Great! When I was in the supermarket looking for my wheat beer treat, I noticed they had rotisserie chickens on sale for 4,99 so of course I got one and ate the wings and legs as soon as I got home. (Nera got some of the leaner flesh.) After that we headed for a walk on the fields, and I kept thinking about Tarkovsky's "Stalker" I watched during the weekend and how much it resonated with me and how funny it is that Nera looks so much like the dog in that movie.
My glasses fit much better now and I think I'll just watch something on YT until I get hungry enough to eat lentil stew. I need to give my fridge a quick wipe down on one of the shelves, there's some lentil stew I seem to have spilled on it, ew! But other than that, the apartment is clean, dog is happy and cared for, I'm tired but VERY proud of myself that I made it to the gym. It means a lot to me to be at the point where I go even when I don't have motivation to. Us autistics often struggle to build routines, but once they are there, they are relatively easy to keep up (as long as they are realistic to our expendable energy levels).
I really like my buzzed left side with my messy high bun. I kind of want to shave the other side too... I like how the shorn side shows off my natural ashy blonde, and makes my rainbow vomit of years and years of shock dyes in the long portion look much more tolerable. My neckline also looks so much better on the buzzed side. If decades of nightmares and bruxism have any upside, it's that I have pretty impressive jaw muscles for a person assigned female at birth lol. (And of course it would be cheaper to bleach the hair with two buzzed sides...?)