Thank you. I notice my perfectionism raising it's head so it really helps to be reminded to slow down.Yes you do. Three days starting the day after your shot is Thursday, Friday, AND Saturday. At minimum. I hope you feel much better tomorrow though.
She is a really beautiful pup. Her looks alone are gorgeous - but she also carries herself in a beautiful manner, she's like an art nouveau painting given life, flowing and flourishing. Everything about her from her gait to the way she moves her head and her huge satellite dish ears is so delicate; despite being a big dog she looks extremely dignified and light in her movements. Personally, I think that all dogs are adorable, but Nera really stands out. She has such a royal aura to her. I love her.Nera is so gorgeous! How wonderful that you're able to see the beauty in November again: it's been very sunny here this fall so far so it's easy right now.
They do! I'm roasting the veggies and they smell heavenly. I decided to add some brown button mushrooms for umami, and will add in the coconut milk, boiling water, and the lentils after the veggies have browned a bit. Lime juice will go in just before serving so it will stay sharp and retain as much of vitamin C as possible.Coconut milk and lime pretty much always work well together.
I love that. And it´s probably for the best that you didn´t go to the pool today given how crappy you still felt yesterday.I feel really happy for some reason. Even though I didn't make it to the swimming hall today, I will make it tomorrow I'm sure. And eating this healthy, fiber-rich, nutrient packed dish will help me with that.
This would make a great signature. Also: can you imagine that boiling kettle howl being the background of your summer nights?"The grasshopper mouse is not intimidated."
Ahaha that gives me massive Kullervo vibes. He's the most unlucky poor sob in the whole "Kalevala" folklore compilation. Grows up in a hostile household with her mother being kept as a slave, and basically everyone trying to kill him. Turns out he's unkillable because he has giant blood in him; eventually he avenges his mom and destroys their previous captors. On his travels he meets a young maiden wih whom he shares a passionate night with... And it turns out she's his missing sister. She drowns herself, and he throws himself into his own sword. A raging emo from start to finish. He would be exactly the type to tea kettle whistle at the sun. Oh and he's inspired a lot of artists. Us Finns are a morbid variety. Here's one from Gallen-Kallela from 1899.This would make a great signature. Also: can you imagine that boiling kettle howl being the background of your summer nights?
Typical example of honor culture being harmful to everyone. Yeah it would've sucked if she was pregnant but outside of stories she probably wouldn't have been and even if she was there are better options than killing everyone involved. Same with poor Oedipus and Jocasta. Ignorance can absolutely be a valid defense! Sorry: I get too upset about stories...She drowns herself, and he throws himself into his own sword.
Don't apologize! I literally shed tears about fictional people. (And the story of Kullervo is super brutal. He's not a bad person and neither are his female relatives, he and they are victims of their circumstances, so it's normal to feel for that family of underdogs.) Stories are to society what dreams are to individuals, a way to practice and prepare for real life stresses and situations, and to process them afterwards. The story of Tristan and Isolde also springs to mind. I really wish I could see "Der Ring des Nibelungen" live some day. While Wagner was... A piece of work to say the least, I really loved listening to his music as a kid. (I know, my autism is showing.) I'd just let the music wash over me and let it paint fantastical pictures in my mind while lounging on the sofa and looking at the patterns in the wooden floor.Typical example of honor culture being harmful to everyone. Yeah it would've sucked if she was pregnant but outside of stories she probably wouldn't have been and even if she was there are better options than killing everyone involved. Same with poor Oedipus and Jocasta. Ignorance can absolutely be a valid defense! Sorry: I get too upset about stories...