How good that after a terrible night's sleep you reset that sleep clock & then turned the day into a very positive & productive one with your food prep?

I also repotted my other monstera, it needs more soil though lol, the new giant pot was even bigger than I thought. And vacuumed and washed the floors & the bathroom. I also moved Nera´s collar and leash from the hallway to the smaller room where it´s safe from Heikki´s teeth and is still on display as an homage. The same thing with her old cups & tray, they are now in the smaller room housing two beautiful aralias. After her death I put an aloe and a monstera in her cups and kept them in the living room, but Heikki kept nibbling at them and trying to bathe in the aloe pot. I think that Nera, as a dignified lady, will be happier to not have her stuff constantly vandalized by her little brother. And it feels kind of good that she has a room of her own now. Although her urn is and will remain in the living room where I can see it daily. I´ll take pics whenever I remember lol.
That casserole sounds wonderful!
It turned out incredibly tasty!
Today I´ve eaten two portions of soup, two portions of casserole, rye bread, and a small bowl of mango. In the future, if a situation arises where I can either food prep or exercise, I think I´ll need to make a habit of prioritizing food prep. Having balanced, home made meals in the fridge is probably what has kept my migraines at bay for so long. Also, as I´m such a homebody, cleaning and staying ahead of any sort of clutter (no matter how minor) is vital for my mental health. I´m a delicate animal and my home is my habitation. And stress is a killer. I was pink like a piglet earlier today from sheer stress and the resulting elevated BP.
Tomorrow I´ll ask the autism assistance person to drive me to the supermarket to pick up more soil - and vegetables. After that I´ll go aqua jogging if, and only if, it doesn´t feel too stressful. I´ve been super diligent with my exercise and a week off isn´t the end of the world!
Pic of my little munchkin looking pensive.