Thanks LaMa.
So, I was driving home in the car this evening from work, and the idea popped into my head that I should write down 20 things I want to do in 2019. Even if those things seem too expensive/impossible right now. Then at the end of the year, I can look back on my list and see how many of them I ticked off and if the exercise was a success.
I'm not going to think too hard on this one, just the first 20 that pop into my mind. Then I can check in throughout the year and maybe start planning how I can make them happen.
20 Things I Want to Experience in 2019:
1. Act in a play.
2. Act in a film.
3. Buy a new car.
4. Have a relationship with an amazing guy.
5. Go to see Ray LaMontagne live in concert.
6. Go on a holiday to a romantic and sunny place.
7. Live life as a non-smoker.
8. Be my perfect weight and in fantastic health.
9. Write a book.
10. Find the perfect house for me to live in.
11. Spend more quality time with friends.
12. Learn 5 new pieces for the piano.
13. Join a tennis club and get back into playing tennis regularly.
14. Try surfing again.
15. Get into the habit of doing a cleanup of my room/home every week.
16. Meditate and attend yoga classes regularly.
17. Go on
loads of dates.
18. Fall in love.
19. Have a bath/beauty regime evening once a week.
20. Be kind and loving to the great people in my life.
Okay, so this is the first 20 things that came to mind. Some of them kind of overlap, some I'm not sure are even possible. I didn't include the things I have finally got sorted - visiting the dentist regularly being one. Haha, maybe that's the only one. But still, it's a start.
There probably could be some stuff about volunteering in there and I do want to get involved in some kind of environmental group at some point, but maybe those are things that I will get into in the future. I don't want to overwhelm myself.
I'm not sure how possible a lot of this stuff is - if I do it all, I will have a very busy year! But it's fun to put it all down anyway.
Ended up staying for an hour late in work talking to handsome, lovely work colleague - sigh. He's making it very hard for me to not like him. What's a girl to do? But anyway, it's the weekend, happy to be home now and chilling out for the evening. Going Secret Santa shopping tomorrow and then hopefully meeting up with the gang of friends tomorrow night for some Christmas brandies. Very exciting. Okay, that's it for now. Have a nice weekend all.