Cate's Diary

Yes I can definitely see the sweets/alcohol connection with me. The amount of wine I need to have an effect is so small at this point that calorie-wise I would be better off with wine...but that changes quickly if I drink more often.
Moderation with everything, as you mention Cate, seems the way to go!
NIce too if you can find the healthy ways to deal with stress and get a buzz--definitely running for me!
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I'm in a bit of a hurry this morning as we're going to town. I decided we would go visit G's sister & G's buddy, A. He is really down & needs another back operation & can't play golf for a long while. G worries about him so much. They feel bad about not going to the nats with us as I had organised accom'n etc, but really I can't say but it makes it better for me in a way as now I don't have to worry about what I wear so much & G & I can now have the main bedroom with its ensuite & I & T can have the other bathroom. We also eat the same kind of food as I & T. M can be a bit prickly & wears lots of makeup etc, which is smelly. Not having her there was the catalyst for me to think I might play too as the other 3 will be off playing golf & I would be on my own, making my way to go on bus tours etc, without M.
I had better get moving....
I need to remember that for the next time I feel terrible about letting someone down :)

Back surgery can be such a win but repeated anything surgery is usually not a great sign. All the best to A though.
Thanks, Llama. Things often work out for the better, even when you think the worst. We haven't been home long (gone about 7 hours) but we feel it was a really successful day. A & M had felt bad about letting us down I did say that I might play instead as I really wouldn't want to go on bus trips without M, & thought I would use it as a push to play instead. They had been discussing that prospect before we got there apparently.
We visited G's sister, L first & stayed there for a couple of hours. She got a chance to run everything through with us & get stuff off her chest. Then we did some shopping (our microwave had died) & other bits & pieces & then sat outside a lovely cafe with Arch & had fish, chips & salad & a coffee. Everything at this cafe is gluten-free. I left half of my chips.
Our visit to A & M was lovely & I'm sure they won't feel bad about "letting us down" anymore. I'm sure we cheered him up a bit. G won't worry about him quite so much now.
They feel bad about not going to the nats with us as I had organised accom'n etc, but really I can't say but it makes it better for me in a way
That is good that it's not a big letdown or inconvenience for you and that it all works out. I'm sure that's a relief for them as well.
We visited G's sister, L first & stayed there for a couple of hours. She got a chance to run everything through with us & get stuff off her chest. Then we did some shopping (our microwave had died) & other bits & pieces & then sat outside a lovely cafe with Arch & had fish, chips & salad & a coffee
Sounds like a lovely day!
You're basically the forum's Dostoevsky
although quite a bit cheerier!
I'm half asleep this morning still. I hope I'm more cheerful than Dostoyevski! I wonder if I'll get a notification when I click over to 100. A telegram from the King? :ROFLMAO:
We were both really happy with our day & I have completed the paperwork & paid the difference so that I am now playing, instead of swanning about in a bus. I'm doing it!
I had such a good night's sleep last night & could go back to sleep right now (at 9.40 am). I'm going to have a lazy day at home. I didn't go in any shops yesterday & avoided toilets with smelly "deodorisers" so am feeling pretty good, just lazy & relaxed.
Great to hear you managed the stinkifiers and how exciting that you'll be playing!
I think a telegram from the forum king is the least you should get, may with a nice certificate or a framed version of page 1000 printed on parchment :p
It is exciting, Llama & just a little bit scary. I really don't know why I get scared of something that should just be fun & I'm going to try not to. I will have to get out to the course whenever I can & play more golf!
I think a telegram from the forum king is the least you should get, may with a nice certificate or a framed version of page 1000 printed on parchment :p
That's funny, Llama. I was thinking of one from Charlie! The mother of a friend of mine just got a letter from King Charlie for her 100th birthday. The sooner we are a republic the better. I have nothing against him or royalty personally, but it just feels like all sorts of wrong! I am not English.
I might have to come up with a forum term for those of us who have been around for a loooonggg time. Any suggestions?
I am 100% against the whole idea of inherited nobility. Inheriting immense wealth with boundless possibilities when others grow up hungry and having to fight constantly to have even a chance at a "normal" life is icky enough, but adding the idea that it's because your forebears were so noble (rather than more cruel, or happened to get a better chance at sucking up to whoever was the king at the time) is all kinds of wrong. But that's neither here nor there.

A name for long-time members... "Dinosaurs" is the first thing that springs to mind but it sounds wrong, even if they weren't all lumbering giants and they didn't all go extinct. Around here if you've been working somewhere for a long time you can say you're part of the furniture but that doesn't do justice to all you do here. And you're nowhere near confusing enough to be the forum Oracle. Forum aunt, maybe? You could be forum mom or grandma as well, but that has more of an age implication than auntie, I think. I could handle being an auntie if I stick around a little longer yet.
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Em.
I'm really glad I have decided to play!

I had a very lazy day yesterday but still slept well. I had a bigger lunch yesterday than I should have. I had made a toastie the other day for lunch while G was playing golf & thought I'd be smart & make 2 more for the next 2 times he plays. They are quite small as my GF bread is small, but I have them packed with goodness, including lots of spinach & some avocado & they're delicious. I ate one yesterday & made the mistake of grabbing the other & having it too. I was so full after that! That was greed. I should have had a piece of fruit instead.
I'm having a good day today. G & I are getting the house really clean & tidy as R & C & 4 kids are arriving tomorrow. We had 1 egg, a little bacon & 1/2 an avo on toast for BF & prawn gyozas on a big salad for lunch & will be having venison meatballs with veggies for dinner. Archie has had a good walk. It has been fairly warm.
Do the toasties keep in the fridge like that or can you freeze them with everything inside? It sounds super convenient to have them ready to grab, even if they can sometimes be tempting.
but I have them packed with goodness, including lots of spinach & some avocado & they're delicious. I ate one yesterday & made the mistake of grabbing the other & having it too. I was so full after that! That was greed. I should have had a piece of fruit instead.
I find it hard to stop eating delicious healthy food that I make as well. Those do sound good!
G & I are getting the house really clean & tidy as R & C & 4 kids are arriving tomorrow.
Wonderful. Always nice to get the motivation to do a good clean up session and I hope you have a wonderful time with the family!