Yesterday I had been looking at dogs at my nearest shelter, and there was one who might be a good fit. I felt really guilty - like I'm "cheating" on Nera's memory, but then I fell asleep and had the following dream:
Me and Nera were staying at a hotel in Töölö, Helsinki. She disappeared and wouldn't answer my calls, so I went out running in the streets and asked the police to help, too. After some frantic running and searching it occurred to me that Nera might have died and be hiding under the bed in our room. I went back to the hotel, which now had a huge temple-like atrium, and I found a guest book in there. It was open at a page that stated "KUOLLEET VIERAAT" ("dead guests"). The second highest name on the list read "NERA-KOIRA", ("Nera the dog"), and I broke down crying. Nera appeared in the room next to me, I dropped on my knees and kissed and hugged her and gently stroked her silky black fur. A sense of goodness and acceptance was emanating off of her, and I felt consoled. Her fur began to feel different and her body seemed to shirink in size; when I opened my eyes, I saw that she now had brownish fur with dark tips. I realized that Nera will always stay with me, but this was her way of giving me permission to give a home to another angel.
When I woke up, I filled out the form for the dog I had been looking at yesterday. She's a two-year old, 20kg spitz mix, and according to the shelter she's very energetic and loves the outdoors. Her name is Pihlaja, "Rowan". The shelter will respond to me in a month and hopefully I'll get to go meet her there to see if we are a good fit.
I cleaned up my garbage cabinet and washed the containers, wiped the floors, and had pasta with hummus, arugula and brazil nuts for breakfast. I have a feeling that Nera is smiling at me and approving of what I did. It's of course still unsure if the shelter will think that we are a good fit, but let's hope! It's not an insult to Nera's memory to give a home to someone else who needs it.