Bounced Back!
Ok, so I had a bad day last night. Today I am determined to recover. Unfortunately the day didn't start as smooth. I broke my routine. NO BREAKFAST!!!!
Managed to recover starting lunch time. So here is my day.
(I am not going to keep writing my supplements unless i forgot or took different amount ... so redundant...)
DAY 22 (Wed) 11/29
Woke up late, Had to rush to the city. No time for breakfast. Grabbed a cup of mocha on the way...
B: 1 Tall starbucks mocha no whip-cream + 1 bite of pumpkin loaf
S: 8-10 almonds
L: penne pasta + chicken & shrimp w/ italian squash in spicy tomato sauce.
(yum-yum-yum-yum-yummmmmm) been waiting for this the whole day!
S: 5 almonds + some peanuts
D: tofu, shrimp, tomato, asparagus, corn, peas w/ sauted onion, garlic in olive oil.
S: anchovies
Night exercise
GYM - Finally got to the gym! yessss. I missed my cardio routine. Decided to try a harder interval.
I don't know if what I did considered HIIT, but I was sure feel the burn, the heat and *whew* after the second sprint I was like .. uh-uh.. no more sprinting....
TM: 2% incline, total: 1.71 miles, 202 kcal
warm up 5min
walk 2min @4.5
run 2min @6.5
sprint 1min @7.5
run 2min @6
sprint 1min @7.5
walk 1min @4.5
run 1min @6
walk 1min @4.5
(start cooling down)
walk 4min @4
walk 2min @3.5
walk 1min @3
Thigh Abductor 3x15 @50lbs
Thigh Adductor 3x15 @50lbs
I am trying different routine for my usual LB routine. Adding pulses during reps.
Squats: 15 = 5 regular, 5 w/ 3pulses, 5 reg
Lunges: 10 = 5 regular, 5 Split lunges w/ 5pulses
Dead Lift: 15 = 10 regular, 5 w/ 5pulses @14lbs
Butt Kick: 2x15 w/ resistance band
I feel great!!! I think ima be sore again tomorrow.