Its getting better

I am still feeling very good and with such ENERGY !!!
I feel like the world is regaining color. I think it was drained of all its beauty there for a long long time in my head.
crazy how the simplest thing can keep you from seeing things the way they really are...
And how precious everything is to me. I don't want to EVER be anorexic again. I want to keep getting better.
These are my goals and I am going to have to deal with the night time crazies for a while I guess. I kinda fall off the deep end at night at my house. There's no one to talk to. Kids are in bed, everything is done, and I'm not tired. Its that idle time that KILLS me.... Then I start over-analyzing my entire day and what I should have done and not done and done different and how different and what would've happened or not happenned or what would I be doing different right now and yadda yadda yadda !!
So anyway,
after work I get the little piece of Heaven I just love it

I get to go to the gym and spend an hour and a half up there doing w/e I want!
so I'm doing upper body today since I did legs on Saturday. Then I'll do legs again on Thursday after work.
I am NOT literate on the terminology of weight machines or gym related "paraphernalia" !! I have NO friggin idea what these things are called!!!!
especially the upper body ones..
so here goes anyway:
I start out with
the "bicep curl machine" and do 3 sets of 12 at 50 lbs
then I actually alternate that with the "tricep curl machine or w/e " and do 3 sets of 12 at 50 lbs of those
then I do the "deltoid machine" 3 sets of 12 @ 55 lbs
then I do the CHEST PRESS 3 sets of 12 @ 40 lbs
" back pulldown machine " 3 sets of 12 at 40 lbs
the uh..." sitting down-back lean back thingy that you lean back and push the bar until your flat" machine...... lol ........3 sets of 15 of that @ 110 lbs
then then I do the "ab cruncher dealy" 3 sets of 25 @ 35 lbs
I do the stair stepper at level 9 for 20 minutes
then I do the elliptical (I really wish I could run on the treadmill....) at level 9 for however long I have until I have to leave
stretch for 5 minutes before leaving
hmmm..that sounds kinda boring huh? I hate upper body day . I like LEG day it tires me out. I just don't want to get all buff as hell on my upper body I already have like no boobs so I don't think I want pectoral definition going on and about .
so I had *drumroll* 1200 calories so far today ! yay!
and I have this little protein bar I'm gonna eat Before I work out too its really neat!
Then I will have a little something after working out tonight like maybe that leftover salmon in the fridge with some salsa and then I will shower and get in bed .