That´s so wonderful it´s making me tear up

Definitely keep that feeling of love at the forefront if you can!
I´d love to see a picture of your hair when it´s done - maybe just the back if you´re not comfortable with having your face on here?
Sure, no issue - as long as the hair dye turns out looking ok, of course. Due to my gender dysphoria I'm not quite OK with showing my face or my body in pictures even with/to IRL friends, but if the dye turns out OK, and especially if I get some easy to edit pics from our trip tomorrow, why not?
Still. I feel so hopeful about my future. It's all about little steps. My suffering and anxiety in this moment is valid, but I do have the choice what to make of it. I won't shrug it off, I will live with it until the day that things change for the better.
I have talked about this in therapy a lot. But it feels so strange to me that I can look forward and wish for an operation that is going to remove a couple of kilograms of healthy living tissue off me. Of course my chest won't look like a cis guy's chest naked, and most likely there will be some issues with feeling as the nerves take years and years to grow back in and adapt to the new situation. I know it's not easy. I don't "want" it done, I seriously believe I need it done. As this is October, breast cancer awareness month, I also feel for people who would have loved to keep their breasts but had no choice due to illness. I understand their battle is a bit different, but the process is the same.
When I imagine myself post surgery, knowing in a few years I'll be taking that leap of faith, being put under while knowing all the details that could go wrong... And waking up confused, in pain, with drains wriggling into my chest, too weak and vulnerable to even sit up on my own, most likely having to have a catheter inserted... And still, knowing the pain that is to come is less than what I feel in this body. Something in me tells me that no matter how bad the recovery period will be, and no matter how messy the scarring will be, even the worst case scenario is worth it and a sign of just how much I love myself. To be able to seek the treatments, to stick to being on HRT, all the psych evals, and having to deal with the fact that my manliness is ultimately still going to be different from a cis guy... It's an uphill battle but I would not change it for anything. Because this is who I am, and I'm living in an age that allows for people like me to modify our bodies, and goddamn, I'll make the most of that chance. The chance to give my mind a place it can call a home while I'm here on this beautiful, wondrous Earth.