Eugh I just had the most jarring experience while idly going through YouTube. The algorithm gave me a vid about a Finnish detransitioner, and while I can empathize with people who for some reason seek a trans diagnosis, go through treatments, and later on realize it was a mistake on their part, I just wonder how did that situation come about? And why are these people so often so adamantly anti-trans and anti-feminist and claim they've been brainwashed? Transitioning is not something that happens overnight, for physical changes to happen one has to be on HRT for months, and years to fully go through the puberty of the "opposite" gender. And any surgeries won't happen until HRT has been going on for at least 6 months, but usually much much longer, up to years.
I occasionally talk here about my dreams about my body but I recognize that they are just that. There are possible contraindications for people to go on HRT, from hypertension to mental illness to cancer to this and that. I may start taking T and realize I don't like how it makes me feel psychologically, and quit. I acknowledge that the end result is a complete leap of faith: some people get handsome and some start looking like garden gnomes. (This is actually one of the reasons why I personally think that using things like Photoshop and FaceTune to alleviate dysphoria is kind of dangerous; it may give a false idea about the desired changes.) What matters the most to me is to be acknowledged as my experienced gender. The medical treatments are something that come after and hyperfocusing on them is not healthy. In this moment it matters more to me to take action about the unjust way I and undoubtedly many others have been treated, and that's in itself something that helps me set my body's form aside and focus on its function. A person's transness is not tied to the treatments they take or don't take. And cis people going through trans treatments... Well, they become bitter and understandably so. But I refuse to believe anyone PUT them through all that but themselves, judging by what an uphill battle my transition has been.
IDK, I know it's a sensitive topic. I try to live according to the truth that a) being called a dude makes me happy and b) trans people existed long before trans treatments did, so whatever happens with the body, I can rest assured in my own realness. I exist like this, and there's nothing wrong with it.