Club 190s

I can officially join this club now!! I hit 198 this morning and im ecstatic!!!!!! Ive been good for the last week so I'm glad its finally paying off..I havent seen the 100's in a while..I'm glad to be here!
whoooh yay angelica =D
and michelley!!!

hehe premed i like what you said about
this being a special club!

D: i gained a couple of pounds... and i was
sooo upset... i didnt realize it was TOM...
im sooo used to the horrible PMSing...
moodiness and cramps... but i was fine
and surprised... soo now the gain makes sense
i just cant wait to get rid of it >=D hehe
Welcome to the club Angelica! :hurray:

And AngelicaHope I totally feel ya. I'm up 3 freaking lbs thanks to TOM so don't feel bad. We both know that they will be gone in a lil bit. I'm gonna cut way down on my sodium because during this time my freaking body holds on to all water weight and I know sodium just makes it worse...oh boo

Good luck everyone!
i am just really happy though... its sooooo weird... i am really used to being like moody and angry and sad and on the verge of crying and feeling killer cramps... but this time its completely different im soooo happy and no cramps =D

and you know last month this time i had just started my lifestyle change... sooo i feel like its the change in my eating habits and exercising most days that has changed my disposition during TOM. does that make sense?!
I totally agree. It's the same with me too. I did have some cramping, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. I've been forcing myself to still go to the gym even though I always have no energy during "TOM" and I'm finding that after I workout my cramps feel better. Well what-do-ya-know, diet and exercise is a cure for PMSing! The medical books were right! lol

I guess I was always to lazy to believe it
lol my life is hilarious... today i have been sick... running a temperature anywhere from 99.0 to 100.5 ... not fun... and its spiked back up into the 100s again -_-" on top of having my period..... hehe and my weigh in is tomorrow D: and i forced myself not to workout today... hoping that would help... but my temp is just not budging =T anyways... i am happy to report... that i am right at 198.5 atm... sooo i didnt manage to eat reasonable well^^ i forced myself to eat in fear of slowing down my metabolism xD

i hope everyone else is well =P just felt like raging for a moment... =P
premed! you really should think about creating a diary... i went to post in yours... and to my surprise you dont have one!!! xD lol =P
I hope you feel better! Make sure to drink loads of fluids so you don't dehydrate yourself and take some acetaminophen, or ibprofen to keep you're fever down. ...sorry couldn't help myself, it's the med student in me lol

oh and yeah I need to get around to making a diary. I might work on that tonight since I can't sleep
ohhh right we are in the same timezone... i think i was waiting around for my boyfriend to call... but i have a feeling he is asleep xD haha totally right about the fluids i just took an acetominophen ... im going to get me some V8 now!
I'm tip-toeing around the 190 mark. lol. My body likes to tease me like that. I'm not sure what this next weigh in (tuesday) will bring me. I had Chinese last night.. I hear there's a lot of hidden salt in those dishes? I'm not sure how it works in regards to water weight but you would think sodium would hold onto more water.... Anyways, we'll see what happens next week!

Awesome job to the rest of you! :D
The scale was fluctuating between 196.5 to 198 but they were mostly around 197 so I'll take it! I love seeing the numbers drop and hard work paying off.
hehe you know what i love?!? being able to eat something and step on the scale and it not fluctuate over 200 >=D beautiful!
I am soooooooooo with you there! It is truly wonderful! Hopefully soon we'll be saying that about 190:coolgleamA:
I totally agree Angelica!! Yesterday I tried stepping on the scale with all my heavy clothes on that I was wearing while having a full stomach and the scale read 199!! I was more 200's for me!
-ninjas herself in-
I used to be down to 180, but now I'm back up to around 195. D,:
I get so mad at myself.
I wanna wear a bikini, dammit!
ahhh marshmellow! dont we all want that bikini?! i know i do!!!

michelley your leaving us now! good for you =P
soon enough though we will all be joining you in the 180s club!!!