Club 190s

So I checked my weight this morning and it came up 189.6 then I checked like four more times because I could not believe it but it kept coming up 189.6,189.6,189.6. Of course, I'm excited but still very skeptical. This is over a two pound fluctuation/difference in a day. Weird. I'm very happy, as I haven't seen those numbers in a minute; however, its not official until uber weigh day Wednesday, which will be in two weeks, as I'll be in Canada this Wednesday. My snack priveleges are still revoked though until I'm below 191.4 on a weigh day. Hopefully, if this isn't just a fluke I will be 187 at the next weigh in....or atleast under 190. That is the goal.
Yay! 187 I'm out of ze club. Peace!
Hoping to be in this club by next weekend at the very latest! But I am due on 'my time of the month' this weekend so unfortunately I am all full of water weight at the moment.

I can't wait to be out of the 200's and into the 190's! It sounds a million times better to say to my doctors. :)
I can now proudly say I'm under 200 and in this club! Weighed myself on the scale today at 199.5 . I started at 242. So about 42 lbs lost!
Hi all... looks like this is the place for me!!

Hoping not to stay too long though :D (no offense!)

Any other 190-somethings around? x
I'm currently more than halfway out of this club. I really want to be below 190 in the next 2 weeks if not by the end of this month.
I've been in this club for what seems like forever to me (I'll ask my weight loss coach when I see him today). I'm currently 192, and was trying real hard to break the 180s this week. I don't know if I did it or not though :( My scale says 190 for the last two days, and I think I'm retaining as Aunt Flo will be visiting over the next few days :D So maybe I'll be outta here next week!! Good luck everyone!!
Started my period today dang it, hopefully I won't be weighing heavier and I can at least maintain where I'm at. We're so close!
198 also... and also aiming for about a 50 pound loss. Just lookin' for that 8 pound loss to get kicked out of this club! :wink:
Hey guys!

I'm Hana, hope you don't mind if I post in here :p

I've just dropped 6.5lbs in the last 1 and a half so I'm now 195.5lbs and can join the 190's club! (Seemed silly joining the 200 club when I was only 2lbs over and would probably be moving to this one soon!)

Not sure how much I'm aiming to lose but I think I'll be going through a few more of this clubs before I'm happy and healthy!

Anyway, that's me :)
I was doing the low carb thing for a while and let it go, I've since gained back about 7 of the lbs I'd lost so forget that whole mess. Just gotta stick to eating healthy and making myself work out. Gotta stop looking for something thats gonna have quick big results and just be steady.
I'm 198. I hope you guys don't mind if I post here. I dropped from 205 but I always seem to have troubles with losing weight -- its a losing struggle that I want to change now.
Hey gelatinous - don't be sorry and welcome to the 190s! Congrats on losing that 7 lbs! Be proud of it because it takes a lot of work!