Grown women are allowed to do with their bodies what they want but kids don't have the kind of nuanced thinking required to deal with many complex issues.
Yeah, this exactly!!! Kids lack the frontal lobe power to understand the implications of it, and even if nothing terrible happens, it can still be traumatic for the child to grow up and later on realize that they weren't able to understand the full extent of something they only considered a fun hobby.
Much like what happened to me and playing the violin - it was my normal to be worked to the bone and have adults tell me what a cute little prodigy I was and how I would grow up to be "the next Linda Lampenius." She was a Finnish violinist who actually had the same teacher as me, but as she came of age she left the classical music scene and went on to play more pop stuff with an electrical violin and clad in a latex catsuit. The poor woman had serious talent but got eaten up by the industry and everyone in the classical circles though she was an embarassment, so it's quite the statement that I got told something like that by adults just because I also had blonde hair and played the violin... As a literal pre teen. Makes me skin crawl now, but I wasn't able to understand why it made me uneasy back then. I'm glad that Lampenius has overcome her eating disorder and has a good life in Sweden. But back then she was used and abused and then slut shamed to top it all off. They even sold cider with her latex clad pic on the label, my parents and godparents bought a few bottles of the stuff as a keepsake and thought it was really funny. (What the fuck.) I'll link a pick of the label.
I also agree about the dressing up girls in uncomfortable and impractical clothes thing, and the general sentiment that it really is up to adults to protect kids from dangerous adults. The kids are completely vulnerable if left to do so by themselves. The CSA survivor community is well aware that one of the reasons children don't report can be that they feel like they initiated the sexual contact. Teenage brain is not a sane brain and young teen kids can get really curious and may think they can handle stuff that they can't and shouldn't ever be put through. It's not their fault of course, it's the job of the adults to see that a child gets to mature in peace, even if the child might roll their eyes and protest. I think that context matters here: I would let a 15-year old who dresses and acts punk wear a spiked collar if they wanted to, but I would never let a kid wear an O-ring collar or harness or something like that, no matter how goth or punk their other style might be. But of course the 90´s plastic wire "chokers" and bows and stuff are fine, as they don't carry the same implications.
It's super sad that people might end up causing their kids harm out of the hard headed idea that sexualizing things is only the issue of the person sexualizing the things. But why would they then get so worked up about people who suggest it's not such a great idea, and that it's in fact taboo? I have the same frustrations towards the "kink at Pride" folks, who claim in one breath that O-ring collars and leather harnesses are inherently NOT sexual and the issue is with prudes who see them as such, but then also legit wear them as fetish gear and want to represent themselves as the fetish faction of Pride. Like, which is it? People delude themselves very expertly.
What a rant and a ramble! But I'll put the oven on soon and have the rest of yesterday's garlic potatoes with fried vendaces (?) I bought form the supermarket earlier. (It's a small lake fish eaten without the heads and guts but otherwise intact, usually fried in butter and rolled in rye flour. It has quite a strong taste but is nice every now and then.)
Oh, and here's the infamous Linda cider label...