Wisdom teeth suck...
I can't talk ... but I can TYPE !! LOL
I'm good today besides the pain and the left side of my throat feels like sandpaper, my tonsil is swollen, my jaw won't open more than like a third of the way , and my eye is constantly watering..... besides that I'm okay...
........not to mention the horrible PAIN !!!!!!!!!
: /
so this weekend I rode my bike all over the field again what a rush man!! LOL
and I ate lots of grilled veggies with (ta-da!) Buttery Spray !!
and carb smart BBQ sauce.... I check everything for that high fructose corn syrup now like a maniac. So what does that stuff DO anyway??? and why is it bad????
I got this cereal over the weekend called Fiber Choice. It has , get this,
------14 GRAMS OF FIBER IN IT!--------------------------------
is that good for you?? that friggin much fiber at one time??? : /
It has like 47 grams of carbs in it, but don't you like subtract the fiber from the carbs and that is how many carbs are really going in your system or something,,, or do I just not know what I 'm talking about.
This morning I had:
Special K vanilla almond one serving-----150
and I had a grill cheese sandwich WW bread 2 slices---80
and FF cheese ( I just like it man ) -----------------35
I have peanuts for a snack( in the shell so it makes me eat slow)
I have melba toast and Cot. Cheese for later on snack
i have this excellent chicken breast I cooked last night no fat added
WW bread and FF cheese for lunch
FF popcorn 100 cal bag
SF Apple cider...mmm feels good on the throat
and....what else...
I think that's it.
I am having a salad for dinner with more chicken breast on it and my homemade dressing (lemon juice , X-virgin olive oil spray, and salsa .
and a small dessert of SF jello pudding made with FF milk, (SF,FF,HAHA!!) and little banana n apple slices in it....IS THAT A BAD CHOICE?? SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME IF IT IS. Cause I probably need to quit eating that anyway. Should I just make a fruit salad with FF cream cheese instead? (it would have like 50 more calories)
I need input! So put in !! LOL
if ya want to.
I also did alot of cleaning this wknd , and rearranging. Did alot of sitting in the friggin car driving too, that SUCKED. I felt so lazy, I became an ARM and a FOOT. Seriously, I was in the car so much, that was all I felt like, I felt like I had eyeballs and all that connected those four things was like...sticks or something....