I aquajogged for 120 mins once again. It's starting to feel too easy, so I did part of it without following the running motion with my hands. I felt pretty neutral about it, I wasn't in a super good mood but not in a bad one either, it felt like a thing I know I have and want to do and that's it. Maybe it's good to have something in my workout regime that doesn't feel taxing though. I know that when I'm at the gym, I go at it like an ape. Floater, in perpetual search for balance
I had a quesadilla and a soy protein isolate shake before going to the pool, and my usual porridge in the locker room. During the exercise I kept dreaming about food and decided I'd buy a banana and a pear on my way back home. The store had cherry tomatoes on sale and cheap broccoli, so I bought two 250g boxes of tomatoes, one head of broccoli, and a lime in addition to the banana and the pear.
Dinner was pan-fried polenta and cherry tomatoes with a three-egg omelette and cheese. I was too tired to try anything fancy so I just fried everything on the same pan and it ended up looking "once eaten", but luckily I was so hungry I could have eaten small rocks, and at least it tasted great. (I'm going to bitterly miss cheese... The golden treasure in my fridge is getting worrysomely small... But I don't need to quit cheese for life, just find a new balance and shake up my habits a bit!) I was still hungry after eating dinner, so I had a big glass of water, made myself a lovely cup of herbal tea, and chopped up the banana and the pear in a cute bowl for dessert. The pear tastes great, it's the perfect texture (I don't like pears that are too soft of "grainy"), and super sweet.
My body feels like a happy little engine, purring away contently. The temperature has dropped to -5 again, and I have to say that one of the best things about eating proper food at proper intervals it that I can feel the energy in the food being converted to heat by my metabolism. I feel safe in my body, and I feel like me and it are working together towards the goal of transitioning, and beyond that too. After all, once the treatments start, I'll be on my way to become a living example of scientific progress and human willpower. I know it sounds super cheesy, and it is, but I'm riding a high from the workout and my meal so please let me have this one

PS: my skin seems to have accustomed to the pool water somewhat; I moisturize my face regularly and my body when I have the energy to, but the worst itching seems to have passed!