@Llama thank you. You are right. On our morning walkie I noticed her being unusually tired and cold even though it's just barely below zero outside. She also wants to pull to my ex's house. So I decided that he'll be present in the euthanasia. We have talked about it before and I do feel a bit conflicted to have him there, but for Nera it's the best, because I know she misses him.
PS the vet prescribed her Neurontin (gabapentin), but I don't think I'll pick up that recipe as it's a drug that usually takes several weeks to work, and Nera has five days left now, and it can make dogs drowsy and confused. I don't want her mental state to decay in her last days, or any of the worse side effects, as the complete payoff of starting the drug wouldn't even be reached within the time she has left.
I feel like we are still at a point where the Metacam alleviates her worst symptoms - she hasn't had accidents ever since it was started - and I can alleviate her stress by touching her, gently massaging her back and legs, holding her and talking to her whenever I notice her getting restless. After all, it's been shown that in humans also having a safe connection to a safe person can alleviate the experience of pain even though the tissue damage etc. is still there. The things I do to calm her down are also something that we've been doing since the start. I think she appreciates that I keep life going on as similar to normal as possible. There's a touch of holiness in how I see her react to my soothing touch and words.
PS: I canceled the oncologist. It felt like a relief, as bad as that may sound. I swept the floors and will soon wash them. I'll change the sheets into the prettiest I have, now that she no longer has accidents, and the we'll have five more days to share.