Well-known member
Carbs are really good for sleep, yeah! I had two pan-fried tortillas with blue cheese before bed. I still couldn't sleep until 3AM, but that's not too rare for me really.Carbs might help with sleepiness, too. Not that that's helpful to say now given the time, but hey.
I woke up at 10AM feeling refreshed, took the dog out, am now having coffee, and will have the last of the lentil soup in a minute. It's definitely important that I'll get my sleeping pills today, because I plan to go to my parents' house tomorrow to get my old art portfolio from when I was in highschool. (My parents are in France at the moment.) It's guaranteed to stir up a lot of stuff so I need to know I can sleep afterwards.
Nera is such a sweetie. Her 12th birthday will be in two days, I'm going to give her liver casserole and sing her Happy Birthday and film her reaction, like each year.