Floater's diary

The doc emailed me that she'll contact me after her holiday in August and after my psych has given her the statement.

Had a great gym sesh. Going to hit some bars with a buddy, only drinking water of course, to see what kinds of men there are available. I have to stay celibate and I can't date in preparation for the fertility treatments but it doesn't hurt to diversify.
It was kind of nice to be out of the apartment. Had to take Ibuprofen before going to sleep because foot was that sore. Feeling in good spirits though and left an e-request for a doc to take a peek at the foot just to make sure there isn´t a hairline fracture or something like that going on.
Oh damn. Went for a moderate walk and the foot is getting worse. There´s more swelling now. Gotta be careful with it :/
On my way to the gym. Foot isn't happy but the pain is tolerable. I hope I'll get a doc appointment soon!
Fairly bad panic attacks today as well, with pins and needles sensations and cold sweat. My money is on hormonal weirdness. Appetite has been bad today but I did manage to go for a walk and I´ve done chores and writing. I hope I can drag my ass to the gym, but if not, I probably need the rest. Sweat smells really bad today, which I also blame on the hormones.

Got a doc appointment for the sore leg on Thursday! As well as a dentist checkup right afterwards lol. Gonna be a busy morning! But I´m glad I got the appointments this fast :3 <3

EDIT: pretty much instantly after writing this I felt a migraine pang in the back of my head. Oh boy this is gonna be a bad one and I don´t have any migraine spray at hand. Gotta try and sleep it off
Migraine passed without painkillers or the spray which is rare but I´m happy about it of course.

Did some aquarel painting, started yesterday and finished the one-page comic today. I don´t like the text, I would have needed a softer felt tip pen for the lettering to look good, but perfect is the enemy of good as well as the enemy of done so all in all I´m fairly happy about the end result.

Oh wow, tried a "Candy in a can" artificially sweetened drink and while it's one big E-code with no nutritional value, it was actually yummy. I usually dislike artificial sweeteners but the stuff was so full of artificial flavors I couldn't tell the difference lol.
Didn't make it to the pool today - woke up at noon to the worst DOMS I've had in months. So swimming tomorrow instead
Doc said the foot is probably just strained but had xrays taken just in case.

At the gym. I'm gonna paint & write at home
Fuck yes! The X-rays came out clean, joints look good, no fractures. The doc told me to take NSAIDs for 7 days to help rid of the inflammation but I´m super happy to hear that the structures are uncompromised.

Also pollock dish turned out pretty nice, having it with noodles because I want to go to the swimming hall for a bit today. I want to lose some fat before August 20th, my public sector fertility clinic visit, and tbh I´ve found that two sensibly planned workouts (one resistance training, one cardio) per day is more helpful in that regard than anything else.
Congrats on dodging the migraine, and the good x-ray results! I've never heard of migraine spray. Gonna look into that! The bizarre way that I can tell I'm headed (LOL) for a migraine is that I can't read music during my evening practice. Even on tunes I have played for years.

Pollock and spinach sound amazing right now.
The bizarre way that I can tell I'm headed (LOL) for a migraine is that I can't read music during my evening practice. Even on tunes I have played for years.
Oh yeah the dumbing down before a migraine is real! I get clumsy and klutzy and it gets difficult to speak coherently! The migraine spray I referred to is Imigran brand name, it´s a sumatriptan, prescription only but it really does help.

Thanks for the encouragement :Angel_anim:

I went to the pool, did 30 mins of aqua jogging and 30 mins of kickboarding. Neck feels stiff now: I need to remember to take a scarf for my way back home because tension in my neck often causes migraines and vice versa.

It was a bit disheartening seeing myself naked in the pool dressing room mirrors. My belly pouch has definitely grown - not a ton, but I got a bit carried away with bulking in the spring. But: I´ll look great in a month if I can stick to sensible foods and working out twice per day for a month, because I definitely did gain muscle mass as well. And my weight is still within the BMI guidelines for fertility treatments so all should be well.

Had some salmon and cherry tomatoes, next I´ll treat myself to some rye bread because I need carbs to sleep. I had miso oatmeal in the swimming pool locker room because I´ve noticed that if I don´t have carbs right after cardio, it tends to trigger migraines as well. The oats were perfectly soft and lovely from having sat in the thermos for the duration of my workout!
Woke up at 11 AM - must have needed the sleep - and blogged some thoughts about weight and fat: https://lahionoita.home.blog/2024/07/19/fat/ .

It´s raining cats and dogs outside and I hate to think I have to go outside but... I do have to. Gonna eat some pollock and head to the gym. Breakfast was two bananas. I need to start keeping bananas around, I ate a ton of them last year when I shed a lot of weight and my tummy likes them as well.

Today´s pool sesh may have to be a bit shorter because I´m not sure how I can make the schedule work but hey, gym first, and if I won´t make it to the pool in time I can substitute it for a long walk. Not as efficient in burning kcals as water sports but better than sitting on my ass
Gym was good. Went on a walk earlier and it hurt way too much when I hadn't taken an NSAID. With NSAID the pain is quite tolerable.
Hm, not feeling too good. Went aqua jogging and foot is considerably swollen and sore even after NSAIDs.

Stress is getting to me and I´m whote as a ghost and sweating bullets. Gonna rest for a bit and then try to clean up.
Had a big stress cry and cleaned up. Had the last portion of pollock, some bread and cherry tomatoes. I think that instead of going for a night session at the gym, I´ll try to go to sleep early and let the foot heal up a bit. It´s sore enough that I struggled with my balance when I was hoovering and that´s just not a good sign.

Food-wise today has been perfect and if I can stick to eating like this on most of the next 30 days I´ll have an incredible morale boost at the fertilization clinic. Perhaps silly to think about it like this but... A couple cm off my waist is worth the trouble.
I ended up eating more rye bread before falling asleep. Took a look at the nutritional info and in fact it turns out this was less of a catastrophe than I thought in the evening.

Foot is very sore. To the point it´s unpleasant to walk on even inside the home. I have an awful feeling that I trusted the doc too much when she said I can do what I normally do, just not run on it. Hairline fractures don´t necessarily show on X-rays and sprains should get gradually better day by day, not worse. But I did my best based on the info I had and at no point have I been in excruciating pain. Of course, autism makes it so that pain is sensed a bit differently. High pain treshold is common in us.

Oh well. I need to do more food prep. I have pollock in the freezer, this time I´m thinking to bake it with kimchi, spinach and coconut milk. Just need to get coconut milk. The foot can probably handle that much walking just fine. I´ll see about exercising properly once I´ve walked a bit. Swimming should be safe for a hairline fracture anyway