Well-known member
Hey, the time shift is a real issue. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's been proven that people can legitimately die from the stress of time shifts if they have underlying issues! You'll make it to the gym soon enough!Well done getting to the gym! I chickened out today and blamed the time shift...

I feel really exhausted and my tummy looks like a beach ball, but I think I'll go aqua jogging tomorrow anyway. I don't have to do 2 hours, I can do one hour or 30 mins, but I want to go to pass the time and distract myself from not having any money now that it's the end of the month and I'm broke. I do have food in the fridge and the freezer and Friday is benefits payment day, so I'll be fine, but it's still a nasty feeling to know that I have no wiggle room for the next three days.
On Thursday I have a dentist appointment at 8AM, and the trans clinic doctor will call me at 1:30PM so it's going to suck balls. But once that's all said and done, I'll treat myself to something yummy on Friday and pay all my bills and rent and it's always a wonderful feeling to get that done.