Emily Rose: The Reboot

I hope the meetup goes really well. I know what you mean about your foundations being shaken somewhat. I really agree with Cate about putting yourself out there and just seeing what comes of it. So funny your tennis coach is flirty when you don't want it, and not when you do. Still a nice compliment though, like you said.
I was talking about the 'next thing' being a kind of life raft, and actually, the 'last thing' has resulted in an invite for a coffee meet-up at the market on Saturday with a gang
Sounds great! I hope one thing keeps leading to another that leads you to that place of magic you are looking for!
- Thanks so much Cate. The hugs and your support really help. x
- Oh Marsia, when you don't care, they come running. Then run away when you care again. Lol.
- Thanks Liza. Yes, you have to keep moving forward regardless.

So I had a very exciting evening and basically from October to early December, I will travelling around the country every weekend performing in a short play. I auditioned this evening and was told I got it already, which is great. Normally you're waiting around for a few days with these things. No more mooning about Tom alone in my room - I'm hitting the road baby! It will be exhausting and the part is incredibly challenging, but, you know what? It's just what I need. There's 3 of us in the play and one of them I have met a few times and she's a mad chatterbox but really nice. It will be quite the adventure. And it's something I haven't done before.

The thing about this is that I will really need a lot of stamina to keep it all going and keep up with the job as well. Luckily, work is going really well and the sales director gave me a huge compliment this week to a colleague in the office and that means I have a little bit of breathing space, because they're happy. I think I have about 7 days holidays left and I will use next year's holidays for my Christmas break, so I should be able to make it work. But I really need to focus now on sleep and getting into a routine so the whole thing is sustainable and to avoid getting rundown and sick. It's a fantastic motivator. And when it's something like this that I really care about and want to do well at, and there are other people depending on me, it really makes a difference to what I can achieve and makes it easier to stick to my guns.

It's been a long time since I auditioned for something with a different group to my main one and got it. So that has given me confidence. To be fair, there wasn't a massive turnout for this one, but I know that if they didn't think I could do it, they would have kept looking. So that's great. Anyway, it's put a little spring in my step.

I got a text from one of the tennis ladies today who has really taken a shine to me asking me to play doubles tomorrow, so that's Friday evening sorted. We had a chat the last day and she was telling me I was 'young' and still had time to make changes. She was referring to my tennis game but I took it as something more all-encompassing. I also love when people tell me I'm young, lol. I don't know what age she is herself but she looks fantastic. She has amazing tennis outfits. The hygienist yesterday also told me I was 'too young' to have the gum disease I have. I mean, you could take it as a negative. I just heard the young part. That's the glass half-full approach that we're going for, right? Lol.

Anyway, a good magical evening - finally! Let's keep it going.
One word, Em- wow!
Your post was the first one I read this morning & wow was the only word that came into my head. I am so happy for you & seriously impressed. You have taken the bull by the horns. Go, Em! Glass half full indeed.
I love the compliments you're getting & the support from other women. Women who lift up other women are my kind of woman :grouphug:
This is so exciting!!! I've been wishing so hard for something new to come into your life, and maybe you taught me how to manifest - me the pessimist! I know so well what you mean about it being so much easier to take care of yourself if other people depend on you. That is such great motivation for staying healthy and well rested. I can't wait to hear how this all goes! Happy tennis match. It's so nice you made such a positive tennis friend!
Yay for the magic beginning to happen! Yes let's keep that going!
That is so great about getting that part--congratulations!
You are young--absolutely--still plenty of time to do whatever you want in life!
- Thanks Cate. Yes, the tennis ladies are lovely and very supportive in general.
- I'm so touched that you've been manifesting on my behalf! Thanks Marsia. x
- Thanks Liza, I hope so.

Another week gone by. Time is flying. Autumn feels like it's starting to set in here. I enjoyed the tennis tonight - lost again but we were very evenly matched and we had a good laugh. I was talking to the captain and he's trying to introduce hitting practice on Friday nights in the club, which would be great for me when it's a bit of a quiet weekend.

I had a look at the schedule for the travel for the play and it will be a bit crazy for 5 or 6 weeks, but November is such a boring month anyway, it will be quite exciting to hop in the car and tear up the road to go perform somewhere. I really hope I can pull off this part. I'm proud of myself for going for it, when I really don't feel that good in myself. This is one area of my life that I was trying for years and years to be successful in. I auditioned for a drama school in London when I was in my 20s and the woman who auditioned me was so incredibly rude and cruel, making remarks about my figure and how I only wanted to audition so I could tell my grandchildren I was an actress once. Very scathing. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't let the many, many setbacks stop me. I do feel I have talent and it's good for me. I feel like even though it can be hard and challenging, it's what I'm meant to be doing. And it's nice to feel like that about something that you are doing and putting a lot of time and energy into.

Tonight is a kick back and watch Peep Show kind of evening. I'm going to try to get to sleep at a reasonable time and sleep in till 10, as I am really lacking sleep. I have the coffee meet-up thing tomorrow at 11.30 am. I am a bit apprehensive as I don't know who is going to be there. But, you know, I'm going anyway. Never turn down an invite. You never know where it can lead.
I am thrilled that you went for this role & got it, Em. It sounds weird to say I am proud of you, but I am! I hope the tennis captain can organise a hit on Friday nights so you have an extra tennis night. Tennis is so good for you. I'm busting to get back to golf! I hope the coffee meet-up is fun & you meet some lovely new people & make more friends. Things are looking up, Em.
You never know where it can lead.
I hope you trust the people who gave you the part that they believe you can do this! I hope it's a fun challenge that stretches you in new and interesting ways!! I have had people be awful about my artwork and not let me in an art class after seeing my portfolio. After we became closer as teacher and student one professor saw one of my pieces again that I hadn't touched since, and he told me how much my drawing had improved since I worked on that last. I'm glad you didn't let that woman who was awful discourage you!! I'm so glad you are getting out and socializing a bunch and playing tennis more. I think you are going to have a wild ride with that acting schedule and am so glad you are getting all the sleep you can before hand!!
I had a look at the schedule for the travel for the play and it will be a bit crazy for 5 or 6 weeks, but November is such a boring month anyway, it will be quite exciting to hop in the car and tear up the road to go perform somewhere.
You do seem to do well with busy schedules. I certainly wouldn't be able to pull anything like that off but you seem so high energy and feed off of excitement and extroverted stuff so I imagine you will do well.
I auditioned for a drama school in London when I was in my 20s and the woman who auditioned me was so incredibly rude and cruel, making remarks about my figure and how I only wanted to audition so I could tell my grandchildren I was an actress once. Very scathing.
yikes what a terrible thing to have experienced! But, at the same time, I feel like stories like that are often a part of big success stories-- people ignoring the critics that put them down and making it to the top. It's always fun to hear of the successful author that had their books turned down by a billion publishers. Reminds us all not to listen to the critics but to listen to our hearts!
I do feel I have talent and it's good for me. I feel like even though it can be hard and challenging, it's what I'm meant to be doing. And it's nice to feel like that about something that you are doing and putting a lot of time and energy into.
Exactly! Keep listening to your heart Emily!
- Thanks Cate. I went to the coffee thing and it was pleasant. Not life-changing but I did it anyway.
- Thanks Marsia. Yes, you have to believe in yourself always. That's the hard part.
You do seem to do well with busy schedules. I certainly wouldn't be able to pull anything like that off but you seem so high energy and feed off of excitement and extroverted stuff so I imagine you will do well.
- You get me Liza. Haha.

I had a really fun evening at a gig with my housemate tonight. Her friend was over in the house beforehand and we had a really nice chat at the kitchen table. Her friend was brilliant, so confident and talented. And the band were great too. Loads of handsome men there! So I enjoyed myself. I think I looked pretty good too, which is always a nice way to feel about yourself.

So yeah, that was fun, and one of my friends from work asked me to go to this fun brunch thing next weekend, so I'm keeping the socialising going! We're going to a friend's wedding in a couple of weeks, so it will be nice to have a bonding afternoon out together before that.

Tomorrow I will take it easy for the morning, visit Mum in the afternoon, and I have tennis in the evening. Then another week starts. I'm still a bit low energy but I just have to keep going.

The girl we went to see tonight sang a Paolo Nutini song and I really hope that's a sign that the Spirit of Paolo is returning. He always gives me confidence.
So nice you're having fun nights out listening to live music with friends and tennis and brunch and wedding dates scheduled in. And great you're surrounded in happy people! I hope you get some down time in tomorrow, too though!!
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I had a really fun evening at a gig with my housemate tonight. Her friend was over in the house beforehand and we had a really nice chat at the kitchen table. Her friend was brilliant, so confident and talented. And the band were great too. Loads of handsome men there! So I enjoyed myself. I think I looked pretty good too, which is always a nice way to feel about yourself.
Handsome men, good music, and feeling good about yourself all sounds so great!
- Thanks Marsia. Downtime is also very important!
- Thanks Liza. Still a long way to go but it's a start.

This whole forum thing has me a bit bothered. I don't want to lose this diary so I will have to start copying and pasting all my entries so I have them on record. It's basically the history of my life for the last 8 years, I might want to look back on it in the future. For the autobiography once I'm a famous Oscar winner, you know yourself. ;)

Haha, but anyway. I will definitely move to the new forum, and actually, I think it will be great because it will alleviate all the anxiety I have about this diary being found by someone who knows me. So it's kind of a positive thing. This place isn't this place without Cate.

I was very emotional yesterday after being triggered by something and I had a huge cry in the car. I hadn't smoked for the day and I just cracked because it felt like I was going to die. The man in the shop next door could probably see the blotches on my face and was super-nice to me and that got me down off the ledge.

I was also very sad in work this morning but I cheered up as the day went on. I am just all over the shop emotionally at the moment. I don't know what to do about that. It's probably nervous exhaustion, to be honest. Too much drinking, too much nicotine, not enough sleep.

I did go for a big run yesterday in the light rain, which felt amazing, and I played tennis for an hour too. I also played tennis tonight for an hour. So I'm doing my best to alleviate the stress.

Anyway. I feel better now and that's what matters. I don't know if I will be back, I will defect to the new place once it's clear where I can post my ramblings, but if I'm not back, it's been a blast and thank you to everyone who has ever engaged with me on here. It's lovely to get your thoughts out and have strangers on the internet read them and relate or not relate, but it just makes you feel less alone on this big blue ball of rock.
Sounds like the new forum is up and running so this might be it for you here I guess.
It's been so lovely getting to know you online Emily--I might see you in the new place, but if not, thanks fot all your lovely open posts here.
You are going to have quite the job copying and pasting it all but it might be a really therapeutic activity browsing through it all as you do it--maybe it will inspire you to begin to put it in book form!
Farewell for now!
Hi Em, so sorry the blues are back. I really hope things get less frazzling for you. Cate has her diary up on the new forum and is happy we are beginning to use it. Please see the comments from Tru about finding the new diary pages on my old diary here. (Was that confusing or what?). Your autobiography would be such a blast to read, whether you attain fame or not!!
Hi Em, how are you doing? The new forum is taking shape, and I hope you will get Tru to make you a permanent member so you can start a diary there if you'd like to. It's so wonderful to have Cate back, and I miss hearing how you are doing, though I know it's just been a couple of days. One nice thing about the new space is that you can make your own topic threads and be in on the decision making of the site. So if there are things you would have liked to have seen here, maybe you'd want to create them there. Anyway, hope things are becoming more stable and that you are getting lots of rest and relaxation in preparation for your play!!! Hugs!
I kind of like that you are looking for some magic in your life again and I hope you can keep the dreamer alive in you!
I think staying aware of what you are looking for may open up some doors to opportunities you are looking for.
Hi Liza, I couldn't find your diary. I am a bit rusty with this forum, but I wanted to say hi! I hope you are doing well!