Floater's diary

Had to quit my gym workout during the warmup because my muscles were super sore and something just didn't feel right. At least I got some walking done on my way there & back. Might be a virus? I am super swollen and my joints are sore. Throat feels a bit so and so as well.
If you are sick you'll probably recover faster by not pushing the workout. I hope you feel better soon.
If you are sick you'll probably recover faster by not pushing the workout. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you!

I´m feeling a bit stuffy-nosed today and my lymph nodes are swollen, so I´ll skip the gym and just go for a walk and do some cleaning. I also need to clean my chinchillas´ cages today!
All is well here! Lymph nodes are back to normal. My left foot is sore. I guess I must have stepped on it funny during my agility exercises (the irony!). But the swelling is minimal so it should be back to normal soon.

Diet-wise feeling very motivated. I switched to iodized salt, and bought sea weed to help up my iodine intake. I´ve been contemplating about what to do with coffee. In Finland, caffeine is not forbidden during pregnancy but quitting coffee would be an easy way to up my appetite which would allow me to add healthy, nutrient rich foods to my diet so... IDK!
Great! So glad you're feeling better.

I guess they say maybe one cup a day, or something, is ok? My daughter just went through that last year. She never did give it up. I applaud you if you do, though! I need to do that too, for migraine reasons.
Great! So glad you're feeling better.

I guess they say maybe one cup a day, or something, is ok? My daughter just went through that last year. She never did give it up. I applaud you if you do, though! I need to do that too, for migraine reasons.
Thanks! Yeah Finnish recommendations say 1,5 cups is OK. Caffeine, personally, actually helps with my migraines as long as I stay hydrated, so withdrawal is going to suck. I´ve got a friend´s wedding coming up on Sat so I´ll stay nice and caffeinated there still. I think it´s gonna be easier to switch from coffee to tea tea to herbal teas, AKA wean off gradually, instead of going cold turkey because coffee is also such a nice habit for me...

It seems like my body is actually craving iodine now, and I´m munching on nori sheets like a happy little seahorse. :D My bloodwork did show my thyroid hormones looking OK but TSH was a bit elevated so it makes sense I´d crave it. I´m also taking 50 micrograms of D3, 400 micrograms of folate, 5g of creatine and a multivitamin fizz daily. The multivitamin has so little folate and vitD that stacking with extra D and folate is necessary to meet the recommendations.

Did some more walking and yes the left foot is a bit sore but not awfully so.
Eeessshh jumped on the scale and almost freaked out before realizing that I have drank a ton of mineral water and even added salt to it because the weather has had be craving salt. I can´t wait for the swimming pools to reopen in two weeks. Nothing gets my lymphatic system to drain like an hour of aqua jogging.
IUD removal went great. I´m glad I popped by the Asian grocery because the green tea I bought from there was being recalled due to high levels of aluminum.

I´m exhausted. Gonna have a cup of coffee and start cleaning up. Friend´s wedding tomorrow.
Note to self: applications to PhD programmes to my alma mater start in September this year and April next year. I can´t promise the doctor that I will get accepted, but I can finesse my current research plan and send it to potential instructors in early August. No one reads their emails in July so it´s best to sit and wait for August. If I don´t get lucky on the autumn round, I can try again in the spring.

One thing that factors heavily into whether a person gets accepted to fertilization treatments is income. While I understand this from the standpoint that a childhood spent in poverty is not good for the child´s development, it would really suck ass if I was denied treatments due to a gap in my resume when usually pregnancy creates one in the resume anyway. But I could gather interview data during the pregnancy (as long as I´d get a research permit of course), and transcribing tapes and analyzing the material is grunt work I could do once I´d be recovered enough from the pregnancy. Most of the writing could be done from home with e-library access.

So basically it´s gonna boil down to how respectable the doctor is gonna find me and how well I´ll be able to convince the therapist on Monday that I know what I´m doing.

Foot is still sore. I did pack my gym stuff when I walked to the appointment but decided that weights would probably aggravate the injury. Sure, I could have done dumbbell stuff sitting but I wanted to go home and nap after the IUD removal. Back to cleaning up!
That's lucky about caffeine helping your migraines. I think most people are this way.

Yeah that's stupid about the income aspect to fertility treatments. A bit like the banks saying "Oh you appear to have no money! Let me take even more money you don't have, away from you now".
Went to friend´s wedding today. Beautiful ceremony. But I am really drained now. It was hard seeing so many people there with kids, and a lot of my old Uni friends were there and all either have families or babies on the way. I need to get some sleep and tomorrow I have to prepare for Monday. I hope I can have a good cry to depressurize
Fuck yes! I went to the fertility therapist today and she said she doesn´t see any issue why I couldn´t proceed to treatments. So now it´s really about my psychiatrist and my old papers that the fertility doc will read. I try to remind myself that it´s fairly usual that people´s processes are postponed for a few months to give them more time to think so even if that happens, it doesn´t mean I´ll never get the treatments.

Food-wise things are going good. Lots of veggies, lots of protein. My left foot is still sore but I can walk more than on previous days albeit a bit slowly. Pool opens next Monday so I can go aqua jogging - I want to slim down a little bit to have optimal chances for fertilization.

The wedding was way too much for me and I won´t attend such events again. But I didn´t know. What matters is that today went well. I can be happy about that.
Yesterday was pretty much bed rest. IUD removal has led to my hormones going haywire so I have joint pain, hot flashes, and am weepy. Dysphoria obvs still exists but I try to think of it as existing for a good cause.

Had my last cup of coffee yesterday. Withdrawal isn't too bad but I'm so sleepy and my mood is low. It shouldn't take too long for my body to readjust though.
I have staining. Contacted two potential thesis instructors. It´s July so they aren´t likely to read my stuff but it´s sent now and I can ask them politely later in August.
By staining I mean spotting lol.

Went to the gym for the first time after injuring my foot. It is sore and got aggravated by the gym but I´ll go again tomorrow unless I wake up to it being considerably worse than before, because my psyche can´t handle any more rest. Pool reopens on Monday, can´t wait.
No call today.

Gym was good. Went and did what felt OK with the sore foot and all in all I´m happy that I went and got some exercise. Helped with my anxiety a lot. Squatting 50kg was definitely the max with the busted foot. I compensated for the light load by doing more reps.
:grouphug:I hope you get the call you want, soon.
Thank you so much, MsBubbles 💐

Biological clock is ticking so crazy that I already contacted a Danish clinic just in case. Of course I hope it won't come to that. The doctor should call today.

One option is to get a statement from a private psychiatrist. Worth looking into.
Jesus fucking Christ. The doctor didn´t call today either. This is bad.