Floater's diary

Eating helped a bit with anxiety.

Going to wait for the washing machine cycle to finish and then heading out for a walk - unless I pass out again.
Anxiety didn't subside so I went over what I had eaten today and had more bread with Schwarzwald ham, a plum, 75g of store-bought guac, and a bit of hard cheese. The dry bread is 340kcal per 100g so one 200g pack per day at 680kcal is still reasonable.
Holy shit. Was feeling unpleasant so hopped on the scale... 90kg. Granted this is after a full day of eating and drinking, and I am feeling super swollen from suddenly eating a ton more fiber and FODMAPs. Kinda missing my protein bars and protein drinks now, not gonna lie.

If this doesn't resolve on its own, I gotta get myself some osmotic laxatives tomorrow. I was prescribed those when I first got diagnosed with IBS. But hopefully coffee would do the trick.
Swelling has lessened during the night. I had a dream I was ovulating and when I woke up I felt a similar sensation to how fizzy water feels in the mouth on my left abdomen. But it wasn't gas, it was a series of pinching/stinging/contracting sensations. So could very well be Mittelschmerz! Cool if so!
Breakfast: a banana and blueberries. Lunch: four pieces of dry bread with cashew spread, 300g of Turkish yogurt, 75g of guac, a box of cherry tomatoes. Psychotherapy was good.
Swelling has lessened during the night. I had a dream I was ovulating and when I woke up I felt a similar sensation to how fizzy water feels in the mouth on my left abdomen. But it wasn't gas, it was a series of pinching/stinging/contracting sensations. So could very well be Mittelschmerz! Cool if so!
Fertility doc told me to take an extra ovulation test just in case. So now I´m waiting to get to go to the toilet because the urine has to be in the bladder for 4h so the test can detect LH. Gaahhh hate the waiting.

Food-wise today´s been great. Do need more protein though and will go out to buy some as soon as I´ve taken the test
Whole foods diet still going well. I have GI discomfort and severe bloating which makes my dysphoria somewhat worse, BUT my anxiety levels are still lower in total due to not eating foods that would cause my blood sugar levels to spike and plummet.

Breakfast was guac and ham, lunch was Greek yougurt with poppy seeds and honey and a banana. Going to hit the gym next. Gotta buy more protein on my way home. I hope the supermarket will have grilled pork, I´ve been craving it for a while now. Not a health food of course but...
Today is day 5 eating only whole foods, and my mood and sleep have improved greatly. I realize I probably got too few carbs to be adequately fueled from my diet before so I´d try to compensate for the lack of energy with energy drinks. And yes I´m still experiencing a lot of GI discomfort but the benefits outweigh the costs.
I got triggered about something today and been dealing with that. Good food choices still. Have not left the apartment yet today.
Anxiety quite high. Managed to clean up and clean the chinchilla cages. I´ve eaten way too little protein today. Anxiety´s messing with hunger ques. Going to take a shower as soon as the washing machine is done. Today is gym day but I feel sweaty and gross from cleaning up and would rather shower twice.
Shower helped with anxiety. Put the laundry machine on and I´ll pop by a support group at 9PM so I´ll hit the gym after that. Had an egg white omelette and 500g of cherry tomatoes. I need to eat a lot of egg white omelettes now because I found 2l of egg whites in my cupboard and the best by date is 30.8.. They should be safe for a while after that but better to get them eaten sooner than later.
Gym: low effort leg session.

3x15 lex extension 25kg
3x15 adductions 30 kg

At this point I noticed my throat getting phleghmy and because my strength levels are WAY off baseline I'm afraid I'm coming down with a bug of some sort. My gums are also bleeding :/
Yup yup yesterday´s lackluster gym effort got an explanation: a HORRID migraine today. One of the worst I´ve had in ages. Probably going to start menstruating soon
Probably going to start menstruating soon because I just can't get satisfied from food. I eat a sensible portion, and in an hour I'm hungry again. I had 80g of glucose pills and 100g of chocolate portioned over the day and I just want to walk to the 24/7 store, get a 200g chocolate bar, and eat it while walking. And yes I've eaten proper, protein-rich stuff and veggies but my body wants simple carbs and fat... Gahh
I´m not feeling too good physically. I think I´ll take a nap. But I wrote a short story today, it´s a bit spooky (yes I know it´s still August but late August is pre-Halloween haha), but not scary or horror. Felt good to process my mental health crisis last fall in a constructive way. Art is healthy. Here´s the link if anyone is interested! https://lahionoita.home.blog/2024/08/31/er/

Breakfast was a banana, and lunch was pork tenderloin baked with chickpeas and green apple. I need to go buy groceries today and eat more egg white omelettes because I need to use up the egg whites I found in my cupboard. I hope I´ll start to menstruate soon because I feel super uncomfortable and my body is holding a lot of water.
I had a binge last night: first a chocolate bar and then almost a whole sleeve of dry bread which I started eating while walking back from the grocery store. I was feeling like I´d pass out, had hot flashes and nausea. Probably either migraines or hormonal nonsense.

Breakfast today was dry bread with marg and an egg white omelette. Gonna go buy pork tenderloin and bake it with plums and chickpeas. Doctor visit tomorrow and not looking forward to it at all.
Really wicked diarrhea. Hard to say if it´s nerves, if the egg whites were spoiled, or if it´s a bug. I took a migraine spray in case it´s a stomach migraine and it helped a bit I guess. But I don´t think I´ll be able to get much done today.
never heard of a stomach migraine but it sounds awfully unpleasant.