Floater's diary

Yeah! Went grocery shopping (minced meat, sauerkraut + sushi), had a two-hour walk, got home, got the pea soup going, and ate 13€ worth of sushi. I can feel the omega 3s course through my body 😂

Pea soup recipe:

Soak 500g of dry green peas overnight. Rinse well and pour into an oven dish.

Sautee 2 shallot onions and 1 stalk celery in a bit of sesame oil, add two kaffir lime leaves, hot sauce, and black pepper. Add 100g of smoked fatty ham, cubed. Once the onions are translucent, add soy sauce to taste and 1dl of beer if you have any at hand. Bring to a boil and pour on top of the peas.

Add ~2l of boiling water and place in the oven at 200C for two hours.
G loves pea & ham soup, but I don't so we never have it. I'm not a big fan of the texture of peas & can't handle meat fat. I love eating anything made from mince though. It's so versatile. We have had a freezer full of other meat- venison, our lamb, rabbits & hare, but when it gets down a fair bit I'll buy some more venison mince. I loved the sound of your meatloaf.
I don't see well in the dark. Maybe I will once both cataracts are gone.
Well done on the 2-hour walk & having sushi. I love, love, love sushi!
@Cate I'm really happy that your surgery went OK, and I wish you a smooth recovery! Mince is very versatile. I would love to get rabbit, hare, lamb and venison... But being a dairy country, the only cheap mince available in Finland is beef. Chicken mince is cheap too, but for some reason I'm not a huge fan of the taste, I prefer my chicken as whole meats. Take care!
I'm not a big fan of chicken mince either, but love chicken. We have access to so many wild (feral) meats as we still have contacts from back when we ran a hotel. We buy direct from the hunters. The price of meat in the butchers' shops is through the roof, except for chicken.
Blehhhh I'm down with the flu. Thankfully it's not too bad, I'm just tired and snotty. I had pea soup for breakfast. Yesterday's eating was good and healthy, mostly pea soup and congee, some vegs too.

The film school applications started today. I'll get that done this week and then I'll just have to wait if they call me for the next round of the process!
Speedy healing on the virus front. I hope it won't hinder the work on your application!
Thank you! I think I'll be OK. I even managed to take a slow walk outside. The weather is crazy pretty, +6 degrees but thick snow everywhere, and a moon that's almost full against the brightest, bluest sky imaginable. Whenever I see a daytime moon, I get a mild taste of menthol in my mouth (some variant of synesthesia, maybe?).

I will try my hardest to get into film school, and if I don't get in, I'll learn from my shortcomings!
Well, today was my last session with the Terrifying Sex Nurse. She told me that she has had over 300 patients and has never gotten a single complaint, but that I'm just a bad match for her. I guess I should not have stood my ground... Now I'm being referred back to the trans clinic so my transition will be delayed by 6 months at least, possibly more. Oh, and apparently I won't have to attend 10 mandatory therapy sessions, but 20-40. She seemed vindictive behind her saccharine demeanor.

Let's hope the next nurse conducting the interviews is a little bit less of a drama queen.

I've eaten flatbread and pea soup today and attended Bible study. It helped.
:grouphug: I'm so sorry. Healthcare workers who don't have their patients' best interest at heart are scum.
Thanks. It was an absurd situation. But I'll survive!

EDIT: "God gives his silliest battles to his funniest clowns 🤡"
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I bet most people were scared to complain. That sucks, Floater.
Thank you Cate.

This SUCKS ***, but I have a feeling that you are right. I don't think it's a taboo statement that health care providers have power; in a way, they should have it. Like, they are making evaluations and effecting patients' lives. But there has to be fairness and trust. I did my best and I don't think I could have gone without saying anything about some of the unsavoury stuff she did, so I guess I'm at peace with my choices.

This will slow down my process, but I don't think it will be stopped completely, and as long as that's the case, I'll be OK.
Kudos to you, Floater for speaking up & sticking up for your rights! That nurse sounds like a tyrant.
Healthcare for trans folks clearly isn't a priority in your area but I secretly hope that if reasonable complaints keep coming in things might change in the long run. Cate is probably right that most people in your situation would be scared to speak up but in addition to that she's likely either in denial or lying. Telling someone "nobody else thinks this is a problem" is telling them "you're unreasonable, so change". I consider myself a reasonable person and I care about my patients but people have absolutely complained about me. Everyone who works with people for a while gets complaints from time to time. Some of them are more reasonable than others but if you never ever ever get complaints that's super weird.
@Llama I fully agree with you. I'll get back to the topic after meeting a friend for a walk. I made a meatloaf with spinach and it turned out great.
Eating has been hard today. Yesterday my ex surprised me by bringing me ribs so I had a cold rib sandwich at noon. Now I'm about to have meatloaf and potatoes. I am feeling very worn out by the issue with the Terrifying Sex Nurse. I'll call the trans clinic on Monday and ask about the future of my evals.

On a good note: the full moon is beautiful and my ex fixed my Office Word so I'm able to create text documents again. I did slip outside - it's icy and slippery AF - and I split the skin on my left knee, but outside some bruising I should be OK in a few days.
Ouch on the knee: speedy healing. I hope the terrifying nurse issues settle. I know sometimes it's best to keep your head down and get through things but it sounds to me like continuing to go see her without saying anything might've been even harder on your psyche. Either way: :grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug:

Also: now I want spareribs. And it's 9:30 pm...