This is my third bento breakfast and I think the routine/ritual is starting to grow on me. I've been starting with the sandwich, popping my meds after that with a big glass of water, and then emptying the rest of the compartments. Today's sandwich and salad combo with nuts+seeds and an egg for protein seems to be just about perfect: not too heavy or tedious to eat, but still satiating.
I like my new plant setup. The old velvet leaf really needed to retire, the new cuttings look really pretty and lush and they'll grow a lot during the growth season!
I woke up early on purpose because I want to have lunch before therapy. I'll probably buy some kind of a snack after therapy and go aqua jogging on my way home. On the other hand, if I have a heavy lunch it might give me enough energy to go aqua jogging straight after therapy, and I could then just have my usual locker room porridge after? Or I could maybe pack a sandwich for after therapy? Because I'm not feeling too excited about the snack options in the supermarket... Yeah I think I'll do that. And a tea thermos too! I can have my snack sitting on a park bench
I like how my arms are feeling after gym yesterday. I don't even need to drop that much weight to get more muscle definition, I think -5kg would already make a big difference, and if I keep up my current eating habits and abstain from alcohol, I think I'll be there around the middle of June. Funnily enough, I haven't even been missing alcohol. Maybe my mental health and my attitude about losing Nera is now at such a phase that I don't need the sedative/numbing effect of drinking, which is great of course.
I did have a little cry this morning when I read about a philosopher who questioned the idea that dogs need to be put down instead of dying of age. So I guilt-tripped for a minute. But obviously there's a difference between cancer in an elderly dog, and benign changes related to aging. I also think there's a difference in how animals and humans understand death, humans can choose to cling to life but animal instincts are different. So while yeah, I do think there should never be a hurry to euthanize an animal just for being old and having the needs of a senior pet, I'm pretty sure I did right by Nera. I think she forgave me for setting the date for her. I hope so at least.