
since u are playing with all thr different speeds/inclines..i thought u would like HIIT :)
i always hated cardios but HIIT is the thing that excites me:)
i always find something challenging 4 me,thats what my life has become..a life full of challenges:)
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I Did It!!

It is challenging! :p not that I dont like it per-se but I most likely not be doing HIIT too often :rolleyes:

That said, I actually DID it this morning!!! :D

DAY 61 Workout:

Morning (1130a) workout: TM HIIT 25min@ 1-3% incline, 2.13miles, 177cal, warm-up & cool-down=3, walk=4-4.5, run= 5-5.5, sprint=8. Did 3 sprints.
(Next time will push sprint to 8.5)
Stretch + cool-down exercise 5min

And I DID MY GOAL! woot woot woot! *sweatdrop* It is tough for me to meet 15 miles a week though, not with my current schedule. Gym of 4 times a week with average of 3 miles only give me 12 miles total. That means I gotta push it to close to 4 miles each time! *ack*

Gonna set another 15 miles anyway for this coming week. :cool: yeah~

~ lazy panda roll-away ~
Another weird eating day ^^; woke up late, breakfast at lunch time, lunch at snack time, and then dinner ( & i bet whoever read my today's meal is gona be like wth is this gal eating .... ) :p

DAY 61 (Sun) 1/7

Supp: fo cla vit
B(1230): oatmeal raisin blackberry milk brw sugar
L(3): ho fan in fish broth w/ fish ball(2) & beef ball(1) & mushroom(1) ~ ate a lot of the soup, finished about 1/2 bowl
Supp: fo vit
D(730): Indonesian food: gudeg, lontong, es tape, gado2, grilled fish, sate chicken, pisang bakar ~ some of everything, full but not stuffed
Past 60 days marker! I was about to log my thoughts and what I learned so far. And I have something to write to. But my eyes so tired. also took new pics :cool: but not gona post tonight....


Aweomse job on the HIIT! I love the panda roll too :)
60 DAYS! ^_^b

I have a mix feeling about 60 days. It is only 60 days?? Feels like a year already. I enjoy the way I live now that I can't imagine why I didn't start any sooner.
It has been 60 days??? This is by far the longest I ever stick to a regiment. Well, I guess, it has become a lifestyle now so it has really become a part of my daily life, a part of what I do.

To say that I am happy with my achievement so far is an understatement. But to assume that I will stop here, is being presumptious. I am not near done. What I see now only motivates me to kick it up a notch.

How strange. I used to think it is impossible just to get where I am now. Yeah, I know bone structure and some other set factor can't be change. But heck, I will do what I can to achieve the best I can be! (g^_^)~o *punch*

Among others, one other thing I learned so far is to NOT GIVE MYSELF ANY EXCUSE TO NOT EXERCISE! Not even PMS will stop me from doing something. I was really motivated by a woman in this forum, who insisted on doing her regiment when she was still sniffeling from cold. ;)
And when she does her regiment, she gives it 100%. No less. If she cant then she took a off-day. So now, when I am in the borderline about to stop in mid rep, I think of her, and finish my rep.

I hope to inspire others as this woman does me. My sister, my soon to be bride friend, and others who wants to listen and let me share my enthusiasm in this.

Onward to the next 30 days and beyond and into the summer! ^_^b
Before - After

Ok. So the abs is about the only part of my bod that I am proud to show off. But you all know that I am flexing the muscle to show up, right? :p

Although it is not the main reason of why I started all this. ;) (not that I mind, mind you. I'm glad I got where I am now and happy living in it)

My goal was to shave the fat waist down and get leaner, lower BF% there. Unfortunately, my body just take it off whenever from where ever it wants. The best I can do is being persistence. Regardless, I definitely see improvement.

Starting inches on Thighs: 21.25"-21.5"
Thighs now: 20"-19.5" :)

Widest part of the hip (where the biggest lumps perch) still at 35" :eek: *sigh* But, on the positive side, it's tighter, firmer & higher!! LMA$$O :D

I'm still plowing onward, eating, exercising, and hopefully one day my body decide that it's time to let go the fat on my bumm :p

I luuuv the Slim In 6! :D thanks Sadie!!
Tom you are an inspiration in eating right & eating good! :D

Comments, suggestions, cristicism, w/e is welcomed! Thanks!
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Thanks for the encouragements! *^^* Now that's out there I better make sure I keep it up, right? :D

OK, I was too tired the last 2 days to post my meal & exercise. So here goes:

DAY 62 (Mon) 1/8
Supp: fo cla
B: oatmeal raisin blackberry milk brw sugar cinnamon
S: 1 string cheese + wheat crackers
Supp: fo vit
L: The left over half of the roast beef sandwich (wwb, tons of real beef slices w/ jalapeno mmmmm.....) a bit of the gravy on the side.
S: Yoplait Yogurt Kiwi-Strawberry + 1/4 cup granola
Supp: cla vit fo
D: cup of chili + salsa + baked corn chips
S: a cup of kolak ubi-pisang + a bit of lapis cake

Evening workout: SI6 48 min + Elliptical 20min, @10 intensity, 211 cal, 2.5 miles

DAY 63 (Tue) 1/9
Supp: fo vit
B(10): oatmeal raisin almonds blackberry milk cinnamon brw sugar
Supp: fo cla
L: rice w/ broccoli shrimp olive sauted in garlic olive oil & sherry, tabasco
S: 1 string cheese + 6 wheat crackers
S: peach yoplait + 1/4 cup granola + 1/2 protein bar (pre gym)
D: sate mie (egg noodle + peanut sauce + boiled chayote) + yaw thiew (deep fried chinese bread)
S: 2-3 pieces mango + 1 wheat crackers

Evening Workout: Elliptical 35min @10 intensity, 370.5cal, 4.4 miles
Guess what I bought at supermarket today :D ... new sets of tupperware! :D :D :D
2 sizes, 3 each! Now I got it uniform and neater to arrange in the cabinet & fridge. I'm ready to fill them with yummies, "freeze" them, and "nuke" them ;)
Have to join in and congratulate you on the progress you have made.....awesome abs!