Happy! I had breakfast/lunch around noon - tuna pasta with cheese - and just ate for a second time, this time a tomato-based one pot pasta with corn and white beans, hot sauce and (obviously) cheese. It made me feel really good and is definitely more balanced than just mixing tuna, hot sauce, soy sauce, pasta and cheese together lol. Not a whole lot of produce going on, but I'm not in that kind of a headspace anyway, so "samefooding" for a couple of days (especially now as I'm down to four euros on my bank account until Monday) is not going to be the end of the world. I finished my grocery haul pre-order for Monday, I'm getting my usual staples, but also kiwis and a watermelon and RAF tomatoes, and smoked salmon and fish balls and surimi... This time I'll have to remember to check the dates on everything and freeze the stuff I won't otherwise be able to eat in time. Mostly the folks who collect the items in the order do a good job and there's a lot of shelf life left in the food, but accidents happen.
I haven't been able to shower today yet, but I'll try my best. The occupational therapist thing went well, she's finished with her evaluation and almost done finishing the report, and I'll meet her along with my psychiatrist again on 21.5. to get a psychiatrist's evaluation going and written down to be sent to social services and my pension provider and the benefits system. Phew.