Weight-Loss Coffee

i would pick water over anything these days. After i quit drinking it about 10 months ago, i sipped it the other day and it was WAY too sweet...never again
Coffee is the beverage of the gods.

Can't imagine giving up my coffee. Especially as I discovered I can use whey protein powder as a creamer. :)

Data points,

Definitly water im quiting soda for good.

I gave up regular soda two years ago, and now if I even have a sip, I'm disgusted. I never realized how sweet it is. Even diet soda, doesn't taste as good as it used to to me. My drinks are tea, coffee and water. Everything else tastes like High Fructose Corn Syrup to me. :smilielol5:

Myth No. 4: Coffee can help you lose weight.
The Theory: The caffeine in coffee acts as an appetite suppressant and a metabolism booster.

The Reality: While coffee may temporarily squelch your appetite, drinking a couple of cups a day won’t have enough of an effect to help you lose weight. Besides, pouring too much coffee into your system — drinking, say, four to seven cups a day — may lead to anxiety, sleeplessness, and an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

The Best Advice: Enjoy a cup or two of coffee (or tea) every day, if you please. Just be sure that if you add anything to the brew — like cream, sugar, or cocoa powder — you take those calories into account. For example, a 16-ounce Starbucks café mocha can contain a whopping 330 calories (60 more than some chocolate bars). What’s more, those calories might not make you feel as full as the same number of calories eaten in solid form.

Another coffee concern: sleep disruption, which new evidence reveals is linked to weight control. “Every time people feel tired, they think, I have to have a latte,” says Liz Applegate, Ph.D., director of sports nutrition at the University of California, Davis. “They become addicted to caffeine on a higher level, and it takes four to six hours to clear out of the system. Sleep is not as good, and you’re tired the next day.” And probably hungrier, too. At least two studies have shown that when people are sleep-deprived, they produce more of the hormone ghrelin, an appetite stimulant, and less leptin, an appetite suppressant. Not to mention that your resistance to the doughnut’s siren song is a whole lot lower when you’re pooped.
coffee makes us fat

sounds wierd i know but it is true. It is the caffeine. Not the sugar or cream but the caffeine same is true for soft drinks. And we know that artificial sweeteners will kill ya. Aspartaime turns to formaldehyde at 85 degrees well that means you are pickling your body when you drink that. African Red Bush Tea is the healthyest plant known to man with more antioxidants than even green tea and naturally without caffeine because it is an herb not a real tea.. You can get it many places I get mine at Starbucks for bout $5 a box of 24 teabags. Try it and be healthy.:party::gnorsi::gnorsi::gnorsi::gnorsi::gnorsi::party:
coffee makes us fat
sounds wierd i know but it is true. It is the caffeine. Not the sugar or cream but the caffeine same is true for soft drinks.
I would love to hear an explanation on how you figure this?
Coffee is a good stimulant. Just not too much cream or sugar will do.

Coffee work on me and I lose weight. But sure no milk and no sugar. So BLACK COFFEE only.
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...sounds wierd i know but it is true. It is the caffeine. Not the sugar or cream but the caffeine same is true for soft drinks. And we know that artificial sweeteners will kill ya. Aspartaime turns to formaldehyde at 85 degrees well that means you are pickling your body when you drink that.....


