cotton tanktop+longsleeve cotton T. (Oh, + sport jacket when cold).
Last thought before bedtime (since my body asking me to feed it if I don't go to zz in the next 10 min): I wonder if this forum got pro-ana or pro-mia spammers. The other forum I frequented recently received a lot of flames from people who obviously seeking to get some rise out of posting controversial comments in a healthy-diet forums. hm....
DAY 37 (Thu) 12/14
B: oatmeal raisin almond apple brw sugar
S: 1/2 wwb pb peach sandwich (from yesterday :p )
L: vegie stew (potato, carrot, green beans, kidney beans, lots of soup)
S: 5 almonds + 2 low fat garlic-rosemary crackers + a bite of protein bar (yuch) + small cup of cereal
D: corn/whole grain chips + crab imitation dip (crab imitation, green pepper, celery, green onion, red chili, tabasco, abc, black pepper, light mayo dressing, lime juice)

Note #1: My dinner is weird... just because I feel lazy to cook tonight and wanting something taste refreshing. So I made the dip with lots of tabasco and lime juice. Looking at the calorie note at the back tho, light as it seems, I am sure that 'light' dinner packed at least 500 cal: easy 300 alone from the chips, and 150 ez from the crab only. Not even counting the light mayo dressing (tho I used only little). Whatever, I still have tons left over :) will make a yummy snacks tomorrow mmmmm.....

Gym: Cardio elliptical (different routine setting) @9 intensity, 25 min, 3.2 miles, 270 cal.
Home: split lunges 1x10 no weight.

Note#2: was planning on doing Slim6 but something came up :( bah bah bah bah.... Gotta make it up tomorrow for it for sure.

Pretty sure I will come edit this post with more home workout tonight....
Yup. Night workout :p Now I feel muuuch better.

The following with 2lbs in each hand working on upper arms n triceps
warm up routine w/ oblique stretch and plies
2x10 wide squats
2x10 plie squats

w/ 7lbs
1x15 dead lifts reg
1x5 w/ 3pulses each
1x15 split lunges w/ 3pulses each
8 biceps curl

3x15 kick back w/ resistance band
H Hon
i am sorry i couldnt catch u online,actually i am not getting much spare time,my house was underconstruction and contractor ran away,have to do even the minutest thing on my own..buying tiles dealing with labourers,and so much more
u are doing great:)
hopefully we will talk soon:)
H Hon
i am sorry i couldnt catch u online,actually i am not getting much spare time,my house was underconstruction and contractor ran away,have to do even the minutest thing on my own..buying tiles dealing with labourers,and so much more
u are doing great:)
hopefully we will talk soon:)

I miss you!! I hope everything is all right with your house issues, and see/talk to you again soon :)
DAY 38 (Fri) 12/15
B: oatmeal raisin apple cinamon brw sugar almond
S: 1/2 wwb ham (4 slc) sandwich + corn-wholegrain chips w/ crab dips
L: Subway Club 6" (turkey & roastbeef - total 5 slices - swiss cheez 2 slc, vegies, olives, jalapeno, vinegar, pepper) -- finished the sandwich in 2 seatings about 1 hr apart
S: 1/4 wwb hamwich + some chips and dips
After Workout snack: 1/4 wwb hamwich
D: @Pasta Pomodoro: 1 tbs minestrone soup + steam muscle in (wine butter?) + 2 slc bread w/ olive oil + some tuscan white beans + rib eye steak (1/2 portion) + 1 glazed rib + a glass of red wine

SI6 Ramp it Up! 45 min! Tough....
Note: I feel like I don't get the full exercise yet since I'm fumbling a bit with the routine, being the first time on this set. Hopefully next time will be better.
2-3 hours after I came home from dinner started feeling weird and sick. Dry coughing, shivers, and stomach hurt. Ended up bolted out from bed, threwing up (stupid cheap ass wine) & bad diarrehea... basically everything that I ate that night plus all I had in my gutt and bowels went down the drain....*crawl back into bed*

Note to self: no more ordering wine especially red in chain restaurant
2-3 hours after I came home from dinner started feeling weird and sick. Dry coughing, shivers, and stomach hurt. Ended up bolted out from bed, threwing up (stupid cheap ass wine) & bad diarrehea... basically everything that I ate that night plus all I had in my gutt and bowels went down the drain....*crawl back into bed*

Note to self: no more ordering wine especially red in chain restaurant

Out of curiosity how do you know it's the wine that did it?
My stomach is sensitive. I can 'taste' the wine sitting in my stomach. Also, the cough is different. It is the cough I got when there is something 'hot' in me (similar thing would happen if I eat oily stuff). Once the wine/bad stuff got thrown-up I will feel better immediately. Yeah... stupid me... only recall all this stuff after the fact. Shd hv known better. Oh yeah, my sis and I shared the same food during dinner (except the wine) and she was fine. :/
hehehe RampUp makes my arms and shoulder sore the next morning - from push ups and a bunch of upper body routine. Stingo can be proud of me for working my upper body now ;)

/me murmurs something that sounds a lot like "It's about time..." :)