Floater's diary

IT WENT SUPER FUCKING WELL, AND I ORDERED A PIZZA TO CELEBRATE! I fucking love this new med. Didn´t even occur to me to go buy beer. It doesn´t make me an emotionless zombie, it doesn´t cut much of the anxiety, but it lifts off the hellish pressure that depression has kept me under. I was extremely stressed before the trans clinic interview, so much so that I was pretty catty to the autism assistance person who came over in the afternoon. He sometimes brings that out of me when I´m under pressure. I never go too far but I´ll still apologize the next time we see, for sportsmanships´ sake.

Leftover pizza for breakfast. I slept so badly, I need to take things slow today, but that´s perfectly OK!
Took a long walk and had popcorn for lunch while Heikki ran around the apartment. I'll go grocery shopping now and post that one cute pic I promised you!
Heikki and his tooth art. The prayer card he gnawed at reads: "God, thank you for small children and big questions. Thank you for the continuous curiosity, shameless quips, straightforwardness and imagination. Thank you for the mind of a child. Amen."

I think it´s a nice prayer made even better by Heikki :D


  • Heikin hammastaide.jpg
    Heikin hammastaide.jpg
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  • WhatsApp Image 2022-11-09 at 15.25.37.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2022-11-09 at 15.25.37.jpeg
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Yesterday was OK both food- and moodwise, I had therapy today and had Taco Bell for breakfast and chicken legs (skin off) for lunch. Feeling calm and happy.
Tried to make oatmeal in the microwave and the whole bowl leaked over. Plan B breakfast was a soft-boiled egg, a bowl of miso broth, and potatoes with marg.
Oof, that sounds like an unpleasant cleaning job! I hope the alternative breakfast made up for it.
Luckily the mess stayed on the rotating plate so it could have been MUCH worse.

Made it to the gym and enjoyed my workout. Just ordered a cheeseburger for some dirty gains 😆
It´s a blizzard outside! I had rice and a boiled egg for breakfast, will go aqua jogging in a minute.