Weight-Loss Coffee

1 can a day of anything probably isnt too bad actually, even beer or regular coke. The fact it is Diet Coke makes it that much better. I know fitness "Nazis" who would consider it chemical poison invading the pristine temple of your body, but in my mind you could do much worse than drink a diet coke a day. I would say go for it.


I think you or someone else hit the nail on the head though with a comment awhile back.

I drink 1 diet coke and then I get hungry quickly and then decide to eat something else I shouldnt and blah blah blah

Ugh...I am glad I am down to just 1 Diet Coke. Used to drink 5-6 a DAY after Katrina hit and my stress level was through the roof/
Dont use it as a meal replacement

I think you or someone else hit the nail on the head though with a comment awhile back.

I drink 1 diet coke and then I get hungry quickly and then decide to eat something else I shouldnt and blah blah blah

Ugh...I am glad I am down to just 1 Diet Coke. Used to drink 5-6 a DAY after Katrina hit and my stress level was through the roof/

I never thought of it triggering hunger, but I suppose that is a distinct possibility. I would never reccomend using it as a snack or meal, as that simply wouldnt work. If it triggers hunger, I would avoid it. For myself I might buy a can once a week to have with my meal as a change of pace, but not more than that. Maybe thats why I never had the hunger sensations afterwards.

5 or 6 a day..... Reminds me of MANY people I know who have literally been addicted to diet coke. I am not kidding at all. Skinny as stick people who would consider a can of diet coke a meal, then when they got hungry they would drink another can......

Vicious circle. Amazing to think that Diet Coke could be as addictive as cigarettes or heroin....

Anyone else here known of any of those Diet Coke junkies? I have known half a dozen so far....

My daughter's class did a science experiment. They put 1 can of regular coke and 1 can of diet coke in a tank of water, and held them down. When they let go, the diet coke rose to the surface, and the regular coke sat on the bottom. The teacher had them compare the ingredients in the regular and diet. They concluded it was the corn syrup in regular coke that weighed heavier than water.
Vicious circle. Amazing to think that Diet Coke could be as addictive as cigarettes or heroin....

Anyone else here known of any of those Diet Coke junkies? I have known half a dozen so far....

It not only was a must for me....but I would become a little more edgy without it.

It really does relax me to a point.

Weird. I never have done drugs either :eek:
Anyone else here known of any of those Diet Coke junkies? I have known half a dozen so far....

My partner used to be addicted to Diet Coke. She was obsessed with it, and it drove me mad that she couldn't even manage to go a day without it. She stopped drinking it completely a few years ago, and now she can't even drink one can without feeling sick and breaking out in spots.
HA...I have used a can of coke to clean off my car battery, worked like a charm...dang thing gave out on me in a parking lot of a shopping center in HAwaii...I didnt know a soul and didnt even know where I was all that well...the only thing I could remember was my dad telling me to use coke on the battery if the connection was the problem...sure enough it cleaned of the battery and started up :)

I dont drink soda's...only water, a can of V8 a day and skim milk...it was hard at first...but it has honestly helped me in soooo many ways.
I don't like coke...

But here goes a tip for coke lovers:
If you are going to drink it do it with a chaff because coke's acid melt your teeth, same thing for orange juice and other drinks...
Also don't brush your teeth after drinking coke, you'll make it worse... Wait some time so your saliva can tampon your mouth pH.

Coffee...Bad for weight loss?

Coffee. The nectar of the gods.

Go Juice.
Morning Thunder.

No matter how you spell it, it has a constant in my life. I spell it


Is this bad for my during my weight loss???

I was expecting only to kill one of my vices at a time.

First weight, then smoking, then coffee.

Any advice?
20 cups of coffee a day = bad for anyone..
2 cups of coffee a day won't interfere with anything - just remember that cream and sugar do have calories and even lattes made with skim milk to have calories so as long as you factor it into your day, you're fine.
I don't quite have 20 cups a day, but I do drink about one pot a day. Two 16 oz cups in the morning, and 2 in the afternoon. That would be about 8 cups a day. Especially since I am not getting alot of energy from my food now, it's nice to have that afternoon kick.
Well, I dont know about coffee- I dont like it much

Food is energy, shouldn't you be getting your energy from it? I hate to sound like a mom, but are you eating enough? Have to taken a look at how many calories your body needs daily? If you are taking in enough protein, and doing the 3 mi daily, it seems to me that you should be able to feel great without coffee- but I dont know if needing the coffee makes you feel differently about it.
I hear you re: A D D I C T I O N

I used to drink many cups a day, and when I say cups I mean 10 - 12 oz bladderbusters. It used to go: 3 - 4 cups in the morning, 1 on the way to work, one at morning break and another before lunch. One at lunch, one at afternoon break, one for the road home, another to unwind and usually one after dinner.

If you were keeping score at home that's upwards of 120 ounces of coffee per day! At 90 milligrams of caffein per 8 ounces thats a whopping 1350 mg. of caffein each and every day. Weekends I drank more!

My Doctor once told me that it was pharmacological doses.

Not very healthy. So now I am down to maybe 3 or 4 cups of coffee a week. I have switched to about three cups of green tea in the morning and then just clear water at all other times. Tea as prepared has about 1/3 the caffein as Coffee (as prepared). You will often hear people say that tea has more caffein than coffee. That is true by weight, but not when you prepare it as a drink. The amount of tea in a teabag weighs way less than the tablespoon or two of coffee required to brew an equal volume of coffee.

So, does it help in weight loss? Apart from the health considerations the coffee was useful in that it satisfied my desire to ingest something, without loading up on calories. I enjoy it and while at this time I am working to rid myself of it, I hope eventually to add it back in moderation. Historically I don't do so good with moderation... but I'm all about moderation now and for the future.

David C
Currently I drink 64 ounces of coffee a day(4 16 ounce cups). But not just coffee...I mean COFFEE. I like it black as night and strong enough to raise the dead. I will just have to see how my weight loss goes with the coffee, and then make adjustments here and there. I have been drinking green tea too. I bought those Crystal Light packages that you mix in to bottles of water, and I have been drinking somewhere near 160 ounces of water a day. Lets just say that the bathroom is occupied near all the time here and at work. I just started the water intake, and I am trying to flush my system as fast as I can.

My history with moderation is iffy at best as well. I tell you though, I am learning how to moderate everyday.
Coffee is fine in moderation, as already suggested. Coffee has been shown to lower chances of attaining certain disease, So it can be beneficial. I would not, however recommend more then 300-350MG of caffeine a day to most people. The most serious "side effects" that I'm aware of (or at least can recall at this time) are that its been correlated with increased instances of bone fractures(due to its negative impact on calcium's absorption and can lower irons absorption.

Just stick to no more then 300-350mg of caffeine a day and you'll be fine.

Of course there is alot more to it then just that, though.
Coffee is fine in moderation, as already suggested. Coffee has been shown to lower chances of attaining certain disease, So it can be beneficial. I would not, however recommend more then 300-350MG of caffeine a day to most people. The most serious "side effects" that I'm aware of (or at least can recall at this time) are that its been correlated with increased instances of bone fractures(due to its negative impact on calcium's absorption and can lower irons absorption.

Just stick to no more then 300-350mg of caffeine a day and you'll be fine.

Of course there is alot more to it then just that, though.

What about the dehydration effects of caffeine? Could this slowly lead to intake of more drinks that would hinder a weight loss program? I guess the obvious answer would be as long as the dehydration is satisfied with water it should be ok.

I guess that's a matter of being disciplined with what we are eating / drinking.

Colas used to be my achilles heal. Cutting those out made a huge difference for me but I had to replace the caffeine in the morning so I switched to black coffee. Didn't want the creamers or sugar.
You won't become dyhydranated off of 350Mg or less. Do ensure as always your liquid intake is high, though. Here are a few of studies on coffee and weight loss yall might enjoy.

Conclusion: Increases in caffeine intake may lead to a small reduction in long-term weight gain.
Changes in caffeine intake and long-term weight change in men and women1,2,3
Esther Lopez-Garcia, Rob M van Dam, Swapnil Rajpathak, Walter C Willett, JoAnn E Manson and Frank B Hu
In conclusion caffeine/coffee stimulates the metabolic rate in both control and obese individuals; however, this is accompanied by greater oxidation of fat in normal weight subjects.
Caffeine and coffee: their influence on metabolic rate and substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals
KJ Acheson, B Zahorska-Markiewicz, P Pittet, K Anantharaman and E Jequier
Although a 6-mg x kg(-1) dose of caffeine significantly increased REE during exercise, the observed increase (approximately 0.23 kcal x min(-1)) would not noticeably affect weight loss.
Ahrens JN, Crixell SH, Lloyd LK, Walker JL.
Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Texas State University-San Marcos, 78666, USA.
High caffeine consumers reduced weight, fat mass, and waist circumference more than low caffeine consumers; resting energy expenditure was reduced less and respiratory quotient was reduced more during weight loss (p < 0.01).
Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Lejeune MP, Kovacs EM.
Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, PO Box 616, NL-6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. m.westerterp@hb.unimaas.nl.
I love coffee too, but I don't drink it quite to that extent. I'd try supplementing all that coffee with water, because that is what your body really needs. One or 2 cups a day will not kill you though, so maybe try one week of 3 cups, and on the second week go down to 2 cups, and then on the third week 1 cup a day - and stick to one cup. The caffeine in the coffee is really what your body doesn't need. Coffee also acts as an appetite suppressant, which isn't great if you are trying to eat healthy and maintain a balanced diet.
Well, I dont know about coffee- I dont like it much

Food is energy, shouldn't you be getting your energy from it? I hate to sound like a mom, but are you eating enough? Have to taken a look at how many calories your body needs daily? If you are taking in enough protein, and doing the 3 mi daily, it seems to me that you should be able to feel great without coffee- but I dont know if needing the coffee makes you feel differently about it.

The thing about coffee is that those who drink it become used to it. It gets to the point where you NEED to drink coffee just to feel like you used to before you started drinking it. You need it just to maintain the energy level you used to have when you didn't drink it. You can quit it all together and go through a week or so of feeling dead with no energy but you'll eventually start feeling normal without it. Once you start feeling normal without it, it'll start giving you the huge boosts of energy it used to before you became used to it. Keep it up though and you'll just be right back where you started and feel miserable without it.
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I like coffee

I drink 4 - 6 cups in the morning. I am not ready to eat. I have acquired the taste and the low fat milk warmed keeps me satisfied. I have arthritis so the caffeine helps relieve the stiffness when getting 'round.

All things in moderation is a great old saying me thinks. :) Kathy