Will get on it after work
Thank you for the stretching tip DM,
@LaMaria !
Phew, I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, so I'm making myself a cup of late evening coffee so I can stay awake long enough to take the dog out before bedtime.
I hit the gym and did long/high reps (my language skills have left me lol) with 60-70% of my max weights, and it felt nice. I kept a good pace, and focused on how the strain felt different from my previous exercise routine. Had my usual porridge in the locker room, and brought and ate a banana on my way home while walking. The workout didn't feel as taxing as my usual workout initially, I guess I have more stamina than I thought, and I had energy to take the dog out right away (had to go check the storage space of the house as someone has apparently been living there illegally?!) and have a shower. But after that I dropped like a wind-up toy that's out of juice! I could barely make dinner (pan-fried mashed potatoes and tuna+bean-spinach sauce) as I kept dropping the spatula and fumbling about like a zombie. Good workout I guess

As I'm meeting a friend and her baby for coffee in another town on Thursday, and I already know my brain will be fried after that (the trip, the noise in the coffee house, the social interaction, and babies are cute but scary), I decided I'll push myself to go water jogging tomorrow because it will most likely take me at least one but possibly even three days to bounce back from the coffee appointment, and I want to seriously start shedding the extra fat now that I've bulked so well. I'll be happy with just 60 minutes of water jogging if it feels too taxing after gym today.
My foods today have been pretty much perfect. Like a nutritionist's day dream. The issue is, I'm stuck with a garden gnome gut again and feeling in pain and distress because of it. I'll try to remember that the distress is temporary and feeling it now will help me lose weight eventually, as it's due to having had frequent high fiber meals along the day. It still felt bad to see the stretch marks on my stomach in the mirror of the gym locker room, because being swollen makes them look much redder and bigger than how they look when my stomach isn't all f*d up. And, of course, because the gut-brain-interaction runs two ways, I'm once again freaking out about stuff like "what if I have ovarian cancer/GI cancer and I'll never get to transition because I'll be dead", and even planned my funeral in advance as I was cooking dinner lol. But RATIONALLY I know that if that were the case, I wouldn't have goo days when my stomach doesn't bother me. It's probably reacting to me putting my body through harder exercise than it's accustomed to, in addition to the fiber rich food.