Club 190s


In at 199 so I guess I'm here all alone. Should probably be in the 200 club but I'm feeling optimistic.

Your not alone im here with you:)
I'm here too! :) I started last week (04/16) around 199 (depending on the scale, but go with 199 for my official) and I refuse to weigh myself for a month because I find it really discouraging to do it regularly. So I'll be hangin around here for awhile with you!

I'll probably be here forever :D

Sitting at 198lbs this morning, trying to maintain between 195-200lbs, although this may have to increase now Im hitting the weights a bit harder!!

Hope everyone is doing well on there journey, good luck to you all :seeya:
I made it out of the 190s, down to 187 - I'll be in the 180s thread for now.

Good luck to everyone and hope to see you there soon :)
I'm starting here at 195.8 because it took me so long to figure out how to find this 190's group after leaving the 200 group. Ugh! So many people zipping out of here. Its a great Motivation. I hope I'm only in here for 3 weeks. I can't believe how motivating this site is. Just knowing that you have to be accountable somewhere. Good luck everyone!
May 18 - 195.1 I think ...Acutally I'm sure I've seen the last of 200lbs. I never want to see that again!!! WHeew..over the hump for real now. Its a great feeling!
May 20th 194 (Am I the only one here???)
May 21 193.3 Still alone?
May 22 192.7
May 23 192
may 24 191.6
June 1 188 - on holidays...yippee!! And lost weight!!
Good luck everyone!
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I'm new to the forum, and new to the 190's club!
I was on bedrest for 5 months, yes 5, you read it right!, last year with my daughter. I ballooned up to 220 lbs with the help of not being able to move and progesterone shots. My daughter is 15 months old now and I am still carrying the weight but I am 198 now due to 3 weeks of diet and exercise. I was stuck at 209 lbs for the last few months. I kicked it into gear and here I am in the 190's!

My weight is a combination of a busy life and bad choices. Instead of dinner at 5 I would eat a bag of Snyder's cheesey pretzels then go home at 7 and eat pizza. Not good. I feel like I have gotten over a huge hump these last 3 weeks with eating.

I would like to weigh 120 lbs. I am 5'3. Right now I wear a 14/16. I want to fit into my old 4/6!
I'm starting off in the 190's club! Even at 5'10" I am still overweight, and I feel it too! I'd like to be in the 160s club, see how it feels, and decide then whether that is the place for me :D Long way to go, but I know that I can do it! (AND YOU CAN TOO!!!)
I would like to weigh 120 lbs. I am 5'3. Right now I wear a 14/16. I want to fit into my old 4/6!

I, too, am in 14s. Ive gained weight so dreadfully fast that I practically skipped over 12s from my original 10s! AHH!! I suppose thats what not budging from the computer chair for a year (literally.. I woke up, got online, stayed online until I got sleepy again) and eating nothing but microwavable crap does to you.

I am simply aiming to be in a single digit jean size, 7 would be nice but that's quite a ways away :p
Hey everyone!

I'm very new to this site, it actually started with me just creeping it! I think it's a great idea to have this site set up with small goals...all you have to keep thinking is 10 more pounds...10more pounds! What a great way to think about it! I've tried to set small goals for myself, and it has never worked out! I think having people to talk to about it with , and seeing people doing it is the best thing I could ask for!

I'm recently 25 years old, I'm a female, and I'm 203lbs.

I can't wait to join this group!!! hopefully I'll talk to all of you soon!:leaving:
Hello everyone! (or anyone) I just discovered this club tonight and if the Force is with me, this may just be the only post I ever make here! (191.8)
Congrats to everyone on their weight loss! :party:
I've been in this club for freaking forever and am finally ready to get out. I weigh every Wed morning and am at 193. Hopefully I should be out in the next two weeks-ish.
So, last week had a huge loss (about 3lbs). This week? Smallest freaking ever. I went from 193.8 to 193.6. Hopefully this won't continue, or I will be in the club forever basically. Oh well. I guess its better than gaining. Though, .2 could really be any factor. A loss is a loss though. Eating was pretty good this week except for last weekend where I can distinctly remember bad decisions. 1) we ate at panera twice this weekend and I at all the food I was given even though I wasn't hungry and 2) my roommate and I had fullfat ice cream after both of the races this weekend. Could've done the trick...Hopefully, I will be out of here in the 2-3 (TOM is coming :( ) weeks. Gah! We can do it, that is, if there's anyone else still here besides myself.
So today was weigh in and even though I ate pretty crappy, I am down almost 2 lbs. I hit 191.8. I'm pretty excited because I haven't been this low in a while. Plus, I only have six pounds left to lose in six weeks to meet my initial goal, which will be sick. Very excited to be out of the 190's, as I have kind of sitting here for a while. Super pumped. Hopefully will be peacing out in two weeks.:sifone:
Only one, as of now, here. But am posting to checkin. Will not be weighing this week, as will be out of town racing. Last weigh in I was 191.8 so hopefully by next weigh-in will be out of the 190 club for the first time in ages. Need to persevere.
Ha, yeah, I feel you on that one. Good luck! You can do it and we will soon be out of here and on to better clubs. :)
So weighed today. Unfortunately, I'm still stuck here. 191.4. Really is this going to come off in .5 lb incremements? I mean, its better then nothing but that is annoying. Anywho, am still closer and will hopefully break into the 180's next Wed.
I weigh 194lbs approx. I guess I belong here, and cant wait to leave this club :p Aim to be in the 170 or 180's in a years time or even less
A week of poor choices has led up to this. I expected to see a higher number in the this week column; however, gaining is still gianing. So now since I haven't lost or maintained, my snacking priveleges are revoked until I either hit 191.4 or get below it on a weigh in day. I was trying to avoid this since I won't be weighing officially until August 12, what with being in Canada and all. I have decided I will not include coffee in the snacking category, as I am driving 18 hours straight this week and well, some things are needed for safety. Anyways, could have been worse but I never like to see the scale go up. Even if its only .4 lbs. Anywho, hopefully by the twelth I'll be out of here, seeing as I had intended to be 185 by August 22 but I guess things don't always work as you plan them.