
Hi Kiria
it was wonderful to raed what u typed,and trust me i can totally understnd whta u mean
when i posted my pics here on fitness and everyone was like u look fine!but trust mei must have worlds biggest bum and fattest thighs on 5 2`,
my butt was 40 at one point then i lost weight and di my workouts ,specailly lunges,squats,and butt squezes and its trimmed down to 35 but still its big enough to embarace me in bikini.
my thighs were 22 something as far as i rember but now they are 18 something i need tomeasure again
what worked for me was HIIT cardio 3 times a week or cardio incline 10% speed 5 to 6 mphs 5 times a week,it gives a full lower body workout
if u can arrange by
debbie siebers"thin thighs guarnteed" it works wonders,and if u can buy a lower body yoga Tape that would be awesome
i too am skiny up top,and my boobs cant fill A cups either:rolleyes:
i am fine with my lower body now ,but not totally satisfied,but as long as i can keep my weight down and gain more muscles i bet i am going to be in more shape.
best of luck
i am here if u ever need me:)
How do people manage to do calorie count on all of the food you take? ... I tried going on fitday, and nearly having a fit trying to find the closest fit/match to the food I ate.... not mentioning the serving amount

I found it easiest (if a bit inconvenient) to enter everything as a custom food, so I had to enter the contents of the nutrition label myself.
Slimsadie, u r totally an inspiration! I am where you were and my goal is to be where you at now! My trunk still at 35, and thighs at 20-21. I guess it has been like that for years, until now that I got motivated to shave the fat off. I'll check out the tapes you suggested. Thanks!
I've never used Fitday. I just always looked on the back of what I was eating and calculated from there. Also, fast food places will have nutritional guides and most restaraunts will have nutritional guides to their food online.

After counting kcals for about a month if your eating habits are repititious, then you get really good at nailing how many kcals you have had.

whookay.... I think at least my breakfast is pretty routine. My menu is a bit different, since it's ethnic food mostly. I guess I could try what Stingo do and count them manually... ^^; wish me luck on tht....

Tomorrow will measure my BF%.. dun-dun-dun.... :p
Today started good, and then... I pigged-out ... ; ;

Day 11 (Sat) 11/18
no pills
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal + raisin + brown sugar
Exercise: jump squat + 4 reps split lunges + kick back using resistance band + 1 rep lunges using band
Lunch: half bowl of beef udon
Snack: movie popcorn + some cassava chips + almonds + half slice pizza (pep/mush)
Dinner: half bowl of bibimbab + the small dishes (some oden, pickles, kimchi, bean sprouts)

Watched Happy Feet today ^^ so funny.

Orz.. got headache..
Hey Kiria, are you from New Zealand by any chance because Kiri is a womens name in the maori language (native new zealander's not the european new zealanders) Just wondering sorry for hi jacking, good diary by the way :D
Hey Kiria, are you from New Zealand by any chance because Kiri is a womens name in the maori language (native new zealander's not the european new zealanders) Just wondering sorry for hi jacking, good diary by the way :D

Wow! Really? :D How Cool!
But unfortunately, no. I just like the name :p
And feel free to stop by the diary anytime :)
DAY 12 (Sun) 11/19
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal + raisin + brown sugar
Morning Gym: 15 min cardio
Lunch/snacks: Went to Costco for a stroll and grab a bite of each ^^: sweet potato, chicken wing, chicken salad, crab dip, cracker, chocolate cookie, shrimp tempura, mango juice, cherry, cup of mocha
Dinner: 1 chicken wing + 2 tbs rice + 3 fish sticks + some spicy tofu soup
Drink Green Tea
Night Exercise: Lunges, squats (w/ resistance), Kick back, step up cardio
DAY 13 (mon) 11/20
Breakfast: oatmeal w/ milk (yech) + raisin + brown sugar
Lunch: shrimp + tofu + asparagus + peas + onion sauted
Snack: 1 slc wwb + peanut butter
Dinner: Tri Tip Steak - seared with pepper & onion + Sauted broccoli w/ garlic
Snack: baked corn chips + hot salsa
Gym: 30 min on treadmill w/ hiking program (intervals and incline)

Note to self: no more oatmeal with milk.. too rich yech ... . Drank at least 1500ml water today. Goal for tomorrow: keep up the water intake, and don't forget the supplements.
hello kiria:)
IMHO 15 minutes cardio isnt enough..why dont u do 20 minutes instead of 15 but that should be HIIT and 3 times a week?
Yeah, :) after what you wrote before, (Day 13) I started doing 30 min cardio and doing one of the program on the machine. I sweated a river!! So yesterday I did that again for another 30 min, I almost die lol... ; ; I figured that may be that was because I forgot to have some snack in the afternoon, and the lunch I had was not enough (Day 14). And I probably should give it 1 day rest before doing another 30 minute program too ^^;

DAY 14 (Tue) 11/21
Breakfast: oatmeal + raisin + brown sugar
Supp: 1 fish oil + 1 vit
Snack: Quaker's granola bar oatmeal raisin (90 cal)
Lunch: 6" roast beef sdw (Subway): 3 slc of rb + 2 slc swiss chs + onion, tomato, lettuce + honey oat wheat bread (290 cal, or so they claim)
Supp: 1 fish oil + 1 vit
Gym: 20 min treadmill + 15 min climber.
Dinner: hamburger-steak + mushroom sauce

... no night snack... played video game a bit then just went to bed.
FF online ;p and new (old) game called Harvest Moon, a simple game about farming. Oh, didn't get to make the steamed-egg last night since I was beat. How's your dinner?
You play FFXI? I have an account but have not touched it in ages. I know of Harvest Moon and have played it a few times too.

Dinner was nice - boiled chicken breast over barilla plus pasta... was too tired to do the salad thing, and was full after the first two.

Thank goodness it was a lunch event. Basically ate a bit of everything. Did get full but not stuffed. Morning exercise helped me feeling less guilty over the food fest. The whole lunch with socializing spanned from noon to almost 6pm. Ate a lot, chat a lot and laughed a lot too. All in all, a good day spent.

Tonight, can't fit in any more morsels into my mouth. Opting to do more exercise in the livingroom. Too bad my gym closed for the weekend....
P.S on the post last night... I caved and snacked on a bowl of turkey noodle soup. I figured, felt a bit hungry and could use some fuel if I wanted to last until 3am while watching hubby played Xbox...
DAY 15 (Wed) 11/22
Still feel the tightness on my thighs and butt. Will ease on the cardio today and do lunges and squats at home. Prepare body for tomorrow's eating ....

Supp: 1 fish oil + 1 vit
Breakfast: Oatmeal + raisin + brown sugar
Snack: 1 slc wwb +pb + jelly
Supp: 1 fish oil + 1 vit
Lunch: Tonkatsu Doburi (Pork cutlet with egg and rice)
Snack: 1 slc wwb + pb + jelly
Dinner: Tri trip steak seared w/ pepper, garlic, oilve oil, rosemary + sauted brocolli
Snack: salsa + baked corn chips

Breakfast: oatmeal + raisin + brw sugar
Supp: vit + f.oil
Lunch: Thanksgiving at Neighbor (Yay for not to have to cook!). A bit of everything: samosa + steam bean flour cake + vegi chutney + basmati rice, tofu curry, eggplant curry, some beans dish, wht turkey slc, gravy, cranberry sauce, potato, yam, fruit salad, bokchoi w/ mushroom + pecan pie + apple crumble + vanilla ice cream + pistachio + white wine
Supp: vit + f.oil
NO MORE SNACK!!! >.< .... yeah right... Turkey Noodle soup with peas. ;p
Morning exercise: Lunges, Squats, Butt kick
Night exercise: same.
DAY 17 (Fri) 11/24
Supp: vit + fishoil + 1 lipo6
Breakfast: oatmeal + raisin + brw sugar
Snack: 3 small eggrolls
Supp: vit + fishoil
Lunch: shrimp + brocolli + pasta
Snack: ... none
Dinner: fish + asparagus + fruit salad
Supp: vit + fishoil
Night exercise: lunges, squats, butt kick

Note: realized my water intake is bad when i'm off work. If I'm not on the table with the water bottle in front of me, then I don't drink.

Note to Stingo: Thx for the fish idea. I used tilapia filet, & added red pepper powder for more spicy-kick ;)

ed: Stayed up until 2am... ended up hungry around midnight, so Snack on small bowl of cereal.
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