
add: night snack: 3 oz of fruit juice smoothie (banana+passion fruit juice+ homemade peach conserve+2%milk+brw sugar) sooo gooooodddd....
ARGH!!! I am feeling so bummed-out right now....
*take a deep breath* could be that time of the month.... something just didnt go smoothly today and I can't shake off the irritation. *cry*
*sigh* too late... in goes whatever left of the pizza from last night.

I did cook penne pasta and some chicken, shrimp in tomato sauce, but that is for tomorrow's menu.

*take a deep breath* I think I will do another round of exercise later.... ; ;
DAY 21 (Tue) 11/28
B: oatmeal+raisin+blueberry+brw sugar
S: almonds 10-15
L: fried rice (brown rice, hot links, asparagus, egg, onion, shallot, olive oil, chili)
S: 1/4 sandwich tw on wwb w/ abc sauce and dijon mustard
D: pizza (>.<)

Night Exercise:
10-15 min Warm up, w/ 2 lbs for arms workout

1x20 Squats w/ 14 lbs (7 lbs each hand)
1x20 lunges w/ 14 lbs
1x10 + 1x15 + 1x20 deadlifts w/ 14 lbs
1x20 split lunge w/ 7 lbs
2x25 butt kick w/ res band

10 min RRP legs

(exercise got interrupted) .. and my night just went on a downgrade slope :(
Time like this I wish I have a punching sack at home or a treadmill. I want to run this feeling away.... ; ;
Stingo, your the bomb, man! Thanks for letting me rant-on and on and on on MSN :D (you regret yet adding me in your contact list?) :p
Bounced Back!

Ok, so I had a bad day last night. Today I am determined to recover. Unfortunately the day didn't start as smooth. I broke my routine. NO BREAKFAST!!!! :eek:
Managed to recover starting lunch time. So here is my day.
(I am not going to keep writing my supplements unless i forgot or took different amount ... so redundant...)

DAY 22 (Wed) 11/29

Woke up late, Had to rush to the city. No time for breakfast. Grabbed a cup of mocha on the way...

B: 1 Tall starbucks mocha no whip-cream + 1 bite of pumpkin loaf
S: 8-10 almonds
L: penne pasta + chicken & shrimp w/ italian squash in spicy tomato sauce. (yum-yum-yum-yum-yummmmmm) been waiting for this the whole day!
S: 5 almonds + some peanuts
D: tofu, shrimp, tomato, asparagus, corn, peas w/ sauted onion, garlic in olive oil.
S: anchovies

Night exercise
GYM - Finally got to the gym! yessss. I missed my cardio routine. Decided to try a harder interval.
I don't know if what I did considered HIIT, but I was sure feel the burn, the heat and *whew* after the second sprint I was like .. uh-uh.. no more sprinting....

TM: 2% incline, total: 1.71 miles, 202 kcal
warm up 5min
walk 2min @4.5
run 2min @6.5
sprint 1min @7.5
run 2min @6
sprint 1min @7.5
walk 1min @4.5
run 1min @6
walk 1min @4.5
(start cooling down)
walk 4min @4
walk 2min @3.5
walk 1min @3

Thigh Abductor 3x15 @50lbs
Thigh Adductor 3x15 @50lbs

I am trying different routine for my usual LB routine. Adding pulses during reps.
Squats: 15 = 5 regular, 5 w/ 3pulses, 5 reg
Lunges: 10 = 5 regular, 5 Split lunges w/ 5pulses
Dead Lift: 15 = 10 regular, 5 w/ 5pulses @14lbs

Butt Kick: 2x15 w/ resistance band

I feel great!!! I think ima be sore again tomorrow. :D
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Looking good! Keep up the great work!

I'm sorry you had a rough night. I had one of those last night. They suck, don't they? We're here for ya though! :)
hey kiria,
i just finished reading through your journal and i can definitely sympathize with you. i'm 5'1" and have the XS top/size 2-4 unproportional LTB problem as well. i'm 115 (today) and have bounced between 107 and 140, so i really feel your pain and understand where you are coming from. it was always really hard to see my body as sexy because i never see my body type on tv or in magazines, so there must be something wrong with it, right? NO!
i'm always struggling to accept my body's proportions, and to remember that i can't change them, i'm always going to be bigger on bottom than on top. we've just got to work with what we've got!
in the last couple months i've been doing a TON of squats, lunges, etc with 3-5 pound weights, and i've noticed a huge difference in tone and firmness in the LTB area. it's not where i want it to be, but it's really helping me to see that a shapely, but firm bottom can be really sexy as long as it's not jiggly (think of j.lo!). so just remember that our body type can be sexy too. if you keep up with the strength training, pilates-type stuff, you'll really start to see major differences.
don't think you'll every ever be able to conquer your proportions through losing weight though because you'll just get emaciated on top. so i guess this post is just to help you remember that it's best to accept yourself first, before you work on being the best you can be.

Would working the upper body to make it proportional to the lower body be something to think about, rather than building up the lower body only?
... it's really helping me to see that a shapely, but firm bottom can be really sexy as long as it's not jiggly (think of j.lo!). so just remember that our body type can be sexy too. if you keep up with the strength training, pilates-type stuff, you'll really start to see major differences.
don't think you'll every ever be able to conquer your proportions through losing weight though because you'll just get emaciated on top. so i guess this post is just to help you remember that it's best to accept yourself first, before you work on being the best you can be.


Thx babe ^^ Glad to hear some1 else share what I experience and what I feel. I am aiming for being lean and firm down there. And the more I keep up with the exercise, I do see the difference in the way I walk and carry myself (YAY!!) :D

Eating healthy now, not being crazy about needing to be 'skinny' seems to work out for keeping what I have above and trimming - or toning - what I have below ;)
Would working the upper body to make it proportional to the lower body be something to think about, rather than building up the lower body only?

IMHO it depends on what you mean by 'proportional' :)

Subjectively, if you still got too much fat/thickness below you wont look good by getting heavier on top just for the sake of balance, especially if you are not tall. Not visually desireable - for the risk of looking even shorter. For pear-shape body that is the challenge. Of course that being said, doesn't mean we want a flabby top :)

So, yeah, firm overall body is the goal for me. I know I will always carry my trunk behind me, I just need to unload a couple layers of junk from thr ;)
It almost sounds like one of your assumptions is that if you work your lower body that's where you will lose the fat from... I think the body takes fat from all around the body to burn, so exercising won't necessarily help the immediate area... If there was a gal with your proportions with negligible body fat, her size would have to come from her bones and/or her muscles... Since you're building up the muscles of your lower body I'd think they'd get larger thus increasing the size of your lower body, while the upper body got smaller from disuse...?
Hm... I think u misunderstand. I am NOT not working my upper body, just different amount and intensity. And that is because with my body, it is easier to tone/build muscle on the UB than LB.
Sure the body will burn fat from all the over place not just on the area I am working out. If I know my own body from gaining and loosing weight - or should I say from when I look the skinniest to chubbiest ;p - is the fat most likely shed from top down - on my face first (that means if I am not watching what I eat I will look sick, yech), then middle area, lastly thighs and butt.
What I am seeing now from my workout and eating habit are thighter and more defined legs, leaner lower thighs above the knees, and shaping up on the middle thighs, and a decrease in unwanted bumps on the upper and side of hips.
Yeah I make a lot of fuss afraid that I will look like "Arnold" :p affraid to bulk up I mean. Size wise, the biggest part of my thighs still at 21. I can feel the muscle underneath the fat tho. And I will not give up to firm up and lift-up my bum. Hey, even if am born to have a j-lo butt, at least I wanna have a firm one like her and not a jello kind :p
DAY 23 (Thu) 11/30
B: 1/2 cup oatmeal + raisin + blueberry + brw sugar
S: 1/4 sandwich for lunch
L: finished the sandwich 2 slc wwb + tw + 1 boiled egg (make as egg salad w/ miracle whip, dijon, abc)
S: 4 almonds + 1/4 cup of coffe w/ sugar
D: red kidney bean soup in pork ribs broth

TM 20min, 2%inc: walk @4.5 + sprint 1min@8, run 2min + 2 min @6.
Taiko Class (2 hr)
Oh please - between the two of you you might have a pound, probably less.