Floater's diary

Diet is gong well, body is starting to find equilibrium and I handled gym last night pretty well. I do notice that in big compounds I can´t get anywhere near my normal strength levels but machines I can tolerate very well.
My psychiatrist met me on video call today and we went over the fertility treatment stuff and she said there's no direct contraindication for my parenthood. With my permission I'll have a high support contact with prenatal and baby healthcare, so they can be sure I can respond to the baby's needs, but I see it as a positive: I won't have to navigate parenthood alone and a pinch of prevention is worth an ounce of the cure!

Happy!!! Exhausted! But happy!!!
Shoot. :/ The next two academics I asked to supervise my PhD had their student quotas full. I asked someone else today but they are not a tenured prof so I´m not sure if they´ll have me.

Food-wise things are going OK, lots of veggies and fruit. Got a bad enough migraine today that I needed a spray. Been off the gym for three days but I´ll go tomorrow. Very tired.
I´m seriously so giddy right now despite being sick as a dog. The fertility doc had said that it´s going to take several months for my uterine lining to grow back after 11 years on Mirena, but apparently I´m built different lol. Maybe creatine and eating protein and iron rich foods really helped?

Migraine has been horrid and I´m all sweaty and definitely more anxious and usual, and of course menstruation brings some level of gender dysphoria into the mix, but I´m going through all this for a good reason.
Did a deep cleaning today that I guess counts as light cardio. Not as sore and depressed from menstruating as I was during the first 48 hours. Booked next fertility doc visit middle of this month.

I´ll probably feel fit enough to hit the gym tomorrow, I think. For now I think I´ll go for a walk. Then shower, snack, sleep
Been doing a ton of writing in advance and timing the publications so that I can focus on gym tomorrow and on Monday. Went togym yesterday and might still make it tonight but there´s a festival in the city center and I´m a bit apprehensive of going there cause there will be a lot of drunks and I don´t want to get catcalled. But regardless, happy about my writing.
Yesterday was rest day. Gym was good today. I've eaten much more quick carbs than usual and feel squishy.
No workout today because I got a puking, crying migraine in the afternoon. Meds made me sleep and I can feel another attack "bubbling under" but I'll just rest and hope it will stay under.

Have found a pistachio protein bar I really like, and Ehrmann's protein puddings are scrumptious if pricey. It's nice to have found more variety to my sensible macros treats.
No workout today because I got a puking, crying migraine in the afternoon. Meds made me sleep and I can feel another attack "bubbling under" but I'll just rest and hope it will stay under.

Have found a pistachio protein bar I really like, and Ehrmann's protein puddings are scrumptious if pricey. It's nice to have found more variety to my sensible macros treats.
My sister has had migraines her whole life. they are triggered for her from certain foods. I can understand how crapy you feel after seeing my sister suffer so much. I hope you feel better before the day is done.
My sister has had migraines her whole life. they are triggered for her from certain foods. I can understand how crapy you feel after seeing my sister suffer so much. I hope you feel better before the day is done.
Thank you so much 💐 I think mine is from stress but sometimes I get them if I eat too much artificial sweeteners, probably because then I get in too big of a deficit. Drinking a lot of water helps. Thankfully my meds helped this time too.

Fertility clinic tomorrow!
for my sister artificial sweeteners is one of the things that trigger her. Im glad your pills are helping. Good luck at the fertility Clinic tomorrow!
Thanks! 💐 And maybe I should quit artificial sweeteners for a bit to see if it makes a difference. About to hop in the shower and go to the clinic. Just a banana for breakfast, too jittery for a fuller meal
Heck yes! Fallopian tubes looking great, and for as long as my psychological wellbeing stays good, no reason to not give me the treatments!

Gonna grab a quick bite and hit the gym 🥰
Gym was OK, I had some cramping and pain so not my best ever workout, but not bad either.

I just got home. Whether it comes to weight loss, fitness, or life goals, it is so important to define our own paths. People who want to discourage or drag us to their level are not friends.
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