Club 190s

hi folks,

new to the forum but a definate member of this club, 193 at the moment (weigh in day is thursdays) so hoping to only be here a short time, hopeing to hit 180's in a week, fingers crossed!
Well I was hoping to be out of this joint by today!!! Today I weighed myself at the gym and i'm at 191.. at least I lost but I do have to admit, I was a bit disappointed. I think this next week I will be cutting back on my coffee! Oh how I love it though!! I usually put 3 creamers and splenda in it. I also just started the c25k. I downloaded the app last night and hit the gym with it this morning. It was alot easier than I thought it would be. Is anyone doing that.. if so, what pace are you going whn its time to run?
I have done it before and I remember running at 5.3. If that helps. lol. I am positive there is a thread about the c25K somewhere on this forum. :)

Did you download the podrunner to go with it!? That's what I liked.
I have done it before and I remember running at 5.3. If that helps. lol. I am positive there is a thread about the c25K somewhere on this forum. :)

Did you download the podrunner to go with it!? That's what I liked.

No, what is that? I just used my own music. I need some more music to work out to that will keep me pumped!:hurray:
It's really neat, tells you when to run and walk.

Go to, click on podrunner intervals, and the whole program is under "First to 5K". Also, check out because they have some other cool information on there. :)
You hide the scale too!??! I thought I was the only one... Sometimes, after I weigh in I will put it under the seat in the car. For some reason I never have the motivation to bring it back in the house and it works great. Also, I will have my wife hide it so there is no way of me 'cheating'

While my weight FINALLY started going down again, it is doing so very slowly. When I was above 200 I was losing 2-4 pounds per week... I've worked my butt off this week and will be happy with 1-2. As long as it is going down I will be happy, plateaus SUCK. I'm hoping for 196 tomorrow (my weigh-in day). I will keep you guys updated :)
You hide the scale too!??! I thought I was the only one... Sometimes, after I weigh in I will put it under the seat in the car. For some reason I never have the motivation to bring it back in the house and it works great. Also, I will have my wife hide it so there is no way of me 'cheating'

While my weight FINALLY started going down again, it is doing so very slowly. When I was above 200 I was losing 2-4 pounds per week... I've worked my butt off this week and will be happy with 1-2. As long as it is going down I will be happy, plateaus SUCK. I'm hoping for 196 tomorrow (my weigh-in day). I will keep you guys updated :)

Under the car seat?? Hahaha I might bust it out on a red light! I have it in my kitchen right now.. I will move it though. In the past I used to weight myself every morning at 4am. It was not good. Although I am happy to be out of the 190"s and hopefully trending downwards. I will be happy with lbs a week. I dont want to see a stand still or a gain!!! Eeeek!! Id die. Congrats on your loss. This forum is amazing. Lovve it.
Hi everyone - any new [lower] numbers this week!??! I just weighed in and FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY broke my plateau... I lost 5 pounds!

New weight: 193.6 :)
Awsome job DW. keep it up.

I weighed in myself this morning and I was at 194. I think I got myself back on track from last week. Will find out for sure come next week.
oh weigh in day for me tomoro(thursday)....193 last thursday...really hoping to be out of this group this week...going to head to the gym this afternoon and have good workout hopefully....every little bit counts!
=] sooo i was gone a month... and the last time i posted here i was 193.5
but now im.... 186ish!!!!
sooo i will say goodbye to everyone here for now^^
hope to see you in the 180s clubs sooon =D
Well by the looks of things, I think I may be the only one left here.

Still sitting at 190. I was hoping to be out of here by this week. Well I guess maybe this will be my week to move up.
I am finally out of here. Weighed in at 187 this morning. Hope to see you all in the 180s soon.