I hope that the responses you get are as positive as the ones he gets. We should be able to be our own true selves & to be open and honest.
The responses were lovely and supportive, thank you
@Cate. I was nevertheless in an emotional turmoil and had a moment of stupidity on Friday night and walked my dog while wearing flip flops and I managed to wear off a good chunk of skin on my left foot. As a result, it's sore as hell and very uncomfortable to walk on. Looks inflamed, but as the toe itself is cool to the touch, I think it will heal on it's own.
I ordered pizza the night between Fri-Sat, and spent most of the Saturday in bed, watching YouTube videos, eating cold pizza and drinking beer and thinking to myself that of boy, things are finally moving on. I had a pre-made meal of mashed potatoes and reindeer meat with peas, corn and mozzarella for dinner, and a chicken caesar salad before bedtime. The beer gave me very restless dreams, so I think I'll have no issue falling back in line today and doing a bit of damage control. (In one of the dreams I had already had top surgery, but realized while waking up form it that I had not prepared for the recovery in any way and lacked all the support pillows, someone to walk my dog, and the other thousand things you need to think about while not able to lift your arms above your shoulders and lift anything over 5kg for 5 weeks! I was still happy about the surgery in the dream, though, which is very telling. In another one I had reverted back in age and was a teenage boy hanging out with my friends at a mall and engaging in stereotypical teenage shenanigans, like sneaking beer to crafts class. I was actually opposed to that, but didn't want to be found out to be a 33-year old impostor living my second puberty, so I just went along.)
My dog's dentist appointment is tomorrow. I'm so nervous for her. She's very frisk for her age, but still, 11 is old for a GSD mix, and they'll have to put her under for the procedure.

I think I'll prepare by cleaning up, and if I feel good enough with the toe situation and a slight hangover, I'll walk to the gym and do a light workout. Tomorrow I won't be able to anyway, because I'll have to monitor my dog while she's recovering from the anesthesia. But I'll see how the day unfolds.
Breakfast: oatmeal, tomato.