Emily Rose: The Reboot

Saturday sounded like the day you needed but Sunday sounds like a new beginning, Em, Doing things that you know will make you feel better about yourself is a very good way to start your new week xo
Ah yes many a time I wish something along the lines of snapping my fingers could clean up the messes around me...on many levels actually haha...
But i do find once i get down to things, put on some good music, the cleaning can definitely be quite lovely. And the end results are always worth it.
The cafe and library outing sound lovely.
Tomorrow, I am determined to get up and go for a run, I want to do some yoga and clean the house, and I'm going to try to go for a swim in the evening. I just really want to move my body and try to cheer myself up. I'm not so blue today really but I do want to start feeling really good about myself again and boost up my confidence a bit. And exercise makes me feel like I can conquer anything.
Sounds like a lovely plan!
- Thanks Cate. I did well today overall.
- Thanks Liza. I put on a wash but that's as far as I got. I'll try to tackle it bit by bit as the week goes on.

Still a bit tired today, had to take another mid-afternoon nap and I slept so my body is still in recovery mode. I actually had a dream last night that Djokovic had joined my tennis club and we were tennis buddies so that was fun! I like happy dreams, lol.

I woke up at 9, the perfect time to start my day, and I went for a run. I saw my neighbour running and said hello and then I met one of the tennis ladies and had a chat with her, so that was nice. I always think when I've 'raised my vibration' and my mood is better, I start bumping into people all the time. So I thought that was a positive start to the day.

Came home, had porridge with blueberries and raspberries, then headed to a stretch and recovery class at the gym. I haven't been to the gym in months so that was another hurdle overcome. We did a lot of work with the foam roller - quite painful but beneficial I would think. Home again, scrambled eggs and toast for my lunch, then food kind of went out the window.

I felt a bit sick but managed to go for a swim this evening - I felt great! My chest is a bit sore after the run and the swim, probably because some of the tar is starting to unclog a bit. Still smoking today and dinner was tortilla chips and hummus but I'm giving myself a pass because I really really wanted to buy wine, but I didn't. I bought mini-cans of blood orange and elderflower tonic instead, which kind of feel like alcohol, and that has got me through the evening.

I really want to get up for a run again in the morning and go for a swim after work, as the exercise has really done me good today and I feel a lot better. I have a bit of a headache but I think that's because my body is kind of trying to adjust a little bit. It's nothing too severe and I'll just try to drink a good bit of water before I go to sleep. I'll probably read for a bit now but I am quite tired so should be asleep by 11. And another week begins...
I woke up at 9, the perfect time to start my day, and I went for a run. I saw my neighbour running and said hello and then I met one of the tennis ladies and had a chat with her, so that was nice. I always think when I've 'raised my vibration' and my mood is better, I start bumping into people all the time. So I thought that was a positive start to the day.
Raising your vibration and being open to exchanges I think does make a big difference & attracts people. Well done picking up the blood orange & elderflower tonic instead of wine, Em. Good for you 👏
I hope you have a great week xo
I actually had a dream last night that Djokovic had joined my tennis club and we were tennis buddies so that was fun! I like happy dreams, lol.
That's so great! I love dreams like that!
Sounds like such a great day--good food, good connections, good activity...
Hope the headache was gone by morning.
- Thanks Cate.
- Thanks Liza. The headache got much worse but I am recovered at this stage.

Very upsetting day. My dad is in hospital, he was sent to A&E today after an appointment with his cardiologist where they found very high potassium levels in his blood. Poor old Dad. :( He's okay and looks the picture of health, but this is one of those scary things where you have no symptoms but could suddenly get a heart attack. Anyway, he's in the right place and hopefully he'll be back home in a day or two and all will be well again. But of course, I started to panic a little bit when I heard the news. I'm not ready for him to go anywhere and neither is he! Myself and Mum went in to visit him tonight and he's coping well, so that's good. And of course Mum is not well either so it's a bit of a disaster for the family at the moment. I can only hope and pray that he will be fine. He's such a good dad and such a good person.

Anything else I have to talk about seems a bit meaningless right now but the week was actually overwhelmingly positive aside from the shock I got today! Lots of fun times with the drama club this week and I met some lovely new people and reconnected with old ones. We had a few belly laughs, it was great. I also had an amazing sleep last night - probably the best I've slept in weeks, so I was able to cope a bit better today. I was tempted to drink away the pain tonight but I thought better of it, so that is also good.

I have developed a rash on my feet, I think it's ringworm, so that is definitely not cool either. I have to buy an anti-fungal cream tomorrow. It's a relatively minor thing but it is causing me discomfort. I was quite sick on Sunday after my post so I definitely overdid it a bit. I need to ease back into the heavy exercise days.

Tomorrow I will mostly be praying that we get good news about Dad and I will probably go home after work to give Mum a bit of support. She's not in a good way physically - it's sad to see but she is coping with the latest setback with Dad okay, so I guess that's a good sign. I would be lost without either of them so I really hope I have good news to share tomorrow.
Oh, Em that would have been a shock. You have given me a push to go & get my bloods done. G & I have had the referrals for a couple of weeks but just haven't got around to it yet. I just did some checking on high potassium levels & what it may mean & I take a few BP meds & my diet is fairly high in potassium. I hope he can get it down quickly. I'm sure he has been given advice on how to do that.
Good for your Mum coping well. I'm sure she will be strengthened by your support as well. :grouphug:
Wow, sorry to hear about your dad. Do they know what caused the high potassium levels? I hope they've come back down and he is out of the woods now. I hope you can take it easy this week and get rested and feeling better. I've really enjoyed catching up on your diary. You have this great appreciation of the joyful little things that is contagious, and I agree with everyone, you really deserve someone who appreciates you for you. Hugs and I hope everyone feels better very soon.
Sorry to hear about your father. I am not sure what high potassium means to someone, but it does not sound good. Sure hope they are able to get it under control. Does he have heart problems?

Good to hear that you were able to resist the drink!
Sorry about your dad Emily--very glad that they caught it and hopefully can fix it all up quick...I'm glad you and your mom have each other for support.
I'm glad you had a good week besides that. Getting some good belly laughs in with friends is always the best!
- Thanks Cate. I would definitely recommend getting them checked - better to be on the safe side!
- That's so lovely, thanks Marsia. We don't really know the cause, could be a few things.
- He doesn't have heart problems Rob, so this was a real surprise! High potassium means you could have a stroke, so they were giving him medicine to protect the heart first, and then feeding him insulin and glucose to bring the potassium down.
- Yes, loved the belly laughs Liza. There were some great characters at the meetup who came out with some hilarious one-liners, it was so funny.

Dad is okay and back home again! Responded to the treatment, so swiftly signed out, as he was taking up valuable hospital trolley space. They did take great care of him, and the fact that he was admitted so quickly despite how strained the hospital service is here was great. One of his doctors was fairly young, and she was saying she was a basketball player in her youth, because she was really tall from the age of 12, and her parents had high hopes for her but it didn't work out. I was joking saying, 'But then you became a doctor, so it's not all bad.' Hahaha. God, it's a tough job. I really admire the doctors and nurses keeping us all alive! What a fantastic vocation.

This weekend will be a mostly relaxing one, although the house really needs a good scrub, so I think that is my Sunday plan. I have tennis at 9 am, so I will be up early and have lots of time for cleaning. Tomorrow, I just want to sleep and take a visit to the library.

Good day in work today, we had a former colleague pop in unexpectedly to say hello, so that was fun. I have a really exciting event coming up in a couple of weeks, I have to go to Dublin for it, very cool. I'm going by myself, which is easier in some ways. I don't know how good at 'networking' I will be at it, but I'll give it a go anyway. Obviously, what the hell I will wear is a bit of an issue, as it always is, but in my head, I'll be back to a size 14 by then and it will all be grand. Lol. I'll find something.

I was at home today and looked particularly fat in the mirror, but I looked a bit more rested and that was great. I've given in and am drinking wine tonight, but back on the wagon again until next Friday. I will probably end up going out with friends that evening, so it will hopefully help me stay on track, knowing I have a night out to look forward to.

Beautiful day here today. We're having a lovely September so far. My favourite month I think. And it's been really good so far, now that Dad is safe and well once more. And Mum was in very good spirits tonight also, and went to water aerobics this morning after a long absence, which was brilliant! She said one lady commented that she hadn't seen her in a while and I think that was important, as she realised that people do notice her and care! I really want to see her thriving again. I know she will.
So happy to hear about your dad recovering so well! And nice your mom went to exercise and feels seen and cared about! If you want company in fitting in more smaller clothes, I saw my reflection in a big glass door today and was taken aback. I want to slowly get back to low weight and hopefully drop 10 pounds this year.

Going to Dublin sounds so nice. It looks like such a beautiful romantic city!! I love September, too. Cooler, but still sunny and lovely is such a nice combination. Glad you are having so many people to reconnect with and nice tennis and happy family again. :)
Dad is okay and back home again! Responded to the treatment, so swiftly signed out, as he was taking up valuable hospital trolley space.
Great news! Let's hope this was just a one of thing that doesn't recur.
I have a really exciting event coming up in a couple of weeks, I have to go to Dublin for it, very cool. I'm going by myself, which is easier in some ways. I don't know how good at 'networking' I will be at it, but I'll give it a go anyway.
I am sure you'll do well at networking, you are interesting, smart, and articulate (in writing anyway, I suspect you are in person as well). How could you not?

Have fun in Dublin, you know although my ancestry is largely Irish I've never been to Ireland. Really hope to go one day.

Don't know what ladies dress sizes are, but 14 or not I am sure "it will all be grand".
I was at home today and looked particularly fat in the mirror, but I looked a bit more rested and that was great.
We are the worst judge of how we look in the mirror, I'd bet you looked great. Good that your recognized being more rested.
Great to hear your dad could already go back home! And that your mom got to her water aerobics...community really is so important and it's excellent when we have places we show up where people notice us and care that we're there.
Exciting about Dublin! And yes I'm sure you'll find something that you'll look and feel great in and I'll also bet you do a really good job networking--you always sound like such a fun person and I imagine people gravitate to you.
I'm so glad that your Dad is back home, Em. I can understand your Mum feeling thrilled that she has
been missed. That must have made her feel good about herself.
A trip to Dublin sounds like fun, Em. You'll find something suitable to wear & you will rock it xo
- Thanks Marsia. Things are really good again.
- Rob, if you ever make it over here, don't hesitate to contact me! I would love to show you around.
- Yes, it was really lovely for her to hear that Liza.
- Aw, thanks Cate. I hope so.

Today the most bizarre coincidence happened that makes me think there's someone up there in the sky pulling all sorts of strings to make my life as much like a TV show as possible. Hahaha. I had to get onto Tom to tell him, because it was in connection with him, and he got such a kick out of it. It definitely feels like there's something out there that is keeping us linked because there's been so many things that have happened since I've met him which have kept him in my life, even though it would have been easy to never see each other again really. It's weird. I love talking to him so much though, he just makes me smile. I do think he cares about me. Anyway, I'm not going to read too much into things, I'm just going to enjoy the happy buzz I have going to bed tonight and see what tomorrow brings...

What I hope tomorrow does bring is that I quit smoking. I was talking to my housemate earlier and there is literally no reason for me to continue. Everything in life is going so well, my dad is fine, my mum is making progress, work is going well, tennis is going well, I have so many fun and exciting things planned for the next couple of months... Basically, it is all rosy in the garden right now. Quitting smoking will make it feel less rosy, but only for a short stint, and then I'll be free from the fucking things for the rest of my life. This really is the best opportunity I've had to quit them for a while. So I'm going to put on my big girl pants tomorrow and just stop. I've been lucky so far in that my health really has not deteriorated too much, but how long more do I plan to roll the dice with this thing?

I don't know, I guess being in the hospital with Dad and seeing all the sick people really hammered home the fact that your health is your wealth and I need to start looking after myself better. The waiting room of the A&E department was actually hell on earth - there was a pervading sense of illness and misery the minute we walked into the room; I just wanted to run away. Everyone looked so sad and like they were suffering. It was awful. Then Dad was telling me about an old man that was on a trolley beside him in the hallway where he 'slept' for most of the night, and he said he had the most congested, violent cough he had ever heard and I do not want that to be me!

So yeah, here we go, let's do this...
Today the most bizarre coincidence happened that makes me think there's someone up there in the sky pulling all sorts of strings to make my life as much like a TV show as possible.
Like the Truman Show?
- Rob, if you ever make it over here, don't hesitate to contact me! I would love to show you around.
Absolutely!! That would be great fun. You would be an interesting guide I am sure, and a fun lady to meet.

My paternal great great something grandfather came from County Cork, in the late 1700s. My last name from him is probably a unique spelling of Hennessy. William Daly Burtchaell is my ancestor I know most about, he came from Killkenny in the 1850s. He gained minor fame from his service in the American Civil war, he was in Picket's Charge at Gettysburg, probably the single most famous engagement in US history. One of the few survivors. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Burtchaell-141 He was my great great grandfather and lived to an old age, I heard many a story about him from my grandfather and great aunts.
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I was talking to my housemate earlier and there is literally no reason for me to continue. Everything in life is going so well, my dad is fine, my mum is making progress, work is going well, tennis is going well, I have so many fun and exciting things planned for the next couple of months... Basically, it is all rosy in the garden right now. Quitting smoking will make it feel less rosy, but only for a short stint, and then I'll be free from the fucking things for the rest of my life. This really is the best opportunity I've had to quit them for a while. So I'm going to put on my big girl pants tomorrow and just stop. I've been lucky so far in that my health really has not deteriorated too much, but how long more do I plan to roll the dice with this thing?
Exactly. Quitting smoking is definitely tough in the short term but so worth it in the long-term. You can do it!!!!
- That's really cool Rob. I see the family resemblance! ;)
- Oh, I don't know Liza. I was doing well for a lot of the day but caved again.

Stats: 191.3 pounds; 44% BF; 29.1 BMI

- Chocolate and walnut brownie
- Slice of toast with butter and marmalade
- Purple snack
- Half slice bread and butter
- Mandarin
- Turkey, ham, beef lasagne, sweet potato fries, coleslaw, celery, tomatoes, mixed leaves, peppers, relish
- Strawberries from the garden, viennetta ice cream, cream

- latte
- coffee and milk x 2
- tea and milk
- can of 7up free

Cigarettes: 6

Exercise: 3 hours tennis doubles

Summary: Really tired now, I think I overdid it on the tennis. Got really cranky at the end of the night when the lady I was playing with made a really annoying remark to me; at that stage, my energy reserves were completely depleted. Anyway, not to worry, I'm sure we'll both get over it. Overall, it wasn't too bad a day. No booze and that's really my main goal until Friday. Weight has crept up a bit so I will be trying to get that back down again this week.
Hope you get a great night's sleep Em & wake refreshed. No booze until Friday would be great. 🤞 for the smokes xo