24 Celsius and 80% humidity... I'm dripping sweat just sitting down.
Second breakfast: 150 guacamole. Assistance will be over in 20 mins, I plan to wash the floors because the dog is drooling so much that they are pretty nasty already. After that I'll just kill time until evening and gym.
Oh - the dream I had - goes as follows -
It was the end of the world as often in these dreams, but not _really_. I was making my way to a highschool, I ran there and my body felt strong and capable. My ex was there and he wanted to race me on the racetrack. I went limp and started to cry, the track was muddy, I was wearing bikinis all of a sudden and my body just shook and jiggled and felt useless. There was a team of cheerleaders there and they laughed at me. My ex couldn't understand why I was so upset. Then my hand got stuck into some kind of a maintenance machine as I tried to squeeze past it and the janitors had to be called. They were two toothless men who laughed at a big titted blonde like me getting stuck, it was humiliating and my hand hurt. When I got free, my mom cycled past and I yelled after her that I'm going to have a mastectomy soon. I said that with relief and pride. HEr response was something along the lines of "oh my goodness, what now? Well if that's what you think you need, but I'm sure going to miss them" meaning herself, and disappeared into an underpass. I knew she knew I was trans, or else she would have asked if I had cancer. It confirmed what I already knew: she'd never have any other emotion towards me than failed ownership and spite.
It was a nightmare but I woke up feeling happy, secure in my identity, and accepting that these are the cards I'm playing with and what matters is making the most of them.
Therapy tomorrow!