Don't get me wrong. I do the same. I have a vivid imagination & sometimes I think I imagine the worst-case scenario & then real life will be easier to cope with as it won't be as hard. What it does in reality though is have me worrying about things that may not happen for a long time & I would be better off just being happy with my life as it is, right now & enjoying the things that I can, while I can. I have seen a lot of loss too, including 2 of my siblings. I try to think about how lucky I was to have had them & their love & the love I still feel for them. We are very lucky to be alive. It's not always easy that's for sure. Taking good care of ourselves to the best of our ability is what we can do & I think you seem to be doing that. Thanks for the hug back. I do love a hug, xo
Wise words. <3
I'm often afraid of even thinking about possible bad things that could happen to my lived ones - like I could cause it to happen just by thinking it. Not a great thing for my anxiety but it does make me stuff those thoughts down mighty effectively...
This is the absolute worst...! I often feel guilty about having dark thoughts too. I've tried to teach myself to just observe my thoughts and let them go as soon as they agree to leave. Meditation instructions compare it to "watching clouds drift by in the sky", but I don't experience it like that at all - for me it's like having a panicked songbird in the house, trashing around and beeping, myself walking around gently, slowly, opening windows for it in the hopes that it'll find it's way out without breaking it's neck or dying of exhaustion. I wouldn't be mad at the poor bird, so why should I get mad at myself for having panicked thoughts?
I had the wildest dreams last night, but no nightmares! My morning coffee and oatmeal tasted unusually good, it's funny how a good mood is the best spice. I did add in pumpkin seeds - love those. I might go out later to get some ham and eggs and more tuna. I have plenty of plant based protein in the house but I'm craving animal protein.
I had a bit of a crisis last night. When me and my friend were walking my dog by a pond, we decided to sit down for a while and watch the melting ice. The dog hopped onto the bench next to me and got it all muddy and wet, so my friend couldn't sit down

It was so funny and out of nowhere! My friend took a pic of me and the dog on the bench. It was a cute moment and I really wanted to like the pic, but I had a horrible posture in it and I looked so big (in my own opinion). I didn't say anything of course, because my body dysmorphia isn't something I was willing to ruin the evening for, but I spent quite a lot of time last night and this morning comparing the pic to others trying to decide if I have gained or not.
I think that for these kinds of situations I should probably consider getting a scale. My therapist told me to get rid of my old one because it made me obsessive, but I looked online for mechanical scales. I think that a mechanical one might be safer for me, because water weight fluctuations and such are much less stressful to look at on a mechanical scale as it gives a clear visual comparison between fluctuations. I don't know if this makes sense to anyone else, but to me there's a big difference whether the scale moves a bit clockwise or counterclockwise, or whether there's a 0,5kg difference on a digital scale, you know?
Besides - I've been keeping a food diary for a while now and I haven't started to restrict even when I have felt conflicted. And my assistants know about this project, so I can trust that if my weight starts to plummet, they will step in. So I think I might be ready to own a scale again. I have to wait until 1.4. because I'm broke AF until then, but it's going to give me time to adjust to the thought too.