Emily Rose: The Reboot

I got a text today that my blood has already been donated to a hospital, which is great news! I must be healthy, hahaha! But yeah, that was cool, to think it was used today. I might have saved a life and not even know it. Definitely one of my favourite things to do.
That is very cool! What a tangible way to make a difference to someone's life!

I do hope you start feeling better soon. And I am glad that you are having some fun times in the midst of the existential crisis at least.
I'm glad you liked my post Em. I think we are going through a similar experience of "What the hell are you doing to me, Life?!!," so I can really relate, and what I wanted to say just poured out of me without thought. That's so cool they'll text you to tell you when your blood is donated, and you can get instant gratification!
- Thanks Liza. I have no choice but to keep going.
- Yeah, I love that they text you, Marsia. This was really quick.

As I predicted, it's nearly 10pm and I'm really tired after the two hours of tennis. I had a shower when I came home and cooked dinner, which is unlike me, but I was hungry. I made a prawn stir-fry with these amazing risotto and spinach parcels. Probably not the healthiest but they are so tasty. And there was a good bit of veg in the stir-fry, so that was good. I am a bit too full now going to bed, which is why I usually don't cook dinner at this time. Anyway, hopefully it will do me good.

I feel really fat lately, even though I'm a lot lighter. My belly is still so big. And I'll only get rid of that when I stop eating so much sugar. I weighed in at 171.1 today with body fat at 39.8% so it has gone up a bit. I'm trying to watch it but it's hard now that I am not so stressed and distracted. There's just more time to think about food again and my appetite is back, although my stomach is still hyper-sensitive.

William just texted me to say we are playing our first round in a tournament on Saturday morning, which has totally ruined my Friday night plans, but anyway. I'm definitely having a drink tomorrow instead. It's a pity cos I was really looking forward to having a few pints. Sigh. Ah well, maybe there's a good reason for it. I will enjoy the match anyway.

I keep sneezing, that's a bit worrying. I'll take an antihistimine but it feels more 'summer cold' than allergies. Ugh.

I was playing with a cute Spanish guy earlier and he totally ruined it cos he was like, 'I find the more relaxed you are playing tennis the better. So just imagine you are playing with your kids or something and you will be fine.' It just caught me off guard. I didn't bother correcting him that I don't have children but it just made me feel so old. Lol. I don't know, it's hard to explain why it upset me so much. Anyway. I'm getting through the week, that's the main thing.
Eating fairly healthy food to refuel your body after being so active is a good thing, Em. Having a bloated belly makes you feel fat but I'm sure you are looking good. I for one am glad you are not feeling so stressed & anxious. I understand why you felt upset at the comment from the Spanish guy. *hugs*
I hope you have a fun night out & slay them on Saturday. Go the Academy!
I agree with Cate. After 2 hours of tennis, eating spinach risotto is a nice reward and you will have exercised enough for it not to matter calorie-wise. I can see why Spanish guy's comment bothered you, too. I am old enough to have grandkids, but I don't know if I want people expecting that I do! I really hope the sneezing goes away and that you feel better.
That's funny I had a bunch of sneezes yesterday, and i was afraid it was a cold coming on, but mine passed--I hope yours does too.
A good dinner after tennis sounds nice even if it felt a bit late.
I was playing with a cute Spanish guy earlier and he totally ruined it cos he was like, 'I find the more relaxed you are playing tennis the better. So just imagine you are playing with your kids or something and you will be fine.
I don't think the comment would necessarily mean anything he was assuming about your age--he could have just meant keeping a playful spirit going while you play tennis-just keeping things light and fun...maybe he imagines playing with his kids to do that so he was just offering that as an example...

I know what you mean about some comments just throwing you off though. I've been taken aback when I've had some comments that I felt were aging me.
- Yay for the academy, Cate!
- Thanks Marsia. A cold did not develop so that's good.
- Yeah, I just someone thinking you're a mum when you're not doesn't really make you feel fun and sexy, Liza. Lol.

I had a pretty good day today. Last night, I ended up having 5 pints (eek) and 4 slices of pizza (double eek) and I woke up at 4.30 am with such a sick stomach. Ugh, all the hops and bread and cheese just did not mix well. So I took two panadol and rubbed my belly for a bit and managed to get back to sleep. I was working from home today so I had a bit longer in bed, and even though my stomach has been a bit off all day, I didn't feel too bad and managed to get through the day well enough. I did go for a nap for a couple of hours once my working day was done.

I woke up from the nap feeling awful - that happens with me and naps sometimes. But it generally eases off after about a half an hour, which it did today, and I headed to tennis and really enjoyed it. Won one, lost one. There were nice people there though, it was fun.

I had a shower when I came home so I feel nice and relaxed and I know I will have a good recovery sleep tonight. I'm going to see a show tomorrow night with my housemate so that's something nice to look forward to. Life isn't too exciting right now but I'm tipping along. I do want to get into a big health kick for June though, so that will be the focus. I'm going to do a massive clean at the weekend also. My housemate cleaned the kitchen today, he did a great job, so I also feel I need to contribute to making the house a nicer place to live in. He's a nice guy, I really like him.

Right, that's all for now. Friday is nearly here. Yay.
It's good that you had a recovery nap & played tennis. It's great that your housemate is such a nice guy. Enjoy the show tomorrow Em xo
So nice you recovered well and went to play tennis. It's so wonderful you'll be doing a lot more tennis now! I'll join you in the massive clean. We did so many projects that we didn't clean up after, so will get inspired by your nice housemate, too. Have fun at the show!
Awesome you have such a good housemate who is fun to go out with and does a nice job contributing to the house cleanup!
- Thanks Cate, I really enjoyed it.
- Thanks Marsia. Glad my housemate is inspiring you. I wish he was inspiring me more, I have yet to start!!
- They are two separate people, Liza, but yes, I do like both of them and they are easy-going enough, so it's great.

I am back in the tennis academy fold! I had such a lovely day today.

The weather is absolutely magnificent, it was around 20 degrees today, just beautiful. I woke up in a bit of a heap after a late one last night after the play, but, to be honest, I don't even regret it like I usually do because I think it was needed. I just needed to talk shit to people for a couple of hours and blow off some steam. And, to be fair, it was a nice gang of us out and I enjoyed myself.

Anyway, I had a match this morning, which I lost, but I ended up coming back to the club later to watch more matches and I stayed for about 3 hours because I was having such a good time! I ended up chatting with loads of people and it was just a brilliant atmosphere and good vibes all round. William was playing so we were all cheering him on and he ended up winning and all the ladies were hugging him afterwards. He was delighted I'd say! Lol. He's such a gent.

Also, that Spanish guy who asked about the children was there and at one point, I caught him kind of staring at me. I don't know, could have been my imagination, but we'll see... Granted now, the moment I start to think he's cute, it will turn out that he has a wife and 5 kids at home, lol. But anyway, I had great chats with loads of people. There's a party on next Friday that I wasn't really planning on going to but I think I will now. One of the ladies in the club who is really outgoing and loves a good party was encouraging me to come along, so I thought that was nice. And Dad came to support my match this morning as well, which was also sweet.

Tomorrow is CLEANING, I swear, and William is playing another match tomorrow in the afternoon, so I'll go to watch that. I'm not doing much for the evening, just going to hibernate in my room for a bit as I got a lot of sun today. My heart feels the lightest it's felt in ages, so that is also good.
My heart feels the lightest it's felt in ages, so that is also good.
Yay for the Academy, Em. It's so good for you!
Also, that Spanish guy who asked about the children was there and at one point, I caught him kind of staring at me. I don't know, could have been my imagination, but we'll see...
He was probably sussing out your circumstances. I would find out his quickly before you start to think he might be cute. Have you heard from SG for a while?
Oh, I wonder if cute guy sort of asked you if you are a mom because he wants to know if you are single then? There are way more sophisticated ways to go about it, if so! It's lovely to hear how happy you are in your tennis club! So sweet William has a crowd of women hugging him, and nice your dad came to support you, too! :)
Lovely to hear you so happy and full of life!
I had been wondering if maybe that guy was asking about kids to see if you were attached...
Keep that lightness of heart Emily!
- Hi Cate. No word from SG for ages, I'm glad of it to be honest.
- Haha, yeah Marsia, I was laughing so much at William with all his ladies! :D
- Thanks Liza.

Well, here's the latest on Spanish Guy 2... Lol. What am I like?

So, I was rostered to do the sign-in for the tournament today and I was kind of wondering if he would come along, because he would be able to see the time I was scheduled in for. Lo and behold, he came sauntering up and he sat next to me. It was at this point that I was starting to get a little bit invested (you know how some people get better-looking every time you meet them?), so I asked him a few leading questions to try to suss out the situation. Anyway, it turns out he has kids, so I was like, 'Feck!' But anyway, whatever. He would still be a nice, cute guy around the club to keep my spirits up. Anyway, then I asked him was he entering any more tournaments and he said that he wouldn't be because he was moving back to Spain. Then someone else came along and sat between us and he disappeared.

Then near the end of my shift, he popped back up and was chatting away to Stacey, who is really funny and has definitely taken a shine to him, lol. So I got up to leave and Stacey stopped me and she was like, 'SG2 is moving back to Spain... tomorrow!' I was like, 'WHAT?!' Lol. So then he was saying goodbye to me and I gave him a hug. Stacey was joking he'd broken all our hearts in the tennis club and she'd had great plans for him to play in tournaments with her and all that sort of thing. I just said he'd know where to find us if he ever moves back.

But seriously like!!! I finally forgot about Tom for like two minutes and then BAM!, Mr Distraction is leaving the country. TOMORROW! Someone upstairs is definitely having a great time tugging at my heartstrings and laughing at the latest disaster to occur. I do think he'd taken a little bit of a fancy to me, but maybe I'm delusional that every man I meet likes me. If it gets you through the day, what harm? Lol. But maybe he did come back to say goodbye today, who knows? Anyway! Back to the drawing board, for fuck sake.

In better news, the housemate that had cleaned the kitchen texted into the group chat earlier asking if one of us would sort out the bathroom, so I said I would do it after the tennis. That meant I HAD to do it, and after the tennis debacle above, I didn't mind having something to keep me occupied for the evening. I think I did a great job. And, believe it or not, I was immediately rewarded for it. I opened up my laptop and it seems to be working normally again!! The brightness button was broken, that is now fixed, and it seems to be back to full speed. Weird, huh? I still have my room to sort out but, to be honest, the bathroom is a way tougher job, so that doesn't seem like too much effort anymore.

I have 3 social nights in a row coming up this week, which might be one or two too many for me, but feck it, it's summer!
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Oh, Em. I'm glad you had the distraction of SG2 even if it was only for a little while. No chance of heartache there & it's good to know you're putting out the vibes. You did make me smile. Maybe Stacey had fallen deeper. I hope not for her sake.
Good for you getting the bathroom clean. That is always a tough job.
Good times are coming Em. Enjoy Summer!
Someone upstairs tugging on your heartstrings really made me laugh. I'm glad you can have a sense of humor about it. You write so well, I keep getting invested in the potential SG relationships working out. I get disappointed, too, though of course nothing like what you are feeling! Who knows, maybe there will be an SG3, and third time will be the charm? Anyway, glad you have a sparkling bathroom now! I cleaned our kitchen today and thought of you, and maybe we were cleaning at the same time on different islands...
Your housemate sounds great in getting his share done and then inviting others to do the same. That's great you stepped up for the bathroom--that really is a big job.
Hope you have fun with all the social outings!
- Thanks Cate. Stacey's married with kids but I think she just enjoyed having a handsome Spanish man around the place. Didn't we all!?
- Aw, that's nice, Marsia. Maybe we should have organised 'cleaning days' on the forum where we commit to doing certain jobs and then have to report back. I'm so much better when I get a little nudge from someone else to get things done. And don't be too disappointed - I'm not out of the game yet! Hahaha.
- Thanks Liza, I hope so. I'm a bit worried about them because of the doom and gloom feeling the next day. Drinking really brings me down.
- Welcome back, Rob! :hurray:

I don't have a huge amount to talk about this evening, but let's see what comes rattling out of me anyway.

Work is super-busy at the moment, I've had to stay a tiny bit later the last two evenings, which I had managed to avoid for a long time. I guess it's a bit more interesting right now because there's some new stuff happening. So I'm enjoying it a lot more than I was in the first few months of the year. I think the key thing is that I don't have time to think about whether I'm enjoying it or not, because I have too much stuff to get through. That's the best way for me. Sometimes I wonder if I would be better off in a hectic environment, like a hospital or something. I don't know. It might suit me.

Actually, my poor cousin had to go for emergency surgery the other day. She's a young doctor, I feel so sorry for her. Her family is going through a really rough patch. That kind of thing makes you feel lucky to have your health. I've been very lucky so far.

I've had the 'Do you have kids?' question twice now in the last week or so, and it's beginning to get to me. Because that starts me down the road of wondering if I will have kids. Have I left it too late? I have no idea what my fertility is like. I feel like if I did decide to have a baby, I'd be fine, but that's just because I have a vision of myself as some kind of gladiator who can do anything if I really want to. Lol. A lot of my friends needed to get IVF. I wonder if all the drinking has affected our generation. Or the food. Or something. I don't know. I guess it's probably age. But anyway, if I do become a mum, I won't be a 'young mum', but, to be honest, I think that's okay. People are living longer than ever nowadays and if I had a kid, I'd hang on till the bitter fucking end. Hahaha.