2phat4fun- good going on the situps. Something I need to work on more. Night before last I did 15 min on treadmill then baby started to cry. Yesterday, did 30 min worth of pilates and 25 on treadmill before baby cried...again. Today, did 30 min worth of step circut training. Hope for a least 30 on the treadmill...before the baby cries...again. Will update later.
2phat4fun~ It's good thatyou are learning how to work your soninto your workouts. Cause if we don't learn then we make excuses for not exercising and the pounds strat adding up. Now, I don't know how much your son wieghs but you should try doing pushups with him on your back or lift him up with both arms like weights I know it sounds silly bu they say to even lift your milk cartoons as weights.