Hi Kiria
it was wonderful to raed what u typed,and trust me i can totally understnd whta u mean
when i posted my pics here on fitness and everyone was like u look fine!but trust mei must have worlds biggest bum and fattest thighs on 5 2`,
my butt was 40 at one point then i lost weight and di my workouts ,specailly lunges,squats,and butt squezes and its trimmed down to 35 but still its big enough to embarace me in bikini.
my thighs were 22 something as far as i rember but now they are 18 something i need tomeasure again
what worked for me was HIIT cardio 3 times a week or cardio incline 10% speed 5 to 6 mphs 5 times a week,it gives a full lower body workout
if u can arrange by
debbie siebers"thin thighs guarnteed" it works wonders,and if u can buy a lower body yoga Tape that would be awesome
i too am skiny up top,and my boobs cant fill A cups either
i am fine with my lower body now ,but not totally satisfied,but as long as i can keep my weight down and gain more muscles i bet i am going to be in more shape.
best of luck
i am here if u ever need me
it was wonderful to raed what u typed,and trust me i can totally understnd whta u mean
when i posted my pics here on fitness and everyone was like u look fine!but trust mei must have worlds biggest bum and fattest thighs on 5 2`,
my butt was 40 at one point then i lost weight and di my workouts ,specailly lunges,squats,and butt squezes and its trimmed down to 35 but still its big enough to embarace me in bikini.
my thighs were 22 something as far as i rember but now they are 18 something i need tomeasure again
what worked for me was HIIT cardio 3 times a week or cardio incline 10% speed 5 to 6 mphs 5 times a week,it gives a full lower body workout
if u can arrange by
debbie siebers"thin thighs guarnteed" it works wonders,and if u can buy a lower body yoga Tape that would be awesome
i too am skiny up top,and my boobs cant fill A cups either
i am fine with my lower body now ,but not totally satisfied,but as long as i can keep my weight down and gain more muscles i bet i am going to be in more shape.
best of luck
i am here if u ever need me