- Hi Marsia.
The part of your story that intrigues me is how the bearded man says you are making yourself sick so you don't have to carry the bag of rocks. Do you think he means that you are punishing yourself as a form of penance or something like that?
I think what he meant was that I was making myself sick so that I could just lie in a bed and not have to worry about the outside world at all.
Anyway, I think doing active imagination with that bag of rocks could be beneficial - like what do you feel like if you put the bag down? Are the rocks asking for anything? Do they want to be carried around or where would they like to live now, ...? Is carrying the rocks around a way of distracting yourself from people or a way to be in a reactive place where you ultimately push people away so you don't get hurt by them?
- If I put the bag down, I feel empty.
- I'm not really concerned about what the rocks want, I just want to get rid of them.
- The rocks would like to be back in the river, I think!
- I think the bag of rocks can be used as a weapon and also protection, maybe. It's also a distraction I think. They're slowing me down bigtime.
Thanks for your thoughtful posts, very interesting and educational!!
- That's good Cate, haha!
- I love a bit of flattery Alexis!
I'm still not feeling fantastic, I have to say. I'm very out of sorts this evening. I feel really hot and overtired and my brain kind of feels stretched. I've had two bad night's sleep in a row and I'm feeling the effects. I really, really, really want to drink wine tonight but I have a big tennis match tomorrow that is more important to me, so
I did not buy any! I'm already worried about tomorrow night, but I'll deal with that tomorrow night I guess. I'm actually getting a new housemate tomorrow, so it's all go. Let's hope we get on.
I don't really know what to do with myself for the evening. I got a new pair of sunglasses on my lunch break and got the grip of my racket sorted after work and got a new cap. The weather is beautiful today and meant to be the same tomorrow. The lift in people here when the sun comes out is amazing. Ireland is a stunning country in the sunshine.
I also bought a tennis top that is XL but looks so bad on me.
That depressed me a bit, I have to admit. But I have other more flattering stuff I can wear tomorrow. I just want to be able to wear all the cute tennis gear and I'm just too heavy right now! Yes, it is a first world problem and I don't care!! Haha.
I bought these little mini cans of fever-tree elderflower tonic to try to fool my brain that I am drinking alcohol. They're quite effective, and they're really small, so you can have a few and it doesn't do too much carnage calorie-wise. Sometimes I think to myself, Jesus Christ, I would not drink a 750 ml bottle of Coke every night, and yet I would happily drink that in wine. It's chronic. No wonder I've put on so much weight.
I've spent a bit of my evening fantasising about a guy in the tennis club. He's not available, and he's not even that young or hot or anything (although he is good-looking) but there's just something about him. He just seems like he knows what he's about, you know? I don't know what he works as, but in my head, he's a doctor. You know, that kind of a guy. Smart, direct, confident. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. NOT TO BE PURSUED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. But fantasies are okay. Haha. This is the kind of shit that I'm probably trying to keep in check with the wine. The bag of rocks = sexual frustration at this stage, I think.