Haha, thanks Cate.
Yeah, things have settled down again LaMa.
I've been a grizzly bear more than a few times with them Jenni, waste of time and energy. They are not so bad really.
Still on the sober train! Day 9 today. It has not been easy. But totally worth it.
Went to yoga this morning, just having a coffee and scone now before my training session at 1pm.
I'm going to a Sunday Cinema Club meetup later today, bit nervous about it as I don't know anyone, but not giving myself hangovers means I have a lot more energy and a lot more time on my hands.
When I walked into the hotel where I'm having my coffee just now, I saw the first boy I ever kissed in the lobby. Memories! Hope it's a good omen for more kissing to come!!
Beautiful day here, enjoy your Sundays everyone.