I have a feeling that this is going to be a sleepless night. Luckily I have prepped all of tomorrow's meals, showered, put my clothes out etc and assistance comes at 2PM so I can sleep in the morning/midday.
I had a moment of remembrance for Nera and cried a bit. I was thinking about our walks when we still lived in the student housing, and how I felt so enmeshed with her that sometimes it feels hard to make it out in my memories if I was "alone" or with her because we were a unit. It occurred to me that some spring or summer night I'd like to hike to the McDonald's close to our old place, we visited it with Nera sometimes. It's a 4km walk in one direction and there's a pretty river and walkway close by. I could reminisce about being young and having a beautiful, smart dog friend.
I talked to my mom on the phone earlier, which I don't do often. But I blurted out that in my mind I still have a dog, she's just become more silent and subtle. But Nera does visit my dreams. In fact, the reason I decided to quit drinking for a while was that a while ago when I was the most stressed out about the nurse hassle, I had gotten drunk, and in the morning when I was waking up, I had this moment of panic about "does Nera have food? Water? Does she need to pee?!". When I properly woke up I realized I'm now the friend I need to take care of. So my beautiful shepherd still herds and motivates me even in her more subtle, post-life form. Maybe I told this already, but it's a good story and deserves retelling.