Club 190s

Michelle, yay your in the 180's! Hope to join you soon..
New member in the club.

New member in the club.

I broke 200 this morning when I weighed myself at 199. I'm Hoping the scale wasn't lying to me. (insert preying smiley here)

he he.....
I'm lonely in the 180's Club..LOL..

Y'all hurry up and join me! :D

You guys are doing great - keep it up and you'll be in the 180's VERY soon!


- Stacy
Hello All! I am new to this club as of March 1st. I weighed in at 198.4, WHOOHOOO. Hopefully I will be in the 180s club for April :)

What kind of exercise / diet plans are you guys on!?

I'm counting calories (I eat around 1630 / day), run 3 x per week (training for a 5k in April) and lift 2 x week. Once I get to the 180s and after my race I will probably start to do more lifting and a little less cardio.

And yes, Gator - you can ABSOLUTELY get into this club. I started at 235 at the beginning of the year. Getting under 200 was my first major goal.
it's been pretty quiet around the club lately. Where is everybody at?

Weighed in at 194 this morning. Looks like I may be moving on within the next week or two at this rate.
wow greyghost, that is awesome. I usually weigh in on Monday mornings but decided to push it back to Tuesday this week. I was out of town this weekend, and while I didn't eat badly I was very much off schedule. I wanted to give my body a day to 'recover' before stepping on the scale. I am really hoping for 196.4 (minus 2 pounds). After a nice healthy day today, lots of H2O, and a long workout tonight I think it's definitely possible.

I'll keep you guys posted :)
So I finally got the guts to weight myself yesterday at the gym. Get me out of this club!!!! So im at 193. Im commited to weighing myself once a week now. The weekends are the hardest for me with little structure but I will be going to the gym today after work.
Well I had a small set back this last week but no fear I will recover. To find out what I did, you'll have to read my diary to see what I shouldn't of done, cause I am not going to re type that long thing again. he he.

Anyways I ended up back up to 196. But like I said no fear I'm back in action again.
wow greyghost, that is awesome. I usually weigh in on Monday mornings but decided to push it back to Tuesday this week. I was out of town this weekend, and while I didn't eat badly I was very much off schedule. I wanted to give my body a day to 'recover' before stepping on the scale. I am really hoping for 196.4 (minus 2 pounds). After a nice healthy day today, lots of H2O, and a long workout tonight I think it's definitely possible.

I'll keep you guys posted :)

It's Tuesday, what do you weigh?! :D lol
Im so anxious to be out and headed to the 180's.. I have no patience. I had a great workout last night! Trying to stay off the scale :(
Hey everyone, havent updated here for a of today I"m 195. I wont be weighing myself till this Saturday so hopefully I have a smaller number by then. Goodluck everyone!