Club 190s

I'm 198. I hope you guys don't mind if I post here. I dropped from 205 but I always seem to have troubles with losing weight -- its a losing struggle that I want to change now.

The problem is unlike a drug habit one cannot under any normal circumstances stop eating. It must be controlled.. I've started to learn that. I still eat bad stuff but in far far fewer quantities. Girlscout cookies.. I normally demolished a full tube of thinmints in one sitting. now i limit myself to 3-4 cookies every few days.

Im also re-re-re-re-starting today. Luckily have not gained anything over the weekend bcoz I wa s being bad:angelsad2: but IM BACK ON THE WAGON. Hopefully will be out of this club and joining club 180 next week!! So I will need you guys to be tough on me! I am depending on you club 190, I want us all in club 180 before the end of this month!!
Hey, Mind if I join? :waving:

I weighed today and if I have my numbers correct (88kilos) I am 193.6 pounds. So will be in the 190's club for a little while.
Wow its so nice to see people in the same boat I am in ... I find other diarys of the skinny people (like 110-140's or so) and i feel out of place ..and although im so excited for them its nice to know im not alone.

So started at 197 a couple weeks ago and as of this morn im 193.8. Congrats on everyone getting out of the 200's and good luck to get out of the 190's :)
Woot! Officially in this club now! Hello to everyone in here with me and let's all move on to the 180's club soon. ^_^
Hey Mizzie, I'm around too :D Nice to be out of the 200s! Don't want to EVER be back up there!

Like you I have a mini-target date of the 11th May - lost 14lbs so far in the last few months and hoping to make it 21lbs by May.
Hey hey hey everyone! Lets get this 190s club rattling! Where is everybody?!?!

I am sitting at 197 now steadily but must be getting ready to whooosh some lbs off as I am eating 1200 cals a day, cheating/having bad days less and less and less now and running 3km 3-4 times a week with other exercise in between. ITs got to happen sometime!
Right. I think I am going to single-handedly revive this thread!! There must be some 190s out there somewhere! Mind you, considering the club 200s covers a whole 100lb and this one is only for a 10lb range, maybe not.... Them people in the 200s will just have to get a move on losing enough to join me here!

However, I am finding the 190s a really really hard patch of weight to shift. I tumbled through the 230s, 220s, 210s and 200s, but am really having to fight for every lb loss in the 190s. Interestingly, my body is changing shape MORE than the lbs are coming off. I've noticed clothes getting looser and my rear is definitely smaller and more toned (w00t!) - I put this down to the amount of running that I am doing in that my muscles are changing but who knows?!

Now sitting at 196 quite constantly (197.s in the day, 196 first thing in the morning - I know I shouldn't weigh myself that much but I'm just curious as to how the human body can go up and down by lbs in a day!!). Slowly but surely I'm creeping my way downwards although getting under 195 will be quite a big barrier for me. This is the lowest I got in 2008/09 when I had a major weight loss effort (from 238 to 195) so getting below that will be the official start of PHASE 2!
I'll join you jjay in the 190's club, but I must warn you...... I don't plan on staying here long. I started on this forum in November of 2009 at 198. I lost 15lbs and got down to 183.5. I had surgery last month and crept back up to 195.8. I joined WW last week and I have lose 1.6lbs. So I am now 194.2. My goal weight is 145 and I'm fighting everyday to make it.

hey Mrskt20!
Well, whilst I'll welcome any company I can get, I also hope you get back into the 180s soon too! Hope the recovery from surgery is going well.

I weighed 196 this evenign, which is a couple of lbs lighter than usual, so hopefully tomorrow morning will bring a lower weight figure (I'm just dying to change that ticker to under 196!). I wore a work top today that I've never fitted into - and it wasn't even THAT tight...just nicely snug so I am currently feeling like everything is well worth the effort @D
I'm doing the 194-dance!
I'm wriggling my 194-ass!
As much as this 190s club is happenign and fun to be in, with everyone posting all the time!! (hehehe) I'm not planning to be here for long!!
Well, I'm officially out of this club. I wasn't here long and didn't really post at all... sorry! See you all in the 180s soon!
Hopefully I can have your seat when you leave Jjjay!

Good luck on the 3 lbs!